General Discussion

General DiscussionDon't overlap items

Don't overlap items in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    This is just stupid, doesn't anyone check each others items? 1 bassy, 3 aquilas. Which why you would even get aquila on cent or dazzle is beyond me anyway.

    If I had a dollar for every match with double desos like bh + ta or sniper + slardar I would be a rich man.

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      thats gross... whats your mmr? i havent seen item/aura stacking in a long time, people usually say stuff like "are you going deso? yes? kay, ill go mkb/skadi/whatever"

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        Ehm. You meant why people stack buy several Aquilas/Basilius/Drums in the same team?

        1. The aura carry ins't moving around with the damn aura for the team the whole game?
        2. Heroes usually benefit from the stats the item gives anyway. +^

        Building more than 1 aquila, basilius or even drums is pretty normal.

        Dire Wolf

          Yeah but we had 5 auras on our team and we're built around team fighting with dazzle, dp, doom and cent. Dp laned with dazzle and cent half the game. Plus aquila on cent? really? Idk we won anyway but it was just weird.

          Oh and they're all anonymous. Cus they were all south american. And bitched at me all game about my items (they couldn't comprehend why halberd is a good item vs TA and ember) and why I wasn't crossing the damn river to engages in bad teamfights instead of farming ancients lol.

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            Aquila and Drums aren't really in the same boat as Vladimir's Offering. They provide the hero carrying the item a lot of bonuses and the auras are a minor benefit to the total worth of the item. Buying a second vlads on the other hand is like spending 2k gold on absolutely nothing. Assault Cuirass... IDK on this one. A lot of heroes simultaneously need armor and attack speed. It's the best item that provides both at once. Again, most of its benefit comes from the armor and the attack speed, but there will certainly be diminishing returns higher than those provided by Aquila and Drums.


              People who overlap stuns/hexes are worse though.


                Yes... heroes are always all attacking the exact same target and are always together. 2 desolators are the end of the world. Go fuck yourself.


                  double mek is meh

                  double pipe is decent still right?

                  but ya what zano said... the overlapping stuns really pisses me off
                  its so horrible to watch a beautiful 5 second arrow go to waste with a vengeful spirit stunning the target not even 2 seconds after :/
                  only to do it again 2-3 more times... and miss out on kills ):


                    @people saying stacking a bunch of aquilas is fine
                    I guess since vlads isnt gonna follow the whole team, its okay to get 5 vlads as well? obviously not. Some items like drums have an active that is burned through very quickly and buying multiple is fine because the personal effects are amazing too, but when you talk about items like basi and aquila, there are much better alternatives than buying 5 of them. In most cases, you wont have more than 2 heroes on one team who fully benefit from an aquila, so buying more than 2 aquilas would be really dumb, how split up is your team when you play?

                    2 of 1 aura on one team is enough

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                      basi I can understand, because it's cheap and one in each side lane isn't really going to hurt your team. Aquila, drums, pipe I prefer not to have anyone stack, but sometimes ppl don't pay attention, or just follow some cookie cutter build like it's a law.

                      Stacking Meks, AC, Deso, Vlads is a serious waste of cash and should never be done. If you have some feeder, or rat dota player on your team, I'm okay with you getting what your team needs even if nubcake already has it, but that's not a common problem in my experience.


                        One of my games we had 3 Assault Cuirass's. I had one as Tiny, I told them I would get it. But Bounty and Bristle wanted one as well.
                        I was really annoyed I could have spent all that gold on something more useful.

                        King of Low Prio

                          u can have 5 drums on a team


                            "I guess since vlads isnt gonna follow the whole team, its okay to get 5 vlads as well?"
                            I don't follow. Have you ever had a game where no one built a basilius and you felt like it was the one thing that your teamfights were missing? Do you make sure to hug next to teammates who have a basi to get that imba .65 extra mana per second?
                            No, you build aquila because it's cheap, it fills stat gaps, and you plan to sell it later every game you buy it.


