General Discussion

General DiscussionReavalueantion of my last fourm.What is my best role?

Reavalueantion of my last fourm.What is my best role? in General Discussion

    So im putting this put there to reavaliate.i was in ateam last night i played semi-support i was kicked just now because they said i sucked at obviously something inst right so can u guts plz reavaulate? Thabks


      Lol, 2k tmmr team calls you shit and kicks you because of one bad game ... by all means, try to improve, but make sure you don't ever play with those guys again :D


        You suck at every role, and at the end of the day, to be GOOD in any role, you need to be decent in every other role. Just play a variety of heroes and criticise your own performance. Its just like doing practice exams, what went wrong, why, how can you make sure you won't repeat that mistake?

        Having knowledge of the strengths/weaknesses of heroes from every role is important when it comes to being a good player, you can't simply have knowledge of warding and expect to be a good support, a good support is aware of the strengths of various heroes and can quickly make decisions about engagements accurately, which comes from experience in both roles.

        If you play offlane for example, you'll pick up on things that the other team are doing which can really make your life difficult, and things which actually help you out. So now as a support, you know how to piss off that offlaner. Another example is if you have experience as a carry, same thing, when is it nice for your support to pull, when do they need to be harassing instead? All of this will make you a better support.

        Play the game a lot, pick competitive heroes as much as possible (quite a lot of heroes fit into this category, maybe 30-50, I don't know the 6.79 meta very well) and take in as much as you can each game. You'll find something that you prefer after a while, and thats when you can focus on developing yourself in that role.


          Well anyway this mean the 2 roles left are Semi-Carry and Offlaner i was already bad at main carry cus of my gpm i wasnt that great at hard support and it lloks like im not too hot with supporys so yeah


            did you read my post at all? Get good and get some PROPER experience before you pick a role. Playing games =/= experience, playing games + actually thinking about shit = good.


              Well yeah ik but im talking about as of this moment


                As Terrible said, there's no reason to pick a role if you're not a good player overall


                  Well that isnt very nice


                    What Sano says is right. You gotto experience DotA before picking a role. You'll never have a special role before you get into a team either. Just play any hero _that_ ur team needs and you'll get experience. gl


                      edit: Also keep in mind not every human is good at video games.


                        Well loke i said my team kicked me off


                          Your 1st hero is sniper
                          So your best role is useless ks'er

                          I myself find 1st/2nd/3rd roles better for me(i play lina as 2nd and wind as 3rd).People should not tell you what roles to play you should figure it out yourself.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Is this it? Is this all the feedback?


                              Yes, now go and l2p

                              bum farto

                                Vandis, lets take into account the heroes you play.

                                Most of your top heroes require very little skill (aside from tinker) to play and simply require decent positioning and the ability to farm well to be effective. This does not a good player make and you don't have to play every role to be good at the game, you need to have a solid understanding of the mechanics of the game and the cause and effects of what can either win or lose a game.

                                With a lot of your heroes being "right clickers" any one who told you to support was probably in the wrong as after playing so many games as a carry clicker the transition into an effective support can be tough. I am also seeing in your games while you do play some supports you play them as if you were playing a utility hero and not a true hard support. This might not be a bad thing where the game is going your way, but take the games that don't. The team will suffer cause you are not truly accustomed to hard supporting under the pressures of a bad game.

                                When they are piling into your lanes your carry will need a support more than ever to not just ensure that he is being protected but that you are pushing back against the opposing team and buying him time to do what he can, and farm. There is also a notable pattern in the way you play each hero and my suggestion is that you perhaps alter your play style to trying new things each game where it warrants.

                                > You need to play position four, don't hard support I don't think it is for you.
                                > The ability to carry is a good thing as the situation might call for you to offlane a second carry.
                                > You aren't a terrible player and you probably could do with a few more games under your belt.
                                > Mix things up a bit (maybe try randoming) and try not to stagnate into the same build each game.
                                > Keep up to date with the current meta game.
                                > Records tell me you aren't a great last hitter, try and improve.
                                > Your top heroes are your nemesis (even I am realizing this) don't just default on them cause you don't know what to pick.
                                > Play more utility based heroes.
                                > Add me if you want and we can have some games together.

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                                  This guys only want to improve, he just need constructive criticism, nothing else.

                                  1. Practice last hit drilling + creep equilbrium, play in lobby without Bot, and ideally get 60 last hit in 10 minutes, use hero that's hard to last hit, don't use spell to last hit, try to prevent your creep to push as long as possible.

                                  That's all for now (maybe)
                                  I heard [A]AdmirallBulldog drilled his lonedruid skill over and over again, and as the result, he is one of the best LD player in the world.
                                  and this

                                  gl hf

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    pick a role and suck at it for a year or so then you might get decent at it


                                      Ok so like semi-support or offllaner or somethibg? Idk about the semi-support like i said i was being semi-support and they kicked me off the team cus they told me i sucked at it


                                        Oh yeah and can u give me a list of ultility heros?


