General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would be broken if you could max skills at lvl 4?

What would be broken if you could max skills at lvl 4? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    There's 2 level skip requirement in DotA, like there is in Warcraft III, I get it, but what would happen if it weren't so in original wc3, and that mechanic never carried over to DotA?

    Can you imagine something being utterly, utterly broken, that you could max at level 4, with current stats? Not saying as if spells would be re-balanced if they could be maxed at 4.


      ion shield on dark seer


        Tombstone thirst shuriken


          Lightning bolt maybe.


            LD's bear or chen's holy persuasion if you can micro


              Pretty much all skills with absolute values would be stronger than they currently are.


                Imagine techies with a 525 damage nuke at level 4 >_>


                  leshrac :D


                    actually doom, I'd say



                      Riguma Borusu

                        Well, not everything. Keep in mind that if everything's broken than nothing is broken and the game is perfectly balanced.

                        I mean, if ALL normal skills can be maxed at lvl4, what's the most problematic thing you can imagine?

                        I agree with darkseer. Lvl 4 ion shell would simply eat people. Also I don't think you'd like to lane against lvl4 heartstopper necro at level 4, though it does % damage, it's still pretty fucked. Or silencer with lvl4 curse/lw.

                        Still, some spells would even be balanced with their raised mana cost, since at level 4 you have shit mana pool on most heroes, you'd pretty much be fucked if you max a skill only to be unable to cast it a few times over without some mad regen.

                        I think the greatest problem when you try to imagine this is that heroes won't have (literally) any other spells if you'd max something at level 4, so I think most heroes would in fact be pretty weak. That's why I asked what'd be absolutely broken.

                        Imagine laning against a lion with level 4 mana drain at level 4, he can sap all your mana in a few seconds. But then again, you could also easily kill him because he can't do anything else... or would you, because you'd be out of mana... Well...

                        If I ever make a mod, I'll make the one without level skip requirement, just to see how things would behave :x I guess most people would still follow logical/normal builds, except for maybe dark seers and generally people who have a really strong spell at level 4.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          Off top of my head, viper maybe? Maxed poison is 56 dmg every cast, quite a bit since he can spam, but overall I'm not sure it's a ton different than going 2 poison + 2 nethertoxin.

                          Luna, 300 dmg nuke will fantastic range, 6s cd. Or go passive and max blessing, 38 dmg a hit at 4 is a ton. Drow doesn't really get enough dmg from precision aura until her ult kicks in.

                          Axe lvl 4 battle hunger would be disgusting, 400 dmg, 5s cd, you will crush supports since they prob can't last hit.

                          Bristleback quill spray.

                          By far best lane support ability, jakiro liquid fire. Permenant 50 attack speed slow, 24 dmg a second, no mana cost. If these changes were ever implemented I'd probably spam the shit out of jakiro and bb.

                          SF landing three razes would kill anyone. Pudge with lvl 4 rot would kill anyone of course finishing himself off. Gyro lvl 4 rockets, holy shit, and skipping flak cannon would be no big deal, though I guess you could just run from him. TB lvl 4 meta if you laned with someone with a slow would be sweet. Shadow shaman with 5s shackle if you have any dps in lane. Pugna lvl 4 nether blast, bye bye towers. Silencer, no one could keep up with lvl 4 curse, they'd be oom whole time. Skywrath maybe, but his mana cost high to just spam bolt, but that 2s cd would crush people.


                            basically, most high damage magic nukes




                                GODDAMN JINADA 500% CRIT


                                  LC Overwhelming Odds would be level 4 rampages in a team fight


                                    Meepo's Ult.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Guys this is really fucking easy, huskar, 3-4 spears and you are dead lmao


                                        Visage immediately comes to my mind. That shit hurts



                                          but if u max spears u have 0 mr and aspd and will get eaten by 300 dmg nukes

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