General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


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      I'm stuck at 2000 peepee at osu AMA


        Yo bws that was just a playfub jab nothing serious,I m on tilt so taking me seriously is a exercise in futility

        D the Superior
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            You're tilting? Go play osu


              Nah its just gonna get worse if I play now, I need to cool down

              doc joferlyn simp

                im triggered


                  i got 3300 again finally after that shift-stuck incident


                    Good for you alice, best of luck for the climb


                      triplesteal- would be proud


                        yeah i hope this keeps up so i can get 3400 before 12th, still got 4 days of play time

                        i looked at my last game and why the fuck did i get lotus orb against aoe (though idk what should i have gotten)


                          ursa is actually retarded to lane against

                          i underestimated ogre ursa at lv 2 so i ended up feeding first blood gg

                          good thing ursa and ogre are complete retards

                          EDIT: it was that game i realized not skilling chain lv 1/2 against certain lineups can be game-losing, good thing i play at 3k so it doesnt matter that much but i shouldnt be getting used to this

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                            Everyones' pulling the spamming card bleh
                            I'm not sure should I spam void for the 420th time or not


                              Uh alice, wouldn't euls be a good item that game?


                                @alice,i dont like the max 3rd skil build on timber tbh, it works only in certain matchups, but maxing chain is still the way to go if you want to make some plays
                                @bws, follow your heart
                                @apoo, alice dont like euls anymore

                                D the Superior
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                                    not really. it works decently but its not the best item in that game tbh

                                    we alr have frostbite/pounce/chakram slow for disables and we can just burst them down really quickly anyway. cm frosbites one guy, i burst him, slark pounces one guy, slark and tinker kills him, frostbite goes off cd, repeat

                                    euls just needlessly makes the teamfights longer by making someone invulnerable. also we have laser to deal with ursa (their only damage against me cuz against zeus i have hood) so theres really no point in building an item that just gives me redundant mana regen + unneeded disable

                                    but im a 3k who builds lotus orb against aoe so what do i know, i couldve built aghs/octa but i didnt


                                      I only suggested euls cos of duel and a lack of hard stuns on his team for to cancelling, should also help take out a few seconds off of Ursa ulti at least before he gets bkb

                                      D the Superior
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                                          i always maxed reactive so i can invade their jungle safely. i wont get killed by them ever if i have hood + maxed reactive from creeps unless they commit 4-5 heroes


                                            Nah u did good, my logical analysis needs some work


                                              i will kill lc if he duels my teammates

                                              str heroes are food to me

                                              tinker will blind lc if he duels me

                                              then i will murder him and his family

                                              euls doesnt fit any of that

                                              D the Superior
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                                                  i would get euls if im against riki/raptor/kunkka, but if i needed to purge something ill rather get lotus orb




                                                      Ye that's what I figured, don't mind me I think like a sub 1k, I expect my team to be retards so I don't trust them to use their skills, so I prefer they make the simpler build


                                                        yeah in up to low 1k people only care about a skills damage

                                                        if it deals no damage its shit


                                                          Best example a riki who will never ever use smoke and that's also the reason silencer is very underestimated

                                                          D the Superior
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                                                              also why that 1.5k voker went euls before midas because it lets him combo faster, actually got so triggered with the way he said it so i ended up ricing thecwhole game to show farming is boss


                                                                BTW why do ppl make mask of madness on riki?

                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                    CUZ IT DEALS MORE DAMAGE DUH


                                                                      MOM MAKESU HIT ULTRA FAST

                                                                      ULTRA FAST HIT --> MORE HITS ---> MORE DAMAGE MAX DPS BUILD IN 1 ITEM


                                                                        Well that's acceptable kappa


                                                                          D the Superior
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                                                                              stop with the glorious beasts spam

                                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                                  heres some attention



                                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                                            Seriously though how do you have time to find so many pictures?

                                                                                            D the Superior
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