General Discussion

General Discussionfirst game as high skill bracket: never thought I woudl've made it ou...

first game as high skill bracket: never thought I woudl've made it out of the 2k trench in General Discussion

    I know im still shit guys but just know for those of you who are still 2k it is still possible to climb out... just win games

    sorry i know u guys are gonna laugh at me for this post haha just can't believe i actually did it



      Well wp dude ;) i bet it feel so good

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        Congrats, trying to get myself out of 2.3k hole myself. Was at my peak 3.3-3.5k. Got tiled at some 2.8k games and lost 10 or so games. I swear the more u lose on tilt, the easier it is to throw games. And Valvo also keeps you in this hidden troll que full of them. Even if you try to win, some jackass throws the game cuz 40 mintues ago no one TP to help him out. I know NP doesn't work in 3k, but in 2k he's VERY effective, also Alch too.


          One thing to consider is to watch your own replays on games you felt your team let you down, but specifically focus on your own play and pick out your mistakes.

          Also... watch higher tier games from their perspective, and try to pick out things they do that you don't.

          Congrats on getting into a high skill game, but don't settle for one!


            Im 4.2 K. Yesterday i had 2 fail games.

            1) Spectre - I have almost 75% wr with him. Triple lane , almost relic and its only 10 minute of the game. Guy from my team says, sorry i have a dinner. Good Bye ! Well it happens

            2) Jugger safe lane - phase, pms and bf by the minute 14. Then blink dagger and basher by the 20 min mark. Got 3:0 in the proces. Meanwhile from the beginning a TOTAL FLAME STORM. EMBER THE MOST TOXIC PERSON I HAVE EVER MET IN DOTA 2.


            I had 750 gpm in 20 min mark. Considering Rubick leaver it would be approximately 700 gpm. THIS EMBER flaming everybody for everything. He was behaving like this guy from youtube that got his world of warcraft account deleted. He was flaming me for battlefury. Then for the blink dagger although i had 3 kills 0 deaths and 700 gpm and that time. So damn toxic. Where those people come from ?

            Blink dagger into basher and manta is a damn legit build. Meracle use the same fuckin build, although i prefer skadi instead of manta cos too much clicking for me so far. But cmon WHERE THOSE FLAMING TOXIC PEOPLE COME FROM. Makes me wanna quit dota. Maybe ill get back to the gym.


              Lex. Atleast you not see yet toxic player say OD support and ask you to buy ward and you need item like aghanim or refresher. I meet toxic like that once


                thanks for the congrats guys ^^

                Khal Drogo


                  Mr. Bow wow

                    well, in one of my game a while ago, the opposing team was at the advantage but it seems they have some conflict although they are winning, the magnus sold all his items and bought walking couriers and fed it to us... but his team reported the tuskar... never was i been so confused...



                      I will get there eventually just will take ages because 1500 to go 1000 done


                        Gratz m8

                        Sup m8

                          55% Winrate is really good. You can climb pretty fast at that rate. Nice job.

                          Sup m8

                            55% Winrate is really good. You can climb pretty fast at that rate. Nice job.

                            Player 129586357

                              since i work at home, i get to play anytime i want. found out that concentration of toxic players diminish by like 80% from 3 AM onwards. just recently got my ranked WR to ~50%. i wish the ho-ho ha-ha patch never happened.