General Discussion

General DiscussionMy team is holding me back xD (butthurt)

My team is holding me back xD (butthurt) in General Discussion
Magic Wand

    opposite of the title every game is winnable.
    what do you do when you're on the underdog team, you lose your towers and forced to stay at the t3 towers defending the enemies to push, when you try to farm on nc camp there are enemies hunting you? given you're a pos 1 and pos 2.

    and if possible what do you do when you want to end the game fast (when the other team is defending on t3/high ground)

    thanks for the answers

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      just push or defend. there's always opportunity. try using dotadev or steam forum there are some 4000-6000 mmr players in both forum. this forum are filled with 1k smurfs and double down users.

      chicken spook,,,,

        underdog team


        chicken spook,,,,

          Cut waves, sneak rosh, smoke backstab gank, etc
          Just analyze some replays lol


            you dont let the game get to that point by splitpushing and forcing rotations as much as you can until they are going for high ground then u engage in fights. if u r stuck in ur base going 5 man from this lane to next u have lost the game ma boy unless the enemy is retarded and just fucks up massively


              You buy wards and put them in non-obvious places. Then splitpush and force the enemy to show up on the map. Use this knowledge to gain more farm.

              My last game is a good one to look at: 3212604789

              We got mauled by luna until I got travels. I then stalled the game out enough that I could outfarm the enemy luna and split up their team.

              Make sure to waste your opponent's rotations.


                Smoke up to pick off any overextended enemies, then push out lane. At this point in time its more about taking advantage of their mistakes as there is pretty much nothing you can do if you are losing this bad.

                Typically to go hg having items like solar crest on your carry helps, and aegis+cheese are always invaluable. If all else fails, try to pick off by smoking up or split their defence.


                  type GG WP and move on to the next game

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    ^weakling LUL