General Discussion

General Discussionmost imba heroes atm in your opinion

most imba heroes atm in your opinion in General Discussion

    LOA's strength is in being an aggressive support. Omni is forced to play defensive because his strengths are only when your team gets initiated on, whereas LOA can work very well with Bristle and Weaver on the offlane with aggressive play.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      According to Black^, Alchemist is the strongest Dota hero atm. Maybe he means after Earth Spirit I don't know. But I agree with him. That ulti thing wasn't even a nerf. It wasn't a buff either. But the fact that he is so good at ANYTHING he does means he is fucking OP. Other mentions: Timbersaw, Brood, LC, Earth Spirit and Invoker.

      Jorges Sanz

        I dont agree that omni has to be forced to play defensively. Just the threat of having GA/repel and burst heal would make the opposing team think twice on initiating without primarily focusing on omniknight first.


          Dont agree that CM is OP hero.
          + squish hero
          + poor move speed
          + fucked up attack animation.
          +You can now target-cast cast-attacks while disarmed (e.g. Frost Arrows while under Frost Bite). who came up with this idea ?

          I have played 244 games as a CM and my win rate went up alot after the last 2 patches.. due to buff on Tranquil boots. her ultimate needs a rework also.. the explosion its too random.. rarely you melt people down most of the times they take 1 - 2 explosion within 4-5 sec its bulshit for high mana cost. Bottom line, what makes her really good right now is tranquil boots. You walk fast warding the entire map walking in and out battles casting nova and disarm.


            earth spirit is balanced.


              says the player who only achieved 50% wr thanks to earth spirit lmao


                saw that coming lol

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  @Krimalicious No actually now you CAN'T cast orb attacks when frostbitten or etherealed. You could do so before. That was a buff to CM.


                    "ES is balanced" -> has shitty stats with pretty much every hero and suddenly 74% winrate with ES


                      I agree with brood, timber, and maybe dp... However, Mirana is definitely not OP. Arrow is a skillshot... I would say to add legion commander, earth spirit, BB, and maybe Pugna.


                        OP :
                        - Earth spirit: nothing to argue about it.
                        - Death Prophet: the range, the damage and the cooldown of his ulti all together make her a bit too strong.
                        - Invoker: his damage output is a bit too high and he has too many versability.
                        - Slark: Auto regen, eazy escape, broken ulti.
                        - Legion commander : the whole is a bit too much as no hero can beat her during his ulti and she get too much damage, she is good early and late game.

                        Not OP:
                        -Brood : Buy sentries and queuling blade lvl 1. Buy sentries again at 3mn. Buy gem at 10-15 mn or sooner. Not only she wont get any last hits but you may kill her, you will get his tower first and get an easy deny when she try to push. Only OP against noobs and greedy players that dont want buy anti-invi or tp scrolls. And you dont need to kill her if you just play corectly you will probably force her to switch lane.

                        Dire Wolf

                          I think venomancer is. His plague wards can rune ward and slow you, if he ults and hits you once you can kill him but you'll still end up dying. You can't win teamfights vs him if he has aghs unless you silence/stun/bkb before he gets his ult off.

                          A lot here listed are annoying to deal with but far from imba. Mirana you dodge the arrow and live with it. She needs someone to really set up big arrows or else she needs vision on someone not paying attention. But a lot of heroes are op in certain combos like PL + kotl and ursa + wisp.



                            Every hero with shitty winrate but earth spirit 74% wr lmfao.


                              I got a shitty winrate, so I don't know if my opinion will matter.. But anyway, Earth spirit is indeed OP.

                              However, as much as I want to agree with you @atum, those 5 heroes you mentioned are really not that OP, if unless played by a good player, they're more likely to be the annoying ones..

                              Mirana ulti(especially when used at night--which is the right way to do it) and arrow is annoying -- I've been using her lately and the results are not bad, so I'm abusing it for the moment;
                              Timbersaw is Annoying, nuff said;
                              DP is annoyingly overpicked at the moment which will annoyingly destroy towers with ease if you don't have a good team;
                              ES, well yeah, he's pub effective(which really should not in the first place) and for that matter being annoying;
                              CM is REALLY annoying, that CM who jungle to farm and all that-- i hate that;
                              a GOOD Brood is annoying, dota made brood to annoy people don't you agree? rat dota at its finest..

