General Discussion

General DiscussionSpec Haunt

Spec Haunt in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Is it worth leveling her ulti or just take stats and level it later ?

    what are the pros and cons enlighten me spec lords

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      really? the reliable gold you can get from haunts is priceless! (well, not priceless but you know what i mean ;) )


        As a 4k profesional afk furion griefer advise you need to take more points in haunt only after you build radiance/diffusal, but that happens before you maxed your other skills (lvl 13) in most cases.
        PD: omg 820 games as legion youre sick man :P

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          pretty sure any player in their right mind takes the ult. spec's farming potential is hopeless - but pretty much relies on securing some easy early game kills with her haunt. to skip it and hope to afk farm goes entirely against the premise of the hero


            no contention. value point at lvl 6 for both offensive as well as defensive mobility. can skip lvl 11 point for later, but I prefer not to

            Riguma Borusu

              Purge remarked on this when he played spectre, he was like "do I level the ult or not" and he ended up doing it because there was a lot going on on the map. He said that had the game been more passive and the extra +1 or +2 seconds wouldn't have made much difference, he'd have put the points in stats instead.

              But I think games are way dynamic now and it's a no brainer, you should practically always take the ult lvl 2/3.


                it never came to my mind that you can skip it, and i dont rly see the intuition behind such a choice


                  u level it for sure.
                  it makes a huge difference between having an illusion to reality back or not.


                    It is also extremely satisfying to haunt out of a gank and reality on top of a solo hero and proceed to get a kill.


                      I don't think it's worth getting stats over, but it could be worth getting your basic abilities maxed over rank 2 haunt at levels 11-13.


                        ^ i agree

                        Dire Wolf

                          Agree with last post, getting deso and dispersion maxed out is good, a couple extra stats isn't.


                            Purge is an idiot :p There's literally nothing to think about this specific case.
                            Ofc you lvlup your ult.
                            4-5-6 sec for damage (up to 5-6-7 if you switch immeditaly on one target and then switch back after 1 sec)
                            How can a single stat, change 25% / 20% damage increase ???
                            This one level of stat will NEVER EVER change how fast (slow) your farm speed is

                            The only question is : do i take my ult at level 11 or not, cause taking some more lvl of dispertion can be worth it to actually survive and deal much more without your ult during fight. (but ever since we have the tp back to swaped illusion, i'm not even sure that's worth it)

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