General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering Doom

Countering Doom in General Discussion
plz do

    hints/tips anyone?

    Giff me Wingman

      meepo, wk



        Riguma Borusu

          Bounty's pretty decent to setup ganks on Doom.

          the realm's delight




              Pom Pom 🍕

                Alchemist, PL


                  Pl, CK, TB. Any illusion hero really. I'd also say that since everyone is taking him offlane these days an aggressive duo lane should stop him from snowballing early on, which is the only way he really gets out of hand. His team fight presence is pretty weak so its generally not too tough to focus him mid game onwards. Also pick heroes that can deal with his ult before he farms up aghs.

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                    Death Prophet

                    plz do

                      pls everyone dont play meepo. u suck w it.

                      Mind Games

                        AA if you want to shut down his impressive regen


                          Pick him yourself or hope someone on your team picks him first.




                              ^Did you forget the part where Doom either pops SE and skitters away or turns and Doom you and chase you to death with SE

                              p/s: If you still go Orchid on Clinkz then don't bother replying

                              Dire Wolf

                                Sniper crushes him and doesn't give a shit about dooms ult

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Yeah, sniper's really good against Doom, he has a ton of HP and it's a good thing Doom never goes blink + chase build nowadays.

                                  Oh wait...


                                    He can't blink if you hit him with lightning. go 6 maelstorm build!

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                                        Wraith King is the only hard counter to Doom.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Abaddon is okay as a counter to doom too, except he's mostly useless other than that.


                                            @ Dire Wolf: Sniper sucks against Doom from my experience. Hes so slow, so if Doom blinks in on him he cant get away. Even building SB is good cause right clicking sniper out of invis will crit almost half of his poor HP pool and dooming him after that is a sure kill. If Doom has Aghs and lvl 3 Ult hes gonna do something like 1200 pure damage, most likely more because Sniper wont be able to break the 900 radius while Doomed. Nah man, Sniper gives plenty of fucks about being Doomed, even though he isnt always the best target.

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                                                wk keks at doom hard, especially if you can get blademail off before he dooms u

                                                plz do

                                                  ok, im collecting some ideas here:
                                                  most mentioned is wk, slardar, ck, alchi. also as support omniknight and aa.
                                                  idk sniper and clinkz seem really bad. Not sure about illusion heros though too much, once doom finds the real hero its pretty fast over i guess..?
                                                  would appreciate some more support hero ideas vs doom..?


                                                    io oracle


                                                      in terms of laning you need supports with stuns/strong kill potential if not offlane dooms just going to wrekt the lane


                                                        waga tweeted pick abba, build phase boots -> midas -> aghs
                                                        i dont understand this tho


                                                          I guess it's the 50% damage reduction for your ally.


                                                            Linkens, lotus orb, meepo, alchemist, wraith king

                                                            Mind Games

                                                              Io Oracle Visage Chen Earth Spirit Elder Titan

                                                              Mind Games

                                                                Good luck


                                                                  if sniper has good positioning hes a good counter to doom obviously, you get lifestea land you dont rely on spells or items to damage the enemy, if your team can protect you while you're doomed you can still do big dps in fights. As other mentioned Abbadon seems pretty good against doom, ive played doom like twice lately and there has always been an abadon on the otehr team, i won 1 and i lost the other one but the one I lost it was totally becaus eof the abbadon.. he was saving everyone's asses all the time.


                                                                    Anyone considered doom actually being counter to WK as Doom can pick up Mana Burn from medium satyr and burn WK below ultimate usage mana limit?

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                                                                        go book doom

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Saying sniper is bad vs doom is saying sniper is bad vs any hero with a blink essentially. Doom doesn't have anything that counters sniper more than anyone else, wk with a blink or sven with a blink is probably worse. Sniper can man fight doom with s&y and some lifesteal. Plus good positioning, doom won't get close anyway.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                              For carries: Illusion heroes (ck, pl), wraith king, or meepo.
                                                                              For support: something with a long stun/silence, aa (to stop heal) or possibly rubick (if you think you can steal doom fast enough)

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                                                                                  ^ Hybrid me at wests fgt 1v1