General Discussion

General DiscussionEARTH SPIRIT

EARTH SPIRIT in General Discussion

    Is it me or earth spirit needs to be in CM? He's not that OP right? It depends who is using that hero with great usage of his ultimate and other skills. I think this hero needs a spotlight in the scene ASAP.


      good shit

      Pale Mannie

        very good shit 👀👌👌✔✔👀👀


          Hihi hoho


            I think people here are Earth Spirit players too. 😄


              hes not that broken in pubs anymore. u cant go mid and just yolo and fuck everything
              but for competitive i think hes still too strong

              officer andrezz: Valoren ...

                I`d really like to see him on a position 5 or 4. It feels that on professional scene he`s not viable as a hardlaner unlike in pubs. Zoning in competetive is much better and even though it`s quite hard to kill es he`d still wouldn`t get lvl 6 fast enough and with no ability to flash farm he can fall off really quickly. However as a hard support I think he can bring much to the table. Anyway seeing him on proscene in any role should be a lot of fun.


                  Yeah exactly my perspective to that hero, he can do anyrole but more on Offlane or Mid.


                    He is a dangerous hero, i played with a 6k buddy of mine and he raped every hero on the other team. if he didnt kill them, he would get their hp low enough to allow the team to kill off the enemy. Magnetize can do wonders and the remnant set cast range is just way too far. He's like a Silencer/Tiny/Ember/Io hero combined. That speaks for itself....


                      If earth spirit was added to cm, 5jungz would win everything


                        you'd never see him in the proscenia. he'd be auto 1st phase ban

                        doom & gloom

                          ES is basically an initiatior with an aoe silence and DoT,

                          he's level reliant but not overly item reliant, which is ok if his laning wasn't so terrible,
                          BKB completely shuts him down.

                          he has one or two power spikes then falls off hard until he gets his aghs.

                          silencer does more damage in the same role, has more reliable silences (albiet on a longer cooldown), and scales better, also isn't useless vs bkb, he can be run in any position in any lane too.
                          jakiro has a long range stun, much better/more variable laning.
                          batrider has more reliable repositioning at level 6, well before earth gets his aghs, much better/more variable laning too.

                          he's one of my favorite heroes, but he's not what I would consider OP currently, his biggest downside in competitive is that he NEEDS to go offlane or mid, he can't , but he'll get stomped mid by any other hero, and he can't offlane in a properly organized environment, because he can't contest pulls and is too easy to zone out with his meele attacks, and low starting mana pool.

                          he can pull one creep per wave to help in the offlane, but a competitive tier carry will be able to pull the wave effectively still, because ES can't even touch any of his own creeps, the pull > deny trick costs way too much mana and wastes his CD, and he needs to be behind his tower to pull a creep into trees.

                          he'd still be a tier 1/2 pick, but I doubt he'd be a 100% p/b type hero.

                          Last picking is 4 pussies

                            I like how we hear in competitive he would be OP....

                            He hasn't been there no proof he would take an early ban or many pros would beast on him. I do think they would but I highly doubt he is first pick ban like some other heroes took status.

                            Plus what's his role? Just 3-4 right.

                            Also watch zai play earth spirit sometime he sucks on it.


                              A lot of pro's suck at ES even goblok sucks at it but regarding how you will land the skills is enough to kill assist.


                                of course the pros suck at es - why would they practice a hero that they can't play? time is a limited resource and they can only have a pro-level hero pool that is a certain size.

                                with a coordinated team behind him he controls team fights like no other hero. he can't deal damage like he used to be able to but he can isolate enemy heroes, he can stun/silence the entire team with his ulti and he can save teammates (all from a considerable distance). just because he doesn't deal a billion damage or bash every 17% doesn't mean he isn't broken in the right team hands.