General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with full team BKB?

How to deal with full team BKB? in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    There're too many situations where all the team or at least the cores MID, offlaner, and Carry, have BKB and our team is full of magic spells. how to deal with that kind of situation?
    What should I choose? Start the fight trying to focus them before they use their Bkb's? or let them Use it and try to focus after that?

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      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

        What the video is about? I can't open Youtube link's on my job.

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            If u have a lot off spell power that means u want to end the game asap and u have high killing potential early to mid. When their cores have bkbs it means they had plenty of time to farm it and your team failed in a way and its pretty much done for u.

            Also there are many spells which go through bkb and u can also buy an item called smoke.

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              Lex, I know what are you trying to say, get a bkb for the cores is not so expensive, it's easy to get. The main problem is when all of them are together, and the posibilities are minimun to catch alone one of them.

              Pom Pom 🍕

                Get mobility items so you can keep distance while their bkbs are up, then counterattack once it runs out. Ghost scepter is also pretty good if they're mostly right-clickers. That late game you should also all have buybacks. If you buyback after they've used bkb it should be on cooldown so you can throw down whatever spells you weren't able to before.

                Hexes are also nice if you can initate on the main core with a bkb. Since it's instant it's much harder for them to react if you blink hex on them.

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                  bait bkbs, kite them, make them waste it
                  generally just play around it
                  or you initiate on them with stuns/hexes and burst one or two people down before they turn it on
                  bashes skadi help too

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                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                    Yes, I usually think about it. But all not it depends on me. Sometimes my teammates get scared and started running around like an idiots.
                    They didn't take advantage on the hero Hexed . they react too late.

                    Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                      look man you can keep popping up excuses all day long....the answers are apparent....bait them....initiate with chain stuns......dont pick full caster team

                      stay away when they pop bkb....get your own bkbs if they have lockdown....2 maybe 3 players holding bkb is not uncommon you just have to work around it somehow as simple as that

                      supports usually wont go for the supports take them out asap run from the cores till bkb is on cd...all viable situations

                      there will always be an opening....the full team cant be 5 manning all around the map...the supports will go to place wards..the cores will go to jungle

                      if you have vision you can lock the guy with the wrong positioning and take him out easy if he's covered by a support take out the support too

                      you'll just have to go with physical damage when the big team fights i said dont pick full caster thats just stupid or as the guy above said make max use of your early to mid game damage

                      if the enemy survives that and still manages to make 3 bkbs alongside their situational items then you guys just suck and deserve to lose that's pretty much it


                        obviously when u see likely BKB making heros u pick counters (Bane, Axe, Beastmaster etc etc)

                        so ill advice in this weird circumstance wheer u dont:
                        u must outplay so in suggest u get disengage item like forcestaff and glimmer cape.
                        if enemy team has alot of physical dmg make sure u have mekans, vladimir and AC on your team
                        if its lategame keep up buybacks, sac 1-2 heros for their bkbs and then BB and wipe them. its probably your best shot. also spamming out nukes rather than heavly commiting in on kill can bait BKBs. chase after enemy if they use bad bkb and try to back off.


                          If you can split them, you cant afford get wiped in tf cause all enemies had bkb


                            the answer for full bkb is team of full abyssal blade

                            Dire Wolf

                              you need to get to late game too when all bkbs are 5 seconds. Mid game they'll wreck you with 8,9,10s bkbs.