General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm first item

Storm first item in General Discussion
sumail fan

    Learning this hero, and I feel comfortable with Orchid first and then Bloodstone, and then Linkens, TP boots. I see Dendi go Bloodstone first and then Shiva's Guard completely leaving Orchid. If anyone of you can explain what is optimal for different situations?

    doc joferlyn simp

      Ironwood Branch first item

      sumail fan

        that is a waste of a comment slot.


          inrowwood branch first item

          orchid before bloodstone is only good if u have cm in team


            or u have anti magu as caru or specu as caru

            doc joferlyn simp

              If you think me suggesting Branch as first item then there's something wrong with you


                because bloodstone is pretty broken right now

                do you realize the higher your mmr the more common it is for people to opt for farm accelerators like midas and etc? the reason being items like orchid are riskier

                say you pickup your orchid but you dont manage to snowball, you get into a deadlock or into a situation slightly advantageous on your team. but with the current meta highground is hard to push in, so what happens is the deadlock continues while everybody farms and who gets more late game potential? the greedy one

                etc etc

                Fee Too Pee

                  if you go orchid before bloodstone in my game , i will report u, seriosuly. its fucking bad


                    Orchid rush is too damn risky

                    sumail fan

                      so since you guys are all trashing i skip it altogether? suggest me a progression of items please.

                      Fee Too Pee

                        orchid is fine , its a good item. BUT IF YOU GET IT BEFORE BLOODSTONE. U ZIP ZAP 2 TIME NO MANA , NO DAMAGE. AND STANDING LIKE A RETARD AND DIE. silence for what??????? u cannot zip zap anyway

                        sorry for caps , i want to choke every single 25 minute orchid into 40 minute bloodstone storm spirits


                          ^ i like this seatard coments and any nornal skill coment

                          its not awful at all it may be op vs heroes like voker zeus at 14 min game u can win fights and make space for carry like anti spec tb but best thing is to tell ally to pick cm

                          after orchid u get bloodsgone in 6 7 mins

                          Shikanoko Noko

                            I will never rush orchid first. you still need mana to activate it


                              lol no one does orchid rush now, game's about snowballing and farming fast efficiently, so if you get bloodstone around 15 mins -18 mins as storm, u just gotta rotate and snowball hard and feed yourself some bloodstone charges and go orchid , shivas/linken then bloodthorn , bkb ez>?


                                ^ i have 3.5k mmr and i proud of it haHAA. Normal skill comment :thinking: 500 extra hp??? Twice the regen of orchid i think. Great buildup.

                                < blank >

                                  Bloodstone, check my profile and ignore all those fake ass wannabe suggestions


                                    B L O O D S T O N E


                                      mana is not problem u have talent and if god gives cm in team its like bloodstone plus u make alot space for late carry


                                        >implying there won't be enough farm for everyone if you go for BS

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Storm is a good ganker, but he's an easy better flash farmer. A bloodstone ensures that he can constantly jump from camps and creep waves and clear them really quickly.

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            @solo skil how about you play a strom with orchid first and win ?? you just calling random people retard lmao. try win with storm orchid first please.

                                            Cannot farm , cannot zip zap , trash orchid first build


                                              The talent only gives like 2 mps,no way that's enough for storm


                                                i dont say its a must build on storm ist very situational like Dota 2 game itself

                                                get it now ?

                                                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                  mana is not problem u have talent

                                                  Implying you get the mana regen talent over +20 damage?
                                                  F I L T H Y C A S U L

                                                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                    But I think orchid is ok even in a deadlock situation. You have damage+atkspeed and some regen. Mana isnt too much of a problem with soulring+bottle+tread switching(assuming you get treads first, which I think is optimal for early kill potential and the handy utility it gives)




                                                        the build is almost always treads sr wand bloodstone then whatever, like orchid, shivas, linkens, bkb (sometimes), euls (if they have silence), it all depends. but storm is the best bloodstone hero in the game, there is no way u delay that item for orchid

                                                        Erase Humanity

                                                          For early game you need more flat mana regeneration than presentage based mana regeneration. Otherwise it's absolutely hard to farm or fight on a desperately mana hungry hero like storm. So Bloodstone should be first item. If you manage to snowball, you gain a lot of charges which makes him even stronger. Shiva is great against heavily physical oriented high movement speed lineups. Linkens is good against solo target gankers like Legion and a safety net for split pushing.


