General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter "the Earthshaker Block"

How to counter "the Earthshaker Block" in General Discussion

    my team were Dire, Earthsaker and Axe were radiant offlane

    ES uses the "block all the creeps in the trees" tactic, so me and my lane partner were starved of all xp for over 4 minutes. Is there anything we could have done to counter this? using tangoes/QB to cut down the trees seemed a bit suicidal, considering we would be diving between 2 towers against overlevelled Axe :/

    My way of countering it was to put my head in my hands and accept we'd lost the lane

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      You know this is happening when you dont get creeps vs axe and es so you can tango those trees at level 1

      Then you are facing a dual melle dual lane that every non-retard can roll over


        well we obviously knew what was happening, but to get their creeps out, we'd have to dive past their tier 1, past the axe, then spend at least 10 seconds trying to break their creeps out, all during that time we would be having to deal with axe, earthshaker and the creeps


          You could try circling around back and ganking the earthshaker. You don't really need to dive per say


            This is happened to me and my friend once, what we ended up doing, was pushing to their tower (not hard considering), then rush past and mess up the ES, he either has to take all your hits, or run. And your creeps eat the tower hits for you.


              Someone did the earth shaker block to me once and i was axe .... not only did they not get a single tower but i ended up like lvl 15 or something stupid and like 2grand richer lol and then he left the game straight after LOL


                Ignore the Axe and gank the ES. The one pitfall of this tactic is that ES will be mana starved most of the time.


                  stack and pull


                    Or you could verbally abuse the ES player. Tell him stuff like how his teammates couldn't trust him to do anything else and was degraded to the position of cockblocker.


                      ^ best suggestion 2014


                        @Knight Of End
                        You had Lone Druid in your team. I think spirit bear can use quelling blade to cut some trees, even if he far away from his master.


                          xD zano nails it


                            well if axe skip creeps its a bit hard since he wont let u pull~
                            if ur lane was jug lion u shoud just have afk jungle stackin 3 4x then farming it togheter


                              If you are really out of ideas, just go 3 man mid and stop viper getting 2 HoT.

                              bum farto

                                Depends on which heroes you have. Below is an image of what paths you take and what your options are.

                                I have dealt with this loads before and it's a tactic that doesn't really work if you are prepared and it can back fire.

                                Option 1. Pull the small and big camps to get levels and farm (if you are a carry swap lanes immediately as you will get no farm. Make sure you are throwing harass at the Axe and do not let him get to the secret shop.

                                Option 2. Using the line I drew you can go around the back and get him out of there. Even 1 messed up creep wave throws the whole thing off and the sooner the better. Don't hesitate as it will be too late.

                                Option 3. This involves the mid actually coming to help you out either gank the ES or help you once that creep wave is released.

                                The key thing here is that unless ES has randomed and has a soul ring he cannot sustain the mana cost to creep block and you are looking at about 8 - 10 creep waves. It will happen but this can be prevented by preempting the strat and simply eating 1 tango in his pull. Even if you die it will be worth it and things will go back to normal.

                                Keep in mind as well that this is hero dependant on how effectively you can counter or clear the horde. Wave nukers and such are good but again sometimes it is just unfortunate single target picks.

                                Tips: If the wave is released try and pull them through the lane (with help) don't let them get the tower as that wave will even you up in experience.