General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat would you have said if

What would you have said if in General Discussion

    your team had offlane lc who gained 1st duel damage in 30th minute after feeding damage to enemy support, and then went on to purchasing ghost scepter in order to use it and duel enemy left-click carry during teamfights so that your carries would hit him?

    Pale Mannie

      worst fuck lc in the world. when you would've jungled you would have a better contribution than this :thumbs_down:

      General Asim Muneer

        Dayummm that idea could be game changing if the enemy carry is very ahead


          Tell that noob to jungle instead than to lane top as he is very useless, its 4v6 nonetheless


            Tell him he should have saved 700 extra gold and made the enemy carry kill himself with his advantage.... wont change anything about the game.... but atleast you taught him something.


              I remember someone pro do this in pro match
              Mind_control maybe?


                im not gonna lie that's pretty amazing


                  Sounds like a pro game lul




                      Sry but I already won at that point.

                      MOM GET THE CAMERA


                        Actually that's what Virtus Pro Lc did in the last game of grand final of Kiev Major. I really lost my respect for them after that.

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          tell him that ghost doesnt work in duel?


                            Gs does work during duel. They just stare at each other


                              Pasha from VP explained that he went ghost because he was so far behind the only contribution he could make in fights was buffing and taking out troll from the fight without feeding him dmg. As we know it didn't work but I don't think the concept is so flawed. Since even with blademail troll would just destroy him and ALSO get that bonus dmg while losing like 30% of his hp pool.