                                                            but if you dont rush orchid, your enemy will just buy manta/eul/lotus/bkb/whatever and your orchid after bloodstone will be useless?
                                                            and if you rush bloodstone and fail to kill somebody coz they arent silenced you lose charges and gg?

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              bloodstone first
                                                              (no subtle bragging here Kappa)


                                                                ^^^ very slow timing.

                                                                git gud



                                                                  wait, what 621 solo mmr?


                                                                    dude I died a couple times early and fucked up my bloodstone, but after that I got gud


                                                                      I always play storm by solo ganking since im a 2k player and theres no teammate gonna help u to gank, for example u wanna gank enemy invoker, if u jump on him he couldve just ghost walk or tornado and run away,but if you buy orchid he wont do anything i think, another example is cm, he couldve just froze you if you jump on her, so it depends on your enemy, if you have enemy that have lockdown/escape skills like invoker,cm,ember,qop,lion etc u better make orchid first and then earn some money from killing them and farming to buy bloodstone
                                                                      Edit: if u have enemy like clinkz or bh u can just buy bloodstone since u can reveal them with dust and dust slow their ms

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        Dude, u dont need orchid to kill invoker, and storm with orchid doesnt even have the mana to kill them and then continue farming afterwards or deal with the enemy teams reaction. If u have bloodstone u can still get kills and farm, become tankier, and snowball, and the first time u die u can abuse ur respawn time reduction to enter a fight again and win it. Bloodstone is way too good on storm to skip/delay

                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                          Just get the damn bloodstone man


                                                                            jugger min 15 manta am min 20 manta, nice impact min 20 orchid

                                                                            but i guess whatever

                                                                            what im saying is orchid MIGHT not be the best item to buy if you went for first item BS.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              Fun Fact : storm can kill enemy without orchid

                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                Implying you get the mana regen talent over +20 damage?
                                                                                F I L T H Y C A S U L

                                                                                is 2k and wrong


                                                                                  he can also get turned on by any hero with a root or disable (unless he has linkens then he is probably fine)

                                                                                  but whatever dude just ignore me

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    Well, my trash tier Storm trash BS timing is usually around 17 minutes and that of course kinda puts you online in the game. However, I have lately skipped bloodstone in few games and went for linkens / orchid first item, depending very much of the situation; are you getting raped early or do you need to early rape one single target hero that can smack your butt if he gets active first. In those cases it may be ok to pass BS and go on other item first. However, that changes how you need to play Storm, BS build is the normal what you see and how you expect Storm to be, but if you pick other items first, you need to adjust your play to your items. You know, there are more than 1 way to play heroes, its not repeating the same all the time / every game.


                                                                                      Wow linken first item so good

                                                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                                                        Asking u should have bloodstone or not as storm , is like asking are you should have blink as axe.

                                                                                        Just get your corest item as storm , bloodstone . Thats it. Theory crafting all you want, u guys being annoying. Just get the damn bloodstone

                                                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                                                          Its like. Errrhhhh thy have zeus. I wonderrrr i should have pipe first before blink as axe, erghhhhh , i need tank amirite???? No initiation for whatt i need to "tank" erghhh (sing2 voice)

                                                                                          4 11 storm , i need linken for necro , orchid for silence necro No need bloodstone amiriteeeeeeeeeeeeeee

                                                                                          Seriously i fucking hate theory crafting people that do not get the most core item on the hero , and thought some items sure can replace it. Example : maelstorm AM lmao

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                            orchid first on storm < vangaurd first on axe


                                                                                              Some days ago my enemy storm got orchid with just boots in 12 min ! He owned that game


                                                                                                Dude please just because I won with BF manta diffusal dagger LS and BF ursa doesn't mean its legit


                                                                                                  I won as clinkz who rush orchid first item and brown boots . Must be legit!


                                                                                                    Also BF abba