General Discussion

General Discussionrequest to dotabuff

request to dotabuff in General Discussion
AT&T Samsung Galaxy

    Hi! I was wondering if u could add a place where u can see the buffs and nerfs all the heroes have gotten, like for example a list showing the changes in patches for every hero. It would be amazing to have, but its just a request :smile:




        You have the patch notes for that, but I still agree with this one. We need someone to really analyze the patches and list down the changes of the heroes. Not everyone understands the severe changes a little strength gain buff can get or how a change in CD could change the way heroes are played in the early stages so +1.


          you can check the balance history of every hero on dota 2 wiki

          i follow Jesus.

            it'd be really nice to have it here tho, since we can compare them to the hero's winrate
            i think dotabuff staff could just copypasta the pages from dotawiki or something on a page similar to the trends and stuff on the hero pages themselves, would be really nice