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Compendium in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    Getting Meepo fuck my life

    Low Expectations

      Like two weeks ago I played with a girl (she used voicechat) who would not take more than 1 level of ulti :D (honesly have not had funnier game in a long time). We won. You should try it. Maybe stack with someone who has below 2k if need be :D

      King of Low Prio

        I got it done by just being a roaming meepo so my teammates would not feed all their lanes. Still took 4 games -_-

        King of Low Prio

          Also I was on EU so every game was ES x2 with these tryhard shitty players

          Low Expectations

            Would do the same if it was ranked. Whenever I dont pick ES and we dont have an ember spirit on our team the mapo just snowballs way too hard. Why eu west though isnt us west the easiest server?

            King of Low Prio

              friend dragged me in I just got the compendium done while playing with him. I find EU servers to be much worse than US because EU players tend to think they are X games from going pro. US players are shocked if they make a team due to their being few sponsored teams in the region


                not in solo queue. In stacks, yeah its all against perus

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                  you mean for 10 hero challenge?

                  you can do hard heroes in unranked i think. anyhow i had to play meepo on friends account, he had the same problem.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Winning is fucking impossible for me in unranked. Team is just so bad it's fucking unreal.

                    King of Low Prio

                      It was unranked, I havnt played meepo in like 5-6 years. Yea I really hate unranked the people there are sooo cancerous. MAYBE unranked EU is just extremely bad but it makes US seem like heaven

                      Low Expectations

                        Maybe you just got unlucky I started playing unranked with friends and its way more relaxed environment noone is bitching a bout how someone will lose the -25 pts.

                        Also 0/7/1 meepo and flaming teammates trolololo


                          I didnt feel like setting up control groups nor learning how to set up my keys with meepo, I literally grouped them all together and walked at towers. I hated meepo since the moment icefrog created him. My teammates where fucking trash no question about it. I really dont care about my MM or winning or losing I just hate playing meepo (300 compendium points where just too much to pass on)

                          I hate unranked with a passion because nobody gets punished for throwing the game which leads to people being faggots. One of my meepo games the axe got wards and blocked the whole jungle because I stole 'his' stack


                            also that game was a 5man stack that waited til game start pause and counter picked with ember spirit and earth shaker


                              Ha Sampdude! When I come back, I'll post this what Valve gave me. Too little time now.


                                yea I got invoker my first round and I did not know that u could clear it and THEN reroll so I just said yolo there is literally ONE other hero I hate playing (Meepo) what are the chances........................


                                  Doesn't look too bad right? Except...

                                  Volvo wants me to improve and to expand my hero pool :D

                                  waku waku

                                    i got pudge i don't think i have the skill to play him pls help and now i can't change the hero pls help

                                    Hatsune Miku

                                      ^ hello

                                      waku waku
