General Discussion

General Discussionwhat to do after a climb

what to do after a climb in General Discussion

    I climbed a fair amount now I feel like I'm going to tilt do I just throw unranked matches now


      go fuck ur self?

      the realm's delight

        u should just keep playing

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            enjoy the view from above


              NOT DROP? :D

              Bad Intentions

                Remember man, Gaben is watching you, ur on his watchlist now :]


                  y u do tis? :( i am on tilt

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Were both on tilt, o_o gone , what the heck! Teammates have been total shit lately, but cause of that I WILL TOTALLY ADMIT, I have been playing like shit too, I can't play when i'm angry, or tilting! o_o Ahhhhhhhhhhh' 3.7 to 3.4, I even lose games as BS where I start off 8-2, just to have everyone go 0-6. >.>

                    I NEED TO FREAKIN IMPROVE, I know what I have to improve, but i'm just not doing it out of lazyness, maybe i deserve this. sigh*

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Tohsaka rin! </3 Why!? Your name !


                        I've tried to lose my last 3 games but my teammates carry the game. But I don't want to be an obvious feeder by building bad items or stuff. So I just purposely miss plays that could easily win fights that go unnoticed so I don't get reported.

                        Even playing 300 ping brazil games to lose but even they carry

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                          nice trip across the brackets in NMM btw, 3 games in three different leagues.


                            ^ why? :( why? fucking why? why you add salt in my wound :(

                            @Yorkey : I love sakura. end of disc. sakura stole my heart from rin.

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                              is it a weaboo thread now?


                                yes. wiibuu wiibuu.


                                  TripleSteal I tried playing with the russians but even they carried me Gaben has given me a reverse curse. But I know when I hit that ranked button it will be -300 mmr


                                    Climb more? What's the point of having 7k MMR if you can't keep playing on that level?

                                    You're like not even 200 matches on VH and you're already tired?

                                    Keep playing mate.


                                      It's not that I'm tired, I just fear that since I'm winning so much volvo will put me with people that are on lose streaks.


                                        fate stay night is shit and thats the reason u are in normal skill
                                        u should feel bad and watch prison school



                                          ayy playing with YNIT maybe now I can lose


                                            you cant think like that. if you start winning and then you lose your streak, it's not because you're being put with bad players, and even if you were, that's just coincidence.

                                            the loss is due to your displayed rating increasing quicker than your "actual" rating (assume you have a hidden rating that's more accurate), and you unable to perform at said rating.

                                            e.g. lets say you fluctuate at around 4000, but you're on a lucky streak and get to 4200. your "actual" skill is still essentially 4000, but because you're underperforming relative to your displayed mmr, that makes you lose, even if the difference between a 4000 and a 4200 rated player is minor.