                                          I don't think there's a list per se of utility heroes, as that's a role that many heroes can take, including ones who would normally go ganker, semicarry or hard supports. But I guess the most classic picks for that role would be Dark Seer or Kotl. I think pros use heroes like Doom, Alchemist or even Skeleton King as utility item farmers now, but take that with a grain of salt (did I say this right?).

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            one day baby we'll be old, oh baby we'll be old


                                              Wat about windrunneer


                                                try to diversify your playheroes.

                                                some heroes to try:
                                                BH, sb, spec, lich, treant, nyx, np, lycan

                                                Those are relatively easy heroes but not like riki sniper, they can teach you map awareness, gank awareness, jungler and farming skills

                                                Also You can do a A-Z challenge, win through all the heroes


                                                  picking sniper is for trolling lol, hes a nice troll lol

                                                  I don't like to use complicated heroes, they require lots lots of practice, that need time, I don't have that much time
                                                  dota is more about map awareness, coordination, team strategy, situation awareness
                                                  so yes you can play easy heroes but that don't make the game easy

                                                  you must know every hero so you know how to counter them, you must be aware of the hidden danger, aware of the possible attacks enemies will launch, man many things

                                                  Getting better is simple, understand the value of each move of each player, analyse each of your kill and death, figure out why you get the kill, or why you are killed, find the right timing to initiate an fight


                                                    Iv played all though heros execpt spectre and i think lycan


                                                      Yes, Windrunner is also an utility items farmer, how could I forget her (ignore my winrate with her :D)

                                                      I've noticed Lycan is a pretty easy hero to pubstomp with...he's just a bit boring to play whenever his ulti is in CD or not active.


                                                        Anyway so ur saying my best role is semi-support even though i was kicked off for being a bad support?


                                                          What were you doing that made you a bad support?
                                                          Placing wards in the wrong spots, or not at all?
                                                          Buying a Glove of Strength or something when your team needs a Courier?
                                                          Autoattacking creeps in lane with a basilius turned on?
                                                          You're not putting forth a lot of information here.


                                                            A couple things the game we played i played shaman...i had a idea in my head i said hey shaman can push well maybe i shoul go lile shaman pusher build i ask my captai he says yes so i leave without getting wards and everyone starts yellinf at me even though they knew i was going pusher shaman and then the game went on and through out the whole time everyone was seriously screaming at thr top of there lungs GET WARDs GET FUCKING WARDs PLACE THE DAMN WARDS mind u we had another support too so yeah maybe it wasent a good idea to go ousher shaman but it was the cap who picked it because the cap picks for all of us so thats my story


                                                              There is a lot of helpful guides for every hero on starting items. If you take Shadow Shaman on the mid lane, you aren't supporting and shouldn't buy wards, but otherwise, a good build is Wards/Tango/Salve and your choice of clarities or branches.

                                                              If you're not sure about your role after that, check out Purge's channel on Youtube. He goes into depth about roles quite often.


                                                                Ik that isnt the point ik how to play ss i was just using a very ood build that i thought would work


                                                                  Btw im pretty sure this isnt but is Tank a role in dota? Iv been told my best role is "Tank"


                                                                    Its the whole point. You're not pushing with Shadow Shaman at level 1. Buy items that aid your team rather than rushing an odd item out of your starting gold.


                                                                      If SS isn't going mid, he's first a support and then a pusher. Which means you should make sure Observer's are always on CD on the shop.

                                                                      "Tank" role is a pretty loose term in Dota, as there is no hero whose only function is to tank damage. I think the most accepted definition for a tank is to be both difficult to kill and to motivate the enemy team to focus you and use their spells on you instead of your carry.


                                                                        lol you don't protect you carries, you protect your support and some stupid hero like sniper......
                                                                        most carries should handle themselves pretty well


                                                                          instead of working on a specific role you might want to start off by playing retard proof heroes

                                                                          Heroes like Lich/Venge/CM/Skeleton King/Drow are super easy to play (if you suck at last hitting the last 2 won't help very much either, although you can afk in jungle and wait for the team to carry you or hopefully amass enough items to not die during team fights). Even someone who has played 1 week of dota and is new to the game should know how to kill jungle creeps.

                                                                          If you're interested in getting better in the long run instead of just winning pubs:

                                                                          Go mass games against bots until you win 100% of the time and uber-dominate (i.e. don't just win, go 30-0 or something)

                                                                          Practice last hitting in local lobby games without bots until you hit 70+ without cheating (don't use skills to last hit, don't buy quelling blade on Doom or 4 mantles on OD, etc.). If you can hit 75+ a few times in a row you're good to go.

                                                                          Watch replays and commentaries. Don't go overboard cuz I know lots of players who just watch professional games and still suck ass whenever they play.

                                                                          If you have a specific player whose playstyle you think is effective, try emulating it. I don't recommend this unless you understand why they do the things they do in games (otherwise you might be copying a bad habit).

                                                                          Stop asking which role you "should play."

