General Discussion

General DiscussionTA or Xin

TA or Xin in General Discussion
never seen sun rises

    Which hero is better to spam mid till 4k: TA or Ember, when to pick them and why?



      never seen sun rises

        Why SF is better choice here than?


          TA is a bit better imo
          dont pick them against hard counters so u dont get countered 4Head

          Player 175043649

            just pick magnus everytime you have melee core
            also spam sf is better +

            死の恐怖 Haseo


              never seen sun rises

                What the timing for deso. pt,dagger on TA than , and do u think that Ember is weak now?

                never seen sun rises

                  I am not sure that Magnus is good for 3k, cos u can't rely on your carry and u don't have some pos 2 good core.


                    Ember got nerfed too much
                    Dogshit structure hitter too

                      Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                        TA but I would try to be last pick or at least see their mid before picking.
                        Reason is because TA can hit objectives ie, gives you easy rosh and biuldings.


                          mag can hit hard with items though


                            axe is better on mid and dunking objectives


                              Try cm core


                                ta by a slight margin because she offers a lot better than ember.

                                - because she pushes better
                                -scales better than ember with slightly the same escape potiential
                                -takes rosh and has these mini wards

                                but ember is also good it's just that in pubs being able to choke your enemy farm increases your chances of winning better