General Discussion

General DiscussionJust another techies topic

Just another techies topic in General Discussion

    While reading fb comments about tech, i saw everybody is concerned that towers will drop fast, easy fb, 6 sec stun during fights and suicide and i really think every1 is stupid.
    Am i the only one around worried about 0/30 techies? that hero requires some skill, especially if you want to play it at team fights, not when you dont wanna be seen on the map and just lay bombs around.
    As a 2,6k-4k mmr player, i really dont see any1 in my category being able to do some good gameplay with tech. i see people that fail to play spiritbreaker/drow ranger/slardar/ legion commander etc. I dont see any1 going to force staff an enemy with gem in bombs, or use eul and put bomb. Maybe on 5k+ there are people that can make a decent game, but on low rating games, tech's team is going to lose.
    What do you guys think? im just going to play ar games for 1 month or so, or else, i smell a giant mmr drop.


      No, you're logic is backwards. 2.6-4k mmr techies is going to be a god tier hero because no one is gonna buy a gem. 5k techies will be shit, instant free win if you play against.


        Techies will be trash. He is the kind of hero that can do horrible damage to opponent team if played right and by pros, but the MAJORITY of the players will fail to do anything useful with Techies and i expect Techies to be the hero out of all Dota 2 heroes with the lowest winrate. People would say the same things about Meepo that they say about Techies now if Meepo hadnt been released; Huge potential if played right, horrible and probably the worst and least useful hero if not played right - which will be the case the MAJORITY of the times.

        King of Low Prio

          playing teckies use to get you banned on some bots in dota 1


            Techies is for chess players only, please do not try him at home!

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              i didnt play dota 1. tell me the techies counter picks hero wise so i can be ready


                ^Dazzle with blademail :@


                  How does Berserker's Blood work against a stack of mines? Do all of the mines do full damage to him?


                    ^^ Dazzle with Slark buddy with blademail sounds more economic. He'll get all healed up by himself anyway.

                    I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                      any tank with blademail. there isnt any other counter. but as i said, im worried about bad techs, not the good ones.


                        his normal mines are physical dmg iirc, remotes are magic.

                        edit: hero is a beast.

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                          @ DR. barber, if remote mine are correctly implemented, exploding all of them at once will not give time to anyspell/passiv (even abandon's) time to trigger
                          -with enough mine you could one shot an abadon (and not due to the "war3 bug" that were making triggered heal useless against damage higher than max hp)-

                          So basically, a mid life huskar would tank remote much more effectively than a full hp one.

                          I feel like techies will be god in 1k-3k5 bracket, ultra trash in 4k-5k, and will give easy access to some people to the 7k mmr.
                          A good techies is almost as good as old earth spirit. (in some matchup / gameflow he can be MUCH better than old earth spirit though)

                          King of Low Prio

                            all u do vs teckies is push early before he can get his items/levels with a gem, I like having a furion because u can use treant to kill off mines


                              I think that 5k+ techies are going to be awesome. At shit tiers he is going to be fucking shitty
                              pretty much like earth spirit.



                                False, borrowed time is instant and works as long as his hp hits the threshold (plus he can manually activate it). Unless a mine one shots him before he hits the threshold, his ulti will absorb everything.


                                  ^ IIRC, if a bunch of mines explode at the same time, it counts as a single instance of very high damage. So, if this instance of damage is bigger than Abaddon's current HP (and this HP is above 400 as well), he will die before Borrowed Time can proc.


                                    (and gem will not save you to a true techies player, only allow you to run where he isn't standin)

                                    I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                      there are some ways to disable a gem, such as upper ground mines, fog spots where you get vision only when you are in spot, force staff the enemy into bombs (you would be surprised how easy this is)
                                      but tech isnt just a hero that shouldnt be seen on map. you can also support team fights and gem is useless there.


                                        a good tech is disgusting, anyone knows if the old trick of blocking the entire enemy jungle with land mines still work?


                                          pick trax.


                                            think it does.


                                              Also agah techies is just HUGE finger of death in aoe (and it's safe to cast thx to all mine you already planted)

                                              The first time i saw that fucking awesome techies player in dota1, i was like, wtf i saw good techies player, i though i was a good techies player, but wtf in fact we were all shit compare to him. The guy was winning by himself most of eedl games...

                                              That was also such a shame to lose against him, considering how bad he was with every other heroes :(

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