General Discussion

General Discussionwas the dotabuff plus worth it for you in terms of helping you improve?

was the dotabuff plus worth it for you in terms of helping you improve? in General Discussion

    just wondering if i should do a 1 time thing just to look at some of the stats

    i.e. which heroes i suck against or win against and/or why

    im not really sure if it'll tell me enough information to reach accurate conclusions so here i am, askin anyone (:

    basically - did the extra info actually contribute to improving your skills overall in-game...



      If you used it to its full extent, yes it would provide you enough stats to warrant an improvement in the long run.

      If you're expecting it to magically give you accurate descriptions on your flaws and how to improve, no you wouldn't see much improvement.

      bum farto

        Yes, depending on how you use it.

        For example, I see which heroes I should keep playing and which I should stop playing as.

        You can also see which players concede you the most wins when in a party with you, this can increase your chances of winning if you're playing with people you synergize well with.

        Additionally there are filter on the trends section which can help you see which patches were the best for you and if so why, what heroes have changed that are costing/gaining you wins etc.

        Jay Ashborne

          Thanks havoc.


            cool beans, havoc has made a sale


              does that mean u should stop picking axe havoc xD


                Havoc sums it up pretty nice. There is another thing that is also pretty neat, the fact you can check if you played with any verified player in the past and nay other player (not only your party friends).

                bum farto

                  6.80 - Axe 22-10
                  6.81 - Axe 7-11

                  Morale of the story something happened in 6.81 to Axe where its not longer viable to play him as often. Looking at axe his patch notes tell me

                  "Counter Helix now uses Pseudo Random chance" which greatly effects his spin rate which makes it more balanced but makes it harder to be more ballsie. So I need to lessen the amount of times I play Axe and if I do I need to be a little more cautious about my initiations and diving which I grew accustomed to in 6.80.

