General Discussion

General DiscussionBest 1v5 hero

Best 1v5 hero in General Discussion

    Let's say that all your team left the game and you have to defend and, hopefully, win vs 5 enemies.
    What hero does best in that situation?



      I deleted dota BYE

        SF or ember

        Quick maffs

          slark necro ember


            If you managed to provoke them enough to not split push you to the death - Medusa. Else - Spectre, but you're pretty much fucked up.


              Slark, meepo. With meepo its 1 v 5 most of the times actually, cuz you snowball so hard that your teammates can't do anything compared to you.


                ember tinker meepo + counterpick the enemy's highest mmr player


                  Furion if you manage to have a high impact early game; successful tp ganks earlier tower etc. Templar is best if you want to go mid and stomp however, but people might (will) counterpick you and run a trilane mid.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Slark. The longer he lives the stronger he gets with stat steal and he can clear waves fast with his purge thing so enemy pushes are killed quickly and he can avoid lockdown for a long time with ult. Dusa isn't that hard to lock down, spectre is probably a decent choice. A way ahead terror blade could backdoor their entire base and base race em if they let him.


                      Keeper of Light.

                      Red Potato

                        Undieng and ember. xD


                          ember for sure
                          tinker also godly 1v5


                            Ember gets shut down the second he is silenced.



                              definetly not meepo

                              cuz he gets shut down by aoe stuns

                              void / medusa / ember / terrorblade


                                Well, I was 1v5 as Timber and was slicing through enemies and creep waves like butter but couldn't take towers and got ratted to death.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Yeah it has to be some sort of hero with ways to take towers. I don't think tinker is the answer since he doesn't actually do tower dmg, he just annihilates creep waves with march so your creeps kill towers. He is good anti push but eventually other team can tank double marches. Slark/dusa/spec if farmed enough and enough ahead can wipe the entire enemy team and then go throne. Terror possibly wipes them, he is squishier and easier to shutdown, but his rat ability is much higher so as long as he holds out then he can go throne.


                                    Done that with Terrorblade in super late game so my vote goes to him. My entire team was dead except for my Terrorblade. Fought with 5 enemies thrice, once in their base, once near river and then at own base while my allies were reviving.


                                      8 slotted tinkers get manta and necro for towers

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Tinker is not that good 1 vs 5, i am just saying that he can take 2 or 3 heroes but 5 no fuckign way he has mana for that :P


                                          heavily fed tiny might stand a chance

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            It really depends on how much farm said hero has vs their opponent. If way ahead anti mage is actually one of the best team wipers if he has like abyssal and manta and heart vs a team with all ~1400 hp, you know 6-7 levels behind and behind in farm. He can burst someone down, ult them and wipe a whole team.


                                              motred, easy 5k crits 1 shot k0ed done deal


                                                @<3 S A D B O Y S how did that fucking game happen

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  That's pretty nuts but you have to remember if everyone leaves and 1 guy is left he gets 500gpm passively. Everyone gets 100 gpm passively during a normal match, once people leave that bonus is split among remaining players. 1 player left, he gets it all, plus whatever gold they had in their inventory. You can snowball pretty fast on 500 gpm without even doing anything.


                                                    good luck getting close to enemies that have bkb or linkens lol





                                                        True Survivor

                                                          Slark or Ember. Any regular carry will do some nice damage, but no amount of extra GPM can make your typical carry able to last long enough to win 1v5. ES and Slark will have a much better time picking people off and fighting 1v5 without immediately dying.


                                                            I have done this with bloodseeker and void on more the one occasion.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                            I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                              sf all the way. but ofc, you gotta farm your ass for solo triple+ kills


                                                                I won a 1v5 as wraith king with refresher, mjollnir, blademail and 2 divines. Blademail/Mjollnir themselfs killed the supports rofl xD

                                                                Allies all left at like 40min though and enemy didnt push for some reason =/

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  earth spirit

                                                                  Cagnus Marlsen

                                                                    Storm if given early bloodstone and a few good charges can go 1v5, go bkb though.


                                                                      No, he can't. And people, who think he can, ruin games.



                                                                        bum farto

                                                                          Zeus :)

                                                                          I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                                            invoker works too