General Discussion

General Discussionhow on earth can you deal with visage...

how on earth can you deal with visage... in General Discussion

    our mid lost to him and he proceed to dominate and nothing i could do was able to bring a comeback.......
    how can you kill this thing


      Punish him early. Squishy AF before he has items. Don't feed him, and your mid laner needs to be a level above autistic to lose to a 2k mmr Visage player.


        Snu i didnt have blink early enough to punish his blue ass and when i got it he was already far ahead from me i could kill every one of them easily and when it come to him my dmg fall pretty bad and his familiar screw me all i could do is keeping the team positive (even tho they been fighting 90% of the time) xD and took bkb yet lost pretty hard is there specific way to get him down even if he started to snowball ?


          Its the same story for any hero that snowballs mid. Keep your map warded, smoke gank the Visage with your whole team, stack stuns, etc. etc.
          Other than that, what I said earlier is all that applies.


            dont play drow on mid
            pick a hero who can either beat him on lvl 1-2 or a hero who can deny him every creep


              @ywn the thing is am not the mid hero i was playing sven safe that game how ever dont think you can advice 1k mmr to pick right hero on this tier you say pick something else they will all simply flame at you and all you could hope for is to win blindly or carry them somehow even if they feed hard...


                @Snu lets say visage already snowballing and i could keep the gap close to him lets say he's lvl10 and i lvl8-7 how can i deal with him either mid or late game after i get at least 1 good item to sustain me in long team fights


                  Generally, you can't 1v1 any mid snowballed hero - Visage included. Has to be a team effort. There are very few 2k-3k mmr players who wouldn't Smoke up and find gank the hero who is butt-f*cking them.


                    just ._________.


                      1-if he is that way ahead he would easily disable your blink so maybe a shadowblade should have been better
                      2-dont need -5 armor against a snowballing visage so maybe armlet was a better choice
                      3-ik bkb rush is bad but u saidhe was snowballing and trust me... visages worst nightmare Is a bkb... should have gotten it before sny
                      4-kill birds ffs stop ignoring them or letting them live when they are between your whole team
                      5-undying is retarded he would have helped ur team way more by completing a pipe instead of mek
                      6-gj on the blink /MOM timing tho but still both items didnt help you against him
                      7-u dont need to punish or smoke gank a visage ... just get 2 items ahead of him ... u farm way faster than him... you could have easily won this imo

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                      meteor hammer

                        hey guys reddit here PLEASE buff visage i am 2k and have brain cacncer an dcannot control more than 1 unit but he needs to be playable for me ty


                          Visage is op 1v1 hero. But hes one of the worst heroes to teamfight , because all your skills have charges which means hes kind of useless after using all his charges on 1 hero. you will leave him with little to no armor and only %10 magic resist if you gang up on him.




                              @Can't be done
                              I think u missed the point .....


                                silver edge?

                                meteor hammer

                                  his armor and mres both suck dick and hes super slow without chill. usually hell take some kinda chip damage at the start of a fight and have lower cloak, you just need to wait then jump him with a stun, ideally aoe so he cant save himself with birds

                                  if he snowballs ur essentially fucked, his single target damage is ridiculous and cloak+crest makes him very tanky


                                    expect visages to have at least two points in cloak by level 6


                                      so bkb / silver edge & dmg over time is the way to go vs visage then ?

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                                        but how can people LH with this attack animation?


                                          ^its actually very easy once youve played him 40 times
                                          ^^yes +dont reduce ur own armor with MOM instead boost it with armlet while still getting attack speed

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                                            sadking so armlet with mom both together or only one of them


                                              i dont think that silver edge works against his cloak in the way you think

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                                                Isnt DoT quite good against his cloak?



                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Visage is really strong if you know how to play him. The change on familiars and cloak make it almost impossible to kill the birds if Visage still has his stacks. He is slightly too reliant on his ulti, but a good player will rarely let them die anyway. I think you need to put a spellcaster on mid against him, like Lina. Autoattackers will have problems against Grave Chill and the eventual solar crest he will buy.


                                                      Only armlet.... u can go for both but then only use MOM to farm ...also from my experience(200 visage games) dot isnt that scary...people who jump you are your worst nightmare


                                                        drow mid :^)

                                                        and no used to barely ever see any ganks on the guy who's buttfucking you. well sometimes when i plat sf u get 3v1ned from the start.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          @sad king i disagree, he has one of the shittiest animation and projectile in the game. Despite that it has avarage damage, it fails to get last hits because of it. You can get used to the timing but it wont make you get more cs than enemy laner

                                                          all role player

                                                            how do u lose a game with sven ???????


                                                              @Lelouch cuz its fun to get solar crest debuff + 3 familiar + 5 guys running after your ass while you do lattery next to nothing dmg with your ulty to that visage......
                                                              and quite acting like sven is immortal he's a normal dota hero with hp bar that dies when his hp bar deplited.

                                                              all role player

                                                                ofc u dont have damage wtf are you talking, you build an AC how about you buy bloodthorn and kill that shit in 2sec of your stun??? familiar and solar crest debuff?? dude you have bkb no one cant stop you if you buy a crit item

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  i need ac for rest of the team cuz all of them simply get killed by 1shot either from WK or Jugg, and had no slot for bloodthorn and if u think 5sec is enough to kill visage and rest of him team wish is made from pretty much ton shit of stuns u damm wrong it also sounded good on paper to counter wk ac...

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                                                                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                                    Destroy the birds, make him summon them back, destroy them again, destroy him


                                                                      i remember getting laguna'd with 150 hp while having 4 stacks of lvl 4 cloak


                                                                      ВКП "Русич"

                                                                        "Destroy the birds, make him summon them back, destroy them again, destroy him" Lol he will destroy ur team thirst. You need a good initiaton to kill it. Smn who can jump but he must be strong.


                                                                          not to mention, you guys got outdrafted.

                                                                          as for countering visage, the same logic applies to every "strong" hero. pressure their lane with ganks!

                                                                          Even a pugna with some farm can look "OP".