General Discussion

General DiscussionOD AGHANIM

OD AGHANIM in General Discussion

    i play od quite well the late game item i will buy aghanim and refresher....i dont really follow the paths update but wtf is the change on od aghanim....od is not support to use astral imprisonment like 3 times??? wtf is that??? its really not cool...maybe i should try to plaay od support next


      i think od aghanim might be fun now but nobody is still buying it


        Aghs is good when the enemy team has a lot of lockdown, otherwise its completely useless and quite annoying


          nobody will buy it unless he is plying support od

          Free 2 Play Scootz

            I think it's kinda legit. Item is crazy good early game and let's you start snowballing. Won a tier 7 battle cup 2 weeks ago and our od rushed aghs in 2 of the games.


              how tf is something upgrading a pseudo disable make it more viable on a support?
              like, a support od wudnt even be able to farm aghs like that.
              either way it sounds like an interesting solution to certain heroes u want to single out and deal with separately, say a bristle, who with aghs octarine u can astral 3 times in a row then wait a couple seconds and astral again.
              basically u can just keep removing bristle from the fight and ignore him until the enemy team is dead, then 5v1 gang up on the lone bristle and kill him.


                i dont think its worth it

                -DI- TheDrengr

                  the old aghs was much more powerful, and honestly needed to be nerfed to this, the aoe stack dmg of OD aghs was probably the highest in the game.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    LOL No one even buys the old aghs back then now it's even more viable because you get to W your own allies to save them or pick the enemy you want to delete for 4 seconds without casting your ulti with zero stolen INT

                    And the stats it gives is beautiful for OD
                    I can still remember wc3 doto AI buying 5 aghs and one boots and still functioning

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      I would buy it if it pierces bkb


                        @fx anyone would smh

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          I'd buy PA Aghs if the dagger slow would go through BKB rofl


                            I still remember rtz interview. "What makes you really annoyed by your enemy"
                            "Enemy Od astralled me in the whole fight"

                            white boy summer

                              might be good but it ain't no shivas, hex or pike. the +10 all stats for 4200 is a joke, i would rather go octarine if i needed the hp/mana aspect

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Simple reminder that it was meta for OD to go and build 4 Scepters rofl, kind of like how people build multiple Talismans on him early game

                                white boy summer

                                  it was wc 3 days when the buildup of scepter was the same as octarine now?