                              But yeah, I think it's a matter of personal preference. To me the only OP hero is earth spirit, even more OP when piloted by a good player.


                                How exactly are Cm and potm imba? In good hands they wreck faces but if you give it to some nub they just feed. Specially cm



                                  and he has 73% win rate with spirit breaker, 2 much skill, right?


                                    mirana... highest winrate by most play.

                                    t r u s t

                                      legion is op, see my first legion game



                                        Indeed as I play him mid.


                                          Earth Spirit: His stuns and range are ridiculous. He'll be a very different hero if ever makes it into captains. I saw singsing in pubs pick him just to prevent the other team getting him, then changing to a different hero.

                                          Legion Commander: Seems to be able to get out of control without as much farm as other snowball heroes. Not sure if she's OP. Might seem that way simlpy beacuse she's a very effective jungler and is allowed to freefarm there more often than not in All Pick.

                                          Death Prophet: Her Ulti is just crazy. The fact that people are suggesting a riki/Slardar combo as the main way to deal with it shows how much of a problem hero she has become in this patch.

                                          Luna: Once farmed her tower damage is nuts. I'm not convinced her squishiness is a balanced trade-off.

                                          Spectre: I think the spectral illusions need a nerf.

                                          I'm tempted to include Lycan as a lot of people seems to have problems dealing with that hero, but since he isn't picked up very often competitively, I guess there's a reason why he's not considered imba.


                                            DP and Brood are squishy and easely negated their farm. A good PL or ES... perhaps a good Viper are very anoying tho.


                                              Some of us are arrow magnets for Mirana :(


                                                6.80 bump


                                                  slark even though i cant play him he always gets out of control when on enemy team


                                                    Slow. Who the holy heck doesnt hate slow? So damn annoying.


                                                      Slark, Viper,ES,Terrorblade, CM

                                                      I typically ban all of those in my captains mode line up (minus terror blade) I have no problems with DP since ez ctr. pick is a wind runner mid! Called it! :O


                                                        "ez ctr. pick is a wind runner mid!"

                                                        Sōu ka

                                                          phoenix is such a dumb hero

                                                          MVP Jok

                                                            Meepo (Y)

                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                              Visage Visage Visage Visage Visage.

                                                              Sup m8

                                                                Tinker with Dagon+ethereal <3

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  I actually dont have an issue with this.^ Bkb says no. Tinker with sheep is much more obnoxious.


                                                                    why dost thou necro

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      Tinker still dies like a bitch, like the issue is not even bkb is initiating on tinker.


                                                                        and everyone goes around like the necro has not taken place.Savages!!


                                                                          Phoenix's spirits are pretty op. Ember and Slark have to be there too. Maybe not as much OP as annoying, but they are in the ballpark.


                                                                            So is meepo imba if you don't skill on level 2, and get level 2 Geostrike on level 3, and have 2 mappoz with lvl 2 geo and also orb of venom?
                                                                            Or 2 levels of poof with a stun in the lane?


                                                                              Lycan, Ember, Ancient Apparition, Slark.


                                                                                AA isn't OP nor is lycan
                                                                                ember is and slark imo along with phoenix and tb


                                                                                  just because pros are using AA doesn't mean he's imba thank you

                                                                                  if icefrog nerfs him i'm gonna be disappointed

                                                                                  actual imba hero in pubs are LoA and DP and S(W)K

                                                                                  imba heroes both in pubs and pros would be stuff like Lycan (70% winrate in competitive are you kidding me) and Luna

                                                                                  Mortimer Smith

                                                                                    Centaur, aa, tb, ember, legion comAnda, phoenix, dazzle


                                                                                      imba this, imba that
                                                                                      try to play with your imba vs Doom )


                                                                                        Nice necro there.

                                                                                        Medusa can 1vs1 Doom, actually.



                                                                                          GG | dudutsai

                                                                                            Is ember still imba?


                                                                                              Can we auto close threads that had no replies for a month?




                                                                                                  Nagga siren is fucking imba. Look her base armor she take no dammage at all.


                                                                                                    STOP NECROING

                                                                                                    spawn of sorcery


                                                                                                      SUGAR and SPICE and everything NICE