General Discussion

General DiscussionShould I make a new account or just grind it out?

Should I make a new account or just grind it out? in General Discussion

    I've played about 250 games of Dota 2 (yes, I know super-casual) with about 120 hours in the past two weeks. I calibrated my MMR after about 100 games and got around 630. Yes, I know; you didn't even realize this low of MMR existed. I'm constantly matched with players between 1k - 2k MMR, and I'd rather make a new account and attempt to see if I could now get a higher MMR after playing many more games (non-ranked), but I've put about $35 and 250 hours into this account. Should I just make a new account, hoping for a higher MMR, or should I just continue playing and hope to reach 1K or 2K by the end of the year. Thanks!


      Keep playing. If you make a new account you will just fall back to your normal mmr anyways. At this mmr you should be focusing on how to improve, not about your number.

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        You will get the same mmr in your new account because you will play the same. Grind it out, if you belong in 1 to 2k, you will reach it.


          if you want i can boost you up to 2k


            Hang in there :O i was 3k like a year ago now im almost 5k mmr you will get better :) dota takes time

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            ICE SKULL

              make a new account

              i am 5.8k on my main and cant win 1 single match in 4.8k due to autists stealing bottle/boots and/or never using spells. what a fucking joke


                hmm all 3 of my accounts have ended up within 100 mmr of each other =/


                  dont listen to 13/f/japan, hes an abusing account seller named Wave. Everything he says is cancerous and false.

                  Hex Sigma

                    improve dude improve. Search for a coach it can help you greatly


                      Dude, you've played 100 games. Unless you have previous experience with other mobas (and maybe rts) or you have a friend/coach teaching you, you should expect to be bad at this complex-as-fuck game, hence the 600 mmr.
                      The good thing about being bad is that you CAN improve if you want to. If you do so, you will win more than you lose, therefore your mmr will go up and the matchmaking will match you with teammates of your new skill level.

                      आप गे क्यों

                        keep playing.

                        If u are ranked below 2k, its clear you have to first grasp the basics b4 trying for a higher ranking
                        And besides it more FUN, if u have a chance to win, compared to the immense feed u might be providing to the other side at higher mmr

                        to reach 3k mmr
               need to know your hero - what items to buy / when to use what skills
                        know your enemy - what skills they have / what counters you

                        2. how to last hit, every supports should know how to

                        3. to keep an eye at the minimap

                        4. how to gank / evade ganks


                          literally anyone on this forum is qualified to coach you, probably even that X6 dude. good thing about being 600 mmr is that there's no shortage of help since almost everyone's better than you.

                          instead of trying to fake your skill level by making a new account just try and get someone to coach you or watch some of your replays, plus some laning practice in a private match.


                            When I was new to dota, my friends forced me to support. When I started playing on my own, I tried Riki and fell in love. Spamming that hero helped me drastically improve my gameplay because I learned so much about the game itself as well as hero strengths and weaknesses. Try non-supports that stomp pubs like Riki, Spirit Breaker, Zeus, Bloodseeker.


                              If you keep playing you can improve easy. The lower your rank is, the easier is to get higher. And i would suggest having a coach or just a friend who is at least 3k mmr to teach you the basics. If you play with someone better who is teaching you and giving advice, you are going to improve so much faster than playing on your own. Good luck dude, #roadto7kmmr.


                                dont make a new account just keep playing

                                ♛ peSte ♛

                                  630? wow!


                                    Making a new account won't "magically" improve your MMR.

                                    Your rating is a measure of your consistency when it comes to in-game performance. Even if you create a new account and tryhard until you get your rating, you probably won't be able to maintain it for long.

                                    Best to just keep playing on your main account, that way when you start to move up, you'll know it's because you're actually improving.

                                    Hatsune Miku

                                      keep improving ... dont learn all the heroes just learn at least 1 support or carry it doesnt matter as long as you know what you are doing..

                                      look at me i cant win without using pudge


                                        You need to at least get to know all the heroes and their skills, not in great detail but so you know what to expect. It's important to know which heroes have stuns or slows etc. just get to know a little bit about all the heroes.

                                        Practice last hitting in bot matches, even if you play support. There will be chances for you to get some last hits, don't miss :P

                                        Always carry a tp, so you can tp in to help if the enemy dives. I can't tell you how many times I tp'd in to help a lane and instead of losing the fight we won it.

                                        Find a map of where to place wards.

                                        Find 3-4 heroes that you like playing and just spam them, you will get better and better. For me it was Lycan, now it's Slark and Sven.


                                          I feel that posting anything will somehow help this guy... :)

                                          I agree with what wink said
                                          1. Find 1 hero that can pubstomp on those low MM
                                          2. Look up tons of guides and vids of how pro do it
                                          3. Keep playing him and carry the game while learning and climbing MMR

                                          Up until 2.5k probably you can easily carry as 1 player if you do it right, so you just need to do your homework first

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