General Discussion

General DiscussionBogiDotO giving free rares if...

BogiDotO giving free rares if... in General Discussion

    i herd we get rarez now?


      Where is the cookiejar? it was actually 65% in those last 20 matches


        Panthers | Fuzzy you deleted me for no reason from steam long time ago so for you , nop.


          sooo, no rares?

          Jay Ashborne

            Yo, props to Bogi! Satie struggles to maintain that and he got it with ease. #Rekt


              maintain what


                that 70%

                1) create new account
                2) get to lvl 13 in tmm
                3) go 0-50 for all 10 calibration matches
                4) win 400 ranked matches in a row with your fresh 500 mmr
                5) ????
                6) boast about beating satellizer's winrate

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  games 2hard


                    DO i get a rare?


                      i don't understand. i just played 3 games of offlane terrorblade in the last 2 days and i got over 700 gpm on 2 out of those 3 games (the one where i went up against a trilane, i had 535 gpm, but i had lots of assists and kills to compensate for it). you're presumably playing safelane tb which means free farm in most instances yet you're only getting somewhere in the low to mid 600 gpm at best. all 5k players i know consistently get 700+ gpm and 6k players can get over 900 frequently.

                      stop saying games are unwinnable - if u learned how to farm more efficiently and moved around the map you would be able to maintain ur 5000 mmr, but my guess is that u had a lucky win streak and then fell back down to where u actually belong. i've had games like that too where my team was feeding but you can turn that around by communicating with them and pushing towers when you see the opportunity. matrice has an interesting build (one i happen to disagree with because i usually think the guy on my team playing carry won't use the farm wisely in solo queue) but it's not the only viable one

                      but anyways what i say doesn't matter, seems like u gave up on instalocking terrorblade and going for ember/slark and still grinding the mmr train with 50%. good luck.

                      also i knew u weren't going to give rares regardless of outcome, though it's amusing to see people getting fooled :DDD

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        i deleted not only you, i deleted about 100 other people too (people i did not talk to, not play with etc)


                          dont delete me fuzzy </3


                            You can always send me offers (free rares) on steam without adding me...


                              You know I played muted all games? And that all games I lost actually I didnt had free farm and I played solo easy lane vs 2 heroes or 1 range hero like phoenix or wr/mirana with mega haras trying just to survive at lane,cus I had like chen wood + tinker ancients + I must upgrade currier at stuff thats a all hilarious staff at 4100-4200 mmr games. Its true some games I m lame and didnt using micro farming much with ilussions but I didnt lost cus of 40-50 less lasthits for sure and I work on tb farming efficient. And i dont belong at my atm mmr now I ll prove it stay tune.


                                Also better check games where you think I have low gpm,its actually cus we already have some wood farming heroes so i cant farm wood and lanes at the same time + ofc 0 towers we can push or i can split push when my team doing literaly nothing just feeding so plz without watching replays dont judge like that I did 13-7 in 20 games as a muted + 1 loss was 4v5 abandoned.


                                  and that about luck winning streak is pure bullshit man I won like 3 games out of that win streak literally 1v9 cus my team were total shit check those wins:

                         --> 880 gpm

                                  Fact is at 4100 bracket you cant easy make good farm cus ppl feed all time,you must focus mroe on pushing towers and just fighting to cut feed in your team mates,at 5k-6k mmr is much easier you can go farm 10 min even without joining fights your team wont feed that much that can cost you whole game,dunno which bracket you are but at 4.1k mmr you cant make for yourself in some games space to farm theres no way only way to win those games is actually push 24/7 and fight other team which destroying your team already.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    What's the status? When do we get our rares?!


                                      NOBODY GETS RARES HE SCAMMER


                                        Ha-ha, "unwinnable games", so embarrassing.


                                        > Summary: 4017 - 4509 within 29 games (24-5, 83% win rate), some minor upsets but nothing drastical. <...>


                                          where is my rare ?


                                            eyyy i didnt get deleted by fuzzy wuzzy :D

                                            Get good, keep your word, then get back to me.


                                              chris deleted me



                                                  That's all you really need to know, folks.


                                                    solo tb against Alch+Lich+Visage, my CM decide to take a wank in the woods and I get one creep eaten per wave by Lich
                                                    743 gpm, still out-carried free farm anti-fun
                                                    BAD TEAMMATES ARE NO EXCUSE

                                                    the kind of losses I get when I stack with people at your rating. may not be able to carry, but the stats alone show a huge gap in play between me and the rest.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                      Is this gpm and last hits better?


                                                        Zenoth btw. do you know I was 5k rating or you don`t know?


                                                          so bogi where is my rare?


                                                            "i dont know you"

                                                            abandon thread guys
                                                            nothing to see here


                                                              the guy actually gave me the rare lol


                                                                ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff rare, or something :c

                                                                kalz | 永遠の領主

                                                                  @Zenoth Bogi plays in EU West and you play in SEA. Winning in SEA with TB is easier than stomping mid in 2k mmr brackets.


                                                                    ^go try pick tb in SEA mmr 5k, and feel the hate.


                                                                      rofl flop noob zenoth noob, bogi masterplayer


                                                                        who cares you were 5k. you were 5k and you couldn't maintain, that's even worse.


                                                                          So, do we get rares then? :D


                                                                            "Winning in SEA with TB is easier than stomping mid in 2k mmr brackets"

                                                                            Why not I say unprovable bullshit like 5.5k MMR in SEA is actually 6k MMR in EU West. There, feel better?

                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                              As far as i know SEA has a similair skill as EU West, if you want trench tier of shit go for US, and ultra trench Austria/SA


                                                                                Point is though, bogi slark and brood abused to 5k. His true rating is probably 4.3k. This butthurts him. So hes now trying to TB abuse and will do so on every broken hero.

                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                  he can't even hold his place in the 4,1kish, what makes you think he is 4,3k? Im pretty sure he will drop at some point to 3kish. If you watch him play you can clearly see he has no idea what the hell he's doing.


                                                                                    bogi = scammer


                                                                                      afrikanske = scammer


                                                                                        11:36 - den afrikanske sheriffen: i change name several times a day to keep being able to scam
                                                                                        11:36 - den afrikanske sheriffen: gg chris
                                                                                        11:36 - wild degu: scammer
                                                                                        11:36 - den afrikanske sheriffen: no one will know who you wrote about


                                                                                          bogi doto best doto


                                                                                            Where is the cookiejar?
                                                                                            ? Lol I m 4250+ already

                                                                                            Ples Mercy

                                                                                              give it time, you will fall to 3k. Don't worry, you will be able to play with your kind.


                                                                                                ^ Sry to dissapoint you but I ll never be in your 3k bracket so you can never play with player like me at your games..

                                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                                  im 1k bro, and don't worry scrub, you are working your way just fine into 3k.


                                                                                                    I wish the new patch would come and nerf terrorblade already, too OP