General Discussion

General DiscussionIs the katana superior vs the longsword?

Is the katana superior vs the longsword? in General Discussion

    plz discuss i think the katana can cut through anything


      Curved blade is just better, not just katana, but any kind of saber or something alike.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        I like halberds.


          Chainsaw > all


            Of course. Japanese stuff is always better.




                Superior in what way... You wouldnt put a katana againt full plated armor knights because the curved blade wouldnt fit into joints properly to cause any damage. The broadsword was good for what it was used for: fighting soldiers in europe. The katana was designed to quickly kill an enemy while drawing it from the sheath and cut through chain or leather armor. Put a samurai vs a knight with nothing but their swords and battle armor and the knight will win because of his armor.

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                  katana can pierce armor fairly easy.


                    also the Japanese had armor as well it is just a majority of them preferred not to use the bulky armor because it tends to slow u down. In the video I posted it shows that the longsword even has trouble breaking through leather armor.


                      @ sampson

                      maybe shitty armor.


                        Leather armor is pierced by thrusting or slashing, chain mail by either thrusting or slashing, and plate by crushing or getting through a small hole in the joint area. Most soldiers in europe trained to use the hilt and guard as blunt weapons to smash into the helmet of an enemy and also trained to hold their swords with one hand on the hilt and one on the blade to accurately shove the sword through a hole in the joint of armor. Katanas cannot cut through plate mail.

                        Also, samurai did not generally wear plate (some wore scaled plate armor though, but it was easily penetrated with an upwards thrust). Most samurai wore leather and chain for the movement, but it was easily cut through by trained swordsmen.

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                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Yeah so what dude? I still like halberds.