General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Axe getting nerfed any time soon?

Is Axe getting nerfed any time soon? in General Discussion

    He kinda needs one.

    He can have 800 damage and 100000 health.

    < blank >

      No he will get buffed


        Get rekt by blade mail scrub riki

        Pale Mannie

          You Sir just experienced the power of Mogul Khan, the Axe
          jumping in on squishy heroes and "secure" kills just like you doing it


            Are you not tired of shit posting yet?


              if anything i wanna smash some noobs with axe really >> need buffs

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              Pale Mannie

                @Lets do Science

                nice swastika

                Ferdinand I

                  If you complain from axe... I am looking forward to see what are you gonna say when you encounter good slardar or bh player

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    Most BH players kinda suck, it's a noob hero.

                    BH is basically Riki for noobs who don't know how to play Riki.

                    Ferdinand I

                      I would say the opposite but whatever. Btw you finished your last game vs axe with brown boots and 3 rapiers and nobody managed to take them from you. Did you saw someone using dust or sentries since you start playing the game so far? You don't even have a diffusal...

                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                        Yes, sadly.

                        If I could have my dream, dust and sentries would be removed from the game.

                          Questo commento è stato cancellato

                            Why would you want to remove sentries and dust?


                              Yeah let's remove sentries, dust, and all invisibility.
                              That would work.
                              Simpler Dota.


                                i looked at your comments and laughed. 35% winrate, normal skill riki picker and you say bh are for noobs who cant play riki. you talk like you can, rofl. couldnt resist, had to wake u up.


                                  nothing against riki players though. i eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner. shrugs.


                                    u must be a comedian

                                    Von Darkmoor

                                      Axe really needs a buff i think taunt time increase with 0,5 would suffice but since its valve it will be 3 sec on all level just like harb/wr/ursa/troll/Sniper :D

                                      0,5 1st lvl 0,3 on rest and lower basehealth by 50-120 ans str gain Increase to 3-4,5 per level Malin him less able to creepskip at early lvl and stronker in late and stronker overall


                                        BH is for noobs yes. Thats why his winrate is highest on higher brackets :D And Axe needs a nerf.. gosh i cant read this shit


                                          axe is like the lowest win rate hero LMFAO


                                            i can't understand why axe is the worst hero in dota in this patch


                                              zeus od invoker


                                                ^ dont really give a fuck about axe's armor, my point is axe is paper against them


                                                  any hero is paper to zeus od invoker
                                                  literally i cant play support without being 2-3 shotted

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    xD, but axe's tankiness relies on his q armor and vanguard
                                                    but im not quite sure why exactly he has so low win rate. maybe people play him wrong or something. he does farm pretty fast, he can get bkb and does have to give a single fuck about that invo od or zues


                                                      axe is ntg infront of OD , feel the pain of OD rightclicking .... activate blademail > astral > hi axe u r so dead..

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Forum bot doing his job )


                                                          Axe needs buff and one more extra slot...)))


                                                            Before axe gets bkb, od kills him with 3 shot + ult with just treads on.

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              He gets 800 damage and 5000 health, how is that fair? He hits you once and you die.

                                                              You hit him once and he loses 1 hp, 4999 to go.


                                                                u suck at dota.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                death to the fire nation

                                                                  Check out my first dota video please!



                                                                    haha u shitstain riki picker