                              I buy aquilla as my first big item, Is this a fucking problem ?


                                Because i feel like it is :(

                                waku waku

                                  nah nobody does it and some people actually claim they got their item first when it actually was second


                                    Drums aura is the last of the benefits why I would buy that item.

                                    My team already has the aura? So what? I need the extra-move speed when warding and also the extra-stats are great!

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I would never want to stack ac's. It's a very expensive item, if you still need more armor get a shivas, if you need attack speed go mjolnir or maelstrom. Paying 5000+ g for 10 armor and 35 attack speed is not good. You could go naked plate armor and hypstone for much less and get much more stats assuming you have room.

                                      Stacking bassys isn't that big a deal, just stupid when you're tri laning and both supports buy one, shit like that. 500g could buy you some sentries or other good stuff.


                                        I'm still not convinced that 5 drums are legit, I don't care if people say "its almost like an ultimate orb with speed. So awful.

                                        3 aquilas is dumb though i have no clue what it would do on a centaur besides make him have some bling on his finger.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          5 drums def not legit. Ultimate orb is not really a cost effective item unless you build it into something. Drums is only great for the aura, not a plain stat boost. On heroes I like to drums (lich, tusk) I generally ask if anyone is building and go my next item instead and stick with a regular bracer if they are building drums. You can get 3 bracers for less than a drums or orb and have better stats. Yes, obviously you won't have space for that, but point is those stat items aren't that effective long term.

                                          Ples Mercy


                                            Jay Ashborne

                                              Team with 5 drums is good.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                people dont buy drums for the aura......


                                                  Drums is ORB - 1 and at a better cost basis and the ability to buy in pieces.

                                                  ROA is a common pickup for agility regardless of aura.
                                                  +9 dmg
                                                  +9 agi
                                                  +3 str
                                                  +3 int
                                                  +1 armor

                                                  +2 armor from aura
                                                  mana regen

                                                  In total you get +18 damage, +4 armor, +9 IAS for 985 gold, a bit of hp, mana pool and regen. I couldn't give a shit if someone else has the aura, that is a good item.

                                                  Compare that to Yasha (2050)
                                                  +16 damage, +31 IAS, +2 Armor, +10% MS

                                                  ROA is a great upgrade for anyone who builds Basilius or Wraith band, it makes sense to upgrade to this item because it provides a lot extra either way for the cost.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                  Jay Ashborne

                                                    Yeah, I hate it when people say, "WHY ARE YOU MAKING DRUMS, WE ALREADY HAVE DRUMS"

                                                    Please kill me now.


                                                      Thats it im just going to get 5 drums on me and brown boots. Its gonna win games i can feel it.

                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                        the drums are not on the same player.....


                                                          ethereal in courier :'(
                                                          guess what happened?


                                                            Drums are only good on poor offlaners. I don't see any point for carry or support to buy this item, there must be no conflict.

                                                            P.S. I always ALT+click any items with auras that I'm going to buy.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              "And bitched at me all game about my items (they couldn't comprehend why halberd is a good item vs TA and ember) "

                                                              disarm doesn't work on ember's sleight, just saying.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                oo lord soultrap is back spreading his dota 'knowledge'


                                                                  @ Sampson

                                                                  I was being a smart ass :)

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    From dota wiki about sleight of fist:

                                                                    -Disarming Ember Spirit does not stop him from dealing damage while in Sleight of Fist.
                                                                    -Miss chance from abilities such as Brewmaster's Drunken Haze or the target's evasion apply normally.

                                                                    So I think it can be dodged. Maybe I read it wrong? Anyway disarm vs mirana, TA and dodge vs 3 right clickers is pretty damn good. And I love sange for the tank factor, might as well make it a halberd, I build it almost every doom game and it's worked great. I couldn't get him to actually tell me what the "good" doom items were so who knows.


                                                                      Hello, I love you too. Try to buy drums on Drow, Sniper, Viper etc. Because you don't look like a big fan of this item yet.