                                                                          Also you shouldn't join teams until you improve to a level where you THINK the team will help you improve. Chances are, the one full of retards that you joined and got kicked out of with 2000 mmr wouldn't have helped you improve anyways. Those are the kinds of games where nobody farms even 100 cs in 20 min, rofl, let alone 140-200 depending on the hero.

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            Honestly you're asking all the wrong question(s).

                                                                            Instead of asking "which role am I best at?" you should be asking how to last hit better, how to improve map awareness, how to ward properly (i.e. how to not be a retard and ward rune spots every single fucking time like 90% of pub players do), how to balance creep waves, how to use spells in the correct sequence while executing a gank, how to build skill/item sets effectively, etc.

                                                                            Example: Your most played hero is Sniper. Aside from the fact that Sniper is a shit-tier hero, chances are, you're like 95% of players who max out 2/3 first regardless of circumstances. In some (rare) cases, it is optimal to get a few levels in shrapnel so your tower doesn't get pushed down immediately (i.e. against brood/offensive jungling Chen, though if you pick sniper against brood you're probably going to lose the game anyways) or if you think a kill is possible, the slow could definitely mean the difference between a hero escaping with 50 hp intact and landing the kill.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              Ol i like tgis but a couple things 1.the pusher shaman was a test remeber i wasent the one to pick him. 2 so pretty much people tell me to pratice last hittting...ok its a good idea but the reason i keep asking is i can play 4-5 maybe even 6 games a day i kinda wanna play with other people not drill for lh also if i did practice would there be a certain hero i use? Thank u for the advice so far


                                                                                Also say i do the 60 last hits and i miss one in a row and im like on 40 would i have to restart the match till i get 60 in a row and is there a certain amount of time i need to hit 60 or 50 watever u guys said?


                                                                                  82 is max assuming you don't rotate lanes/farm jungle in 10 minutes

                                                                                  Most professionals under free farm will get 75-80. Sometimes they will hit 82, but human error is always a factor.

                                                                                  If you can hit > 70 in a pub (I usually get around 75 plus or minus 3 in free farm or around 70 in slightly less than-free-farm conditions, like if I have to compete against a potm while support is roaming/pulling) you should be fine. Even 60 is more than what most people can muster (sadly).

                                                                                  As long as you're doing what you're supposed to do, numbers don't matter all that much. Focus on concepts first, then results. There are plenty of games where Yaphets is forced to roam as a hard carry with low ending cs cuz the team's lanes are awful, but still contributes greatly to his team's win (he has lots of dota 1 videos up).

                                                                                  Also carrying/supporting in a pub =/= carrying/supporting in a team game or competitive environment. Never equate the two. I could type an essay on why, but it's better if you figure it out yourself eventually.

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    Also qat happens after this will my role be determined? Or will there need to be more. Practice of other things to know?


                                                                                      Why do you care about roles? This only matters in competitive. You're a new player. Go enjoy your pubs, man. You're gonna improve as time passes by. Don't hurry. And after you get good, it's you who will choose your role, not us.

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                        Also you shouldn't ask for advice from dotabuff forums, or at least take what people say with a grain of salt. Most people here are god awful and despite what my win rate suggests, I'm only slightly above average in some respects and around average in others. If you have never watched dota 1 commentaries by previously professional players such as 2009, I suggest you do so since they can say everything I say except 10x more effectively.

                                                                                        Luminous isn't a good dota player but he can provide some insight. Same with Purge (my stack got matched against the Purge/Blitz stack 2 weeks ago actually and we won without too much trouble, but what he says will definitely help you).

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          ^ god damnit I wanted to troll this post so hard because my dyslexia misread it(read it as a ego trip dont ask me how ><) and I had a nice good troll post ready and BAM I read it correctly and had to delete it :(

                                                                                          waku waku

                                                                                            ^ you can troll me instead if you'd like, i have all day and nothing else to do ;-;

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              I can only troll for the good of mankind


                                                                                                Well i like compeditive but fpr fun i just loce the meta picking/banning and representing my role for example Dendi being a great semi-carry(possibly the best) ok im home now and im thibking maybe i should just restart my understanding of compedituve from the beginning eventually discovering which role i am best at so wat should i do first i have some free time this moment so yeah any help/sugggestions? It would be nice to kind of have a teacher for learning hpw to get better,learn the compeditive,and wat role i should play for the comped thanks


                                                                                                  Rearding LH and farming...
                                                                                                  At your skill bracket (also my, not mean to offense), even if you can get only 35-40 LH in 10 min minutes, you will rule the game most likely.
                                                                                                  If you want to practice early lane stage LH, try melee heroes PL void spec with a QBlade.

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    Also the end game stats rarely show what really happened in the game. There are times when my teams support leaves the lane that has 2 heavy nukers and the carry just cant farm(well) because he gets harassed out of the lane too easy. Dota is a team based game so you have to view it as a whole and not just as a individual


                                                                                                      Ok that my first step per say? Btw that u who u have been very nice and helpful throughout both threads


                                                                                                        Ok im last hitting practicing with those heros now