General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter timber in lane?

How to counter timber in lane? in General Discussion

    4 second cooldown Timber Chain makes this guy very hard to kill with a dual lane

    Rektdalf the White

      Bring a chainstun, or kotl...


        someone that saps his mana


          as said before - manadrain. Also, surprisingly for me, I've destroyed very decent mid Timber with Bat without any problems


            timberchain has quite a lnog casting time, and can be interrupted. the hero's pretty weak against most zoning supports that have magic nukes.

            Dire Wolf

              don't stand by trees and he can't hurt you and you'll free farm. You don't always have to kill the offlaner, just secure free farm.


                I feel I haven't done enough if the enemy offlaner can get almost 100% of the XP. Against timber I can pull wave to tower fine for my carry to get free farm but Timber can just sit next to the wave sapping XP and get all his levels, at that point I feel I should just rotate to another lane since all I'd be doing is sucking carry's XP.

                Vem Comigo

                  ^^^ dont trust him, he never played timber

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    KotL is insane against him honestly. Other good supports are Skywrath Mage, Silencer and CM/Rubick (insta-cast disables makes sure you can cancel dat Timber Chain). Overall though, the hero is actually pretty good against dual lanes.

                    stupid fuck 2000

                      Lion, Kotl. Also get a silver edge carry for later into the game when his passive gets too insane.


                        Faceless Void W

                        Lion Mana Steal

                        Warlock / dazzle / omni can heal away the harass i guess


                          life stealer + aa support ls desolator + assault cuirass + scythe of vyse = timber rip


                            yea, that defenitely counters timber in lane, reatrd


                              Antimage as carry. Trade hits with him at start. Salve up, and he has no mana. He has to ferry himself clarities/mangos or use his. If he uses clarity, blink and abort it. Without mana he is just a walking creep with low armor. Delay his farm as long as you can. If he gets cocky and you have the right support, you can kill him. Get roh asap and drain his mana.

                              If he is decent and gets himself clarities and uses them in safety he will lose alot of momentum. You can even send your support away, if there is no chance to kill him. He can't disrupt your farm.

                              After he gets his manaboots (he will get them sooner or later), you will need your support once again.

                              Lion and Kotl are great. Lifestealer and Slark can kill him with the right support at hand. Not the biggest cancer.

                              Even though: A skilled timbersaw is pain in the ass, but most timers suck ass. They expect to crush their offlane and overextend.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                Timber is super weak at lvl 1. He only has 1 point of armor so hitting him is pretty effective. If he takes reactive he's vulnerable to getting engaged on and killed and if he takes chain than he's more vulnerable to harass. Having both supports zone him out early is very important. If you're dual laning or have a jungler, a strong lvl 1 support, like skywrath, or someone with lots of stun/mana drain, like lion or kotl, is very good.