General Discussion

General Discussionis PA strong?

is PA strong? in General Discussion

    just wondering what the consensus is on this hero


      Weak bitch


        Pa is very strong against ranged carries, and supports who doesn't buy forcestaffs.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          PA is strong against teams with bad players in said team.


            Stronk if u keep feed her non-stop (u know who cause it). .
            That suddenly 1k damage pop out from the dagger even before 20 mins


              Oh no jacked gonna spam pa next xDDDD

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                I mean... spamming her at the right time is smart to some extent. Just find the feeder and get that 2000 damage crit off by 15 mins.


                  Solar Crest change nerfed her needlessly


                    Pa not strong, if you don't feed her.
                    Monkey king bar in hands Anti-mage, LS, PL - and pa not problem


                      Lmao u have no idea wtf pa is do u? Pa beats am and works well against lifestealer, cuz she starts becoming the strongest hero on the map by min 13, wtf is am gonna do against a pa with Deso 12 min in? He dies
                      What does lifestealer do? He also dies, he barely has armlet, but pa can kite him out and kill him too.


                        why do ppl buy vlads on this hero?

                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                          why do ppl buy vlads on this hero?

                          to push tower and sustain


                            i dont like vlads on pa

                            Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                              Is Aquila or vlads better on her?


                                So she's kinda strong?


                                  stronk is the better word.


                                    with life's shit armor early on i strongly doubt he can survive fighting PA

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      PA is strong but balanced imo. Her dagger is also very helpful especially when chasing a hero.

                                      I even think her crit should be rescaled. Maybe make it 250/325/400. But put a +100 crit damage talent at lvl25. XD

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        Is Aquila or vlads better on her?


                                        Vlads is redundant and a waste of 1k gold.
                                        Get a Morbid Mask if you want Lifesteal. (that or wait til you hit level 15 for lifesteal talent)

                                        Aquila literally provides better stats, and regen + armor due to the stats. It is slightly less than 1k gold too which is nice. Make sure it is off.

                                        Vlads = less stats, slightly less regen, and no control in lane. What I mean by that is it will push a bit, with Aquila you can at least turn it off if you do not want the lane pushed.

                                        Hope this helps.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          if last picked, yes

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            PA is still a very strong carry, don't let the memers tell you otherwise just because she has a simple and straightforward set of abilities.


                                              well, wish me luck while i first pick spam her


                                                If you are a hardcore farmer, DO NOT PICK HER!


                                                  Heroes like pa and spec just doesn't feel good if you enjoy farming.


                                                    Umm, i 4 hits PA in mid game as lycan with solar crest lul

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    Story Time

                                                      i dont know anymore, either i stomp with her, or enemy stomps, seems like no middle ground, so assume the pick is situational


                                                        Pa isn't that great.

                                                        Edit: I would stick with ursa

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          Pa is strong if built accordingly to a situation, but if you suck at item choices, believe me you will lose against am


                                                            she seems like a weak laner


                                                              Vlads is redundant and a waste of 1k gold.
                                                              Get a Morbid Mask if you want Lifesteal. (that or wait til you hit level 15 for lifesteal talent)
                                                              Aquila literally provides better stats, and regen + armor due to the stats. It is slightly less than 1k gold too which is nice. Make sure it is off.
                                                              Vlads = less stats, slightly less regen, and no control in lane. What I mean by that is it will push a bit, with Aquila you can at least turn it off if you do not want the lane pushed.
                                                              Hope this helps.

                                                              vlads pushes better than aquila
                                                              u dont buy vlads that early in the laning phase when u want to control the creepwave
                                                              u dont usually buy aquila if u can rush desolator even faster
                                                              vlads is also a team aura, not just lifesteal/regen for urself but the benefits for the whole team


                                                                very good against AM/Sniper/Drow and only when played mid


                                                                  "she seems like a weak laner"

                                                                  She is a good laner. Easy to gank for a PA and it's tough to keep her from farming.

                                                                  PA is decent imo, but has very low HP for a hero that needs to be on top of people


                                                                    PA is decent imo, but has very low HP for a hero that needs to be on top of people

                                                                    pa's hp shudnt matter that much, she is elusive and she is supposed to engage and disengage, and basically keep an arms length away from trouble and jump in to deal dmg and get out again rinse and repeat


                                                                      Is PA braindead?


                                                                        No unless u r 1k

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          She's very strong, most people play her wrong, which is weird cus she is pretty straightforward.