General Discussion

General Discussionbb with 51% wr

bb with 51% wr in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu


    last time I Checked that hero had 39% winrate or some shit I swear



      Fee Too Pee


        Seriously BB picker always try to contest no matter what , feeds , and flames

        at least do not fucking feed pls


          Bb can offlane but he usually needs help lvl 1-2 before he can manage the lane on his own at least against difficult lanes
          He is defienetley more of a mid and safe carry now


            I don't have any problems on most of my BB offlane picks tho.

            Fee Too Pee

              Most of them , Most . just feeds , i am done with bb picks in my team tbh , never lost against one , never win with one.

              Okay maybe , i win , or actually got carried by BB offlane . But only like , 1 out of 5


                ignore him and tank up so that you can soak in his bristles.


                  What I like about BB is he can push towers when he stacks war path, so when I win my lane I immediately push the enemy safelane tower then change lane and push again.

                  Also mana is not an issue for BB anymore because of that +2 mana regen talent and I build Urn and Medallion of Courage into Solar Crest as an early item build.

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                      I think what dodong said is half true because at 4k offlane you would have a really bad offlane unlike 2k where you could just pick am offlane and still got decent farm. Bb is a hero that need farm to be effective in the mid game he also could not farm jungle well at the 1st few level if im not wrong. Any lane is fine as long as you got a decent farm in that lane which means safelane or midlane.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        Two words: Solar Crest

                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                          BB needs a nerf


                            ^ OHHH NOOOO BB too STRONK needs NERF


                              nerf BB pls volvo.


                                try scepter + deso legion commander


                                  I generally like having BB on my team. Decent offlane that can always fall back on stacked ancients/neutrals. If picked 3rd or 4th (and let's be honest oftentimes mid/hc pick first to call the lane) he might be very hard to play around. It's pretty annoying to play him against mana drain heroes at all stages in the game tho.

                                  Banskiie II

                                    LOL cuirass and shivas counters him softly. Late game armor can decrease his dmg output significantly.


                                      *picks bb*
                                      Solo off BB has 55%wr

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        idk I feel like he's garbage still. Just owns pubs I guess? I mean slark also feels like garbage to me usually and he owns pubs so hard.


                                          bb is pretty damn good, as a safelane he becomes very difficult for an offlaner to 1v1 by lvl 2, so it frees up the supports
                                          as a mid he can farm ancient stacks very well and he can rekt most melee mids that must come up to the wave to lh only to get quills in the face every time.
                                          idk abt urn tho @dodong, bristle doesn't fight enough to get enough charges to justify it imo, id rather have a faster vanguard into solar


                                            I liked it urn is good for BB (this is POS 3 BB) and you could just heal everyone if you have enough charges, also I don't think rushing vanguard is good as BB I never rush vanguard not unless there are 4 or 5 physical enemy heroes. I prioritize Solar Crest so that we can get Roshan early if possible.


                                              even as a pos 3 bristle vanguard is good cuz it allows u tank up and it builds into crimson
                                              and u get solar crest as ur next item anyway, u r already good at taking rosh with goo, so its not a huge priority.
                                              the thing with urn is that sure can heal everyone up, but it doesn't make u that tanky in a fight it just gives sustain to ur team, and ur not active enough even as pos 3 bristle to get enough charges. its like a great item to have with a bristle but bristle doesn't want to pick it up himself, he has other priorities.


                                                Why would it be a problem it just cost 875, also so your saying that vanguard should be rush always even if your enemies only have 2 physical heroes?

                                                Also about your explanation about the charges, I don't get it and I never had any problems getting charges for BB and I'm not sure about that he is not active enough to get charges it doesn't make any sense to me.

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                                                  hmm urn actually sounds like a good idea.

                                                  the question is: urn or medallion first?


                                                    For me it really depends if I can kill the enemy safe lane hero or the support then I go for Urn first if not then Medallion, if its impossible to contest my lane that is the only time I rush Vanguard or Hood of defiance if I'm being bombarded by massive magic damage like a tri lane safelane.