General Discussion

General DiscussionVariation vs spamming

Variation vs spamming in General Discussion

    What do you think will improve your skills and win games ?


      Spamming of course, there's no doubt

      Bosnian Blade

        variation of course, there's no doubt

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Spamming of course, there's no doubt

          Player 123655765

            variation that will either counter the enemy team or help your allies, like going support when all 2k sea scrub in your team pick carry. Which is every time, especially in 2k SEA where your stuck forever because that's where dream dies.


              I tend to perform better while spamming, that doesnt mean my pick is always viable nor that I always play great.


                Want more mmr?- spam
                Want to be a better player?- varaition
                That doesn't mean learn 40 to extreme extents, but have a nice size hero pool.

                Dire Wolf

                  if you don't play the same hero a bunch you won't learn the intricacies of said hero. Of course if you only play one hero you won't learn anything about other heroes and other aspects of gameplay. So the answer is do some of both.

                  For a brand new player I'd give them two or three heroes and say learn these. Then after ~30 games or so I'd say now play everything, either try to counter pick or even random to start games. Do that for a hundred games or so. Then spam the shit out of two or three heroes you like.


                    Spamming an array of heroes, but not more than 7-8 is the best way.

                    Got me my 4k trash.

                    Player 123655765

                      try silencer, most underrated hero that's worth spamming.

                      Andre Kairalla

                        I'm a forever normal skill, but spamming is so fun :D

                        "BE FEARLESS!"

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          ^^^A below 4K player that once hit 4K and dropped.

                          Saw your recent match,alot of them are HS,solo matches proof that.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Spamming a hero is 100% the best way to improve skills.


                              spamming is way better. And we don't talk about one hero but perhaps a few heroes with similar mechaincs.


                                You need both, rtz spams different heroes all the time.

                                basement :)

                                  For gaining mmr, spamming a hero that is rarely countered is obviously more effective. The more someone plays a hero. The more they improve at it. However, I have Dotabuddy, so I know when someone is hero spamming. I always ban that hero. 50% of the time, they play like trash. The other 50% have a secondary hero, so they only play slightly worse.


                                    Spamming is fun actually, imagine you are a god using 1-3 hero and reckt ppl so hard that they report you


                                      Spam first pick Omni Knight then afk picking phase for pornhub


                                        1- i don't like spamming much cause it is kinda boring
                                        2- omniknight is boring situational hero
                                        3-pornhub is blocked in my region
                                        4-my internet cant handle videos+dota


                                          All these sub 5k players talking about variation being good at improving and spamming only being good for MMR lmao
                                          You have no idea how to improve at Dota to begin with


                                            yeah, spams will get you mmr, nice joke.


                                              Spamming. But over a small number of heroes that allow you to fit any role and counter any enemy.


                                                My 14-1 FP omni spam speaks for itself.

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  Spamming allows focus on game mechanics and playstyle but limited to the hero's potential

                                                  Variation opens another book
                                                  While spamming flips pages

                                                  Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                    So i have a hero Pool from like 80 different heros but 1/4 of my games are with the Same one. So pretty much Spam and Variation