General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich heros counter Slark

Which heros counter Slark in General Discussion

    I have played a lot against Slark but I never really know how to deal with him as support. Normally Slark just kills support heros when they try to ward or something.. So I would like to know a few (support) heros that counter him.


      bloodseeker void




          pick bloodseeker.
          Use silence on slark, if the slark is competent, he is now useless.
          Use ult on slark, if the slark suck, he is now useless.
          Use both on slark you owned him, even if the only thing you achieve to do in a whole game is casting those two spell and running.

          Void is pretty good against slark aswell, and if you think about support, support that have disable not countered by darkpact are fine (disruptor for example)


            Bloodsuuker, basically eliminates slark's healing through ulti.


              wisp is pretty good vs slark

              slark is kinda trash though, provided you're not fucking around solo as a cm or something, slark shouldn't be killing you with cores around, unless he's already too fat and game probs over anyway.


                wisp rly good against slark

                to feed him that 250 gold


                  cm's crystal nova is pretty good for when hes ulted. good damage and hes slowed down a little.


                    tether breaks out of leash bro, and you can relocate away support brethren when slark is raping them


                      Raping any slark pick with doom.
                      That's what i do :laugh:


                        Ty all for ur answers bloodseeker seems really good and doom, wisp too. With beat regards :)

                        Quick maffs

                          I have more problems against void than against blood or doom :/


                            @Naga stole my bike again
                            pick WK :smile:

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              yeah, give slark 2 time more time to steal agi, and grow a magnificient +200 agi :)

                              So if you lose a teamfight midgame, he can take 3 tower of a lane + rax the time you respawn.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                Somewhat relevant: gameplay counters would simply be not overextending and playing safe. Slark only becomes really dangerous when he snowballs. Otherwise he's a sorta meh carry with subpar dps.


                                  Leshrak with his 2nd and ulti, goes through slarks ulti and rapes him pretty good, if leshrac is competent tho.


                                    tide counters slark at the laning phase too

                                    Quick maffs

                                      ? i was talking about having problems with slark against void

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Strong disables, team fight, not getting picked off. It's more like what heroes does slark rape and snowball of than what counters him. Like he seems to crush bad nps, roaming squishy supports, sniper cus he has no mobility and is super squishy early. If you combo up earth shaker and like sky they will rape him before he gets his ult off or they can just sit and wait for it to wear off.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          ^No slark deals with 90 % of dota heroes dude

                                          Or more

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Yeah but what's a specific counter to slark besides bs and void? Not much. It's more about not getting caught without your buddies and picked off and disables do mess him up cus he's not good in teamfights unless he has stolen a ton of agi.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              You mean good play counters slark ?

                                              Well pubs are pubs :P


                                                Well iam not a huge fan of hardcarry heros (Void) , mostly because i don't have much experience carrying and split pushing. But also because I have made bad experience with mates picking another 3-4 core heros when I randomed an am.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Yeah basically good play over any specific hero but there are a few heroes I do not like play against slark, sniper is one of them. Before you get at least one tanky item and one dmg item like s&y and maelstrom, he can dive you under any tower, kill you and escape. It's rough. Drow's probably rough too but at least she has a silence push back. Silencer is rough. Basically any really squishy hero without good disables slark can and will dive early and your team will not tp in in time.


                                                    Don't get picked off that's what counters him. Now use your brain and think about how to achieve this.


                                                      Centaur rapes him pretty hard in lane.


                                                        How to counter a slark? Dont feed him. Done


                                                          Lion is a not so popular, but good counter to him.
                                                          Stun, ult, hex and mana drain for someone else to last hit.

                                                          Just save your ult for him and you can shut him down early.


                                                            ground targetted disables are useful for wasting his shadow dance. several supports have them. axe's call is really good. maxed out it's 3.2 seconds which is a ridiculous 80% of shadow dance's duration.

                                                            luna has 1800 night vision, which helps with not getting picked off at night by a slark. although she's squishy early game. idk if you can call that a counter.

                                                            night stalker is strong at night, which is normally when slark can get kills easily, but ns has the same vision as slark at night, can catch up to him with his passive, and has a strong silence.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              I dont think luna can really survive, usually with slark you buy things like blink or shadowblade or even the racecar build so ....

                                                              Dark pact does not remove call, sadly :/