General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo ranked is impossible

Solo ranked is impossible in General Discussion

    Check my match history,
    I have been playing this game for some time now and I have to say that i has been pure hell. When i first calibrated mmr i was about 2700, dropped to about 2300 mmr then raised to about 4.3k mmr (that was my peak). Right after that people started becoming so fucking retarded that it was sad, it spreaded like a zombie virus and i have then dropped back to about 3k. I have been hoovering 3.5k - 4k for quite a long time. Long story short, my teams are fucking retarded. I don't mind being low in mmr as long as the games are a pleasurable experience. The current state of the community is pure cancer, I really didn't have teams this bad like ever, currently im at 2.9k mmr winning is mission impossible for me. I don't have any mechanical issues, im quite an experienced player.

    Im open for criticism and im asking for help, im completely desperate.


      you're also garbage like your teammates and opponents


        Exactly my point, it's no longer a community it's a toxic waste


          good point!


            @ywn, please don't be nasty to those who are asking for legitimate help. I'm surprised the DotaBuff staff don't do anything about comments such as that one that drive others away from the site.

            Renmanace, I'm certainly in no position to give you advice, but a quick look at your profile and I noticed that you often have more deaths than kills. Could it be possible that you're often caught out of position, or in the wrong place during teamfights?

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              I have no respect for bad players who call their team bad and says stuff like:

              I don't have any mechanical issues, im quite an experienced player.

              and i will respond accordingly thank you very much kind sir


                Watch replays of heroes you would like to play,then play them and improve from your mistakes.Always do your best.

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  I don't find it a toxic waste, I am enjoying alot of my games

                  Also I checked my behavior score, apparently it 6700,I guess its from all the internet drops I had 4 months ago (which is why I stopped playing, after 5 abandons i decided that srsly i can't keep destroying the other players games like that)
                  And I always have a blast with the other people
                  I never play in party, always solo,and still I find myself joke alot with the team and alot of time with the other team as well

                  I'm not good, and not claiming tonbe, I sucks at dota, but I really like the community, here and there there is a frustrated player which can be devastating, but even with him you can try to reason and talk, if nothing work there is even a mute button. But generally I find that the people that I get queued with, are generally great people that just want to have fun :D


                    It really depends on the game, if i see potential in the team i would mostly sacrifice myself to save the others, on the other hand i play most of the times pretty agressive and i always end up dying in trades, I like to initiate I just don't feel like i could trust a player from my team to do that (in most of the cases a tide for example is too scared initiate or to die in a fight). I could try to die less and change my playstyle and see if that will change some things

                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                      I also need to learn how to die less, it's mostly comes to positioning in my case

                      But maybe you can put some trust in your allies anyway? After all it's a team game, you CAN'T win on your own

                      Win together, or lose trying. That's my train of thoughts


                        Git Gud


                          @howtonoob6, i agree with that win together thing, the problem is people arent trying, when they see somebody die or something they go feed just to finish the game faster. People just seem like they don't want to win. Also i noticed that there is a huge difference on the server you are playing on. Tried playing on russians servers and i have to say that it has been much better than euw/e, the problem is i don't understand russian so communication is hard


                            ywn i win so much with visage do i earn your respect xD or should i start spamming rhasta mid :o


                              Actually community got a lot worse. Trust me Ive been playin dota since WC3. How many years is it ?

                              Community was always the most toxic in all multiplayer games, but now its too much for me. Dark souls 3 welcome to.

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                Renmannace I play on euw

                                Amd that isn't my experience, generally I find thst people want to have fun

                                And even if you feel you can't trust them, sometimes you just got to jump of a window blindfolded and hope somebody will catch you. If the game is already lost what you have to lose?

                                Have faith in human beings


                                  I can hardly have faith nowdays, I rember a game about a month or two, had a ck in team, game was about 50 minutes already in and we were winning, the ck dropped and destroyed all his items because we had a 2nd carry farming the whole game. Life wasted...

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Why do you keep thinking about this game, its just a game, those were insignificant 50 minutes of your life. Just forget that game. Nothing is wasted

                                    I had a game were the enemy mid laner raged over and wanted to feed, and I told him that he played really good, and it was really challenging to kank him and kill him. And that he should just keep on with the game. Thwre is nothing to lose (more than just raging and feeding)

                                    We won that game, but he did catch up nicely and was a serious threat later on


                                      4,8k hours on dota currently, every second is significant. I don't actually mind when people say shit about my mother and other 3rd world behaviour, what really grinds my gears is when poeple do shit like that ck. I have the mentality that every game is a new game/beginning whatever but it always seems like the same old story repeats again and again. I grind up some games to raise a couple of hundred mmr, really slow process then it all goes fubar, 10-20 game lose streak and nothing to do about it. It's like the game finds the worst people it can find and puts them in a team


                                        You really need to look into your own play, not your teammates'.

                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                          Maybe you should take a different look at the game
                                          I personally having a blast playing it, and I think it actually helped my decision making ability in real life


                                            Im still having fun with dota, i wouldn't play it if it was bad or something else, it just feels like the quality of the games dropeed drasticaly because of the people not trying their best.

                                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                              Why should I always blow my soul for a game? I prefer having fun with my team and lose instead of soullessly just rage about everything that happens and take every little mistake like it's a disaster?

                                              So yea that gank was horrible, we smoked into them and got 5 men wiped and now the barracks are lost

                                              First. You are a part of that mistake
                                              Second. Wasnt that a nice show of a teamwipe? It's like seeing them on YouTube :)

                                              I think being a try hard and not trying to find the fun parts is generally just make the game dreadful


                                                I see your point, but im not the one flaming, I know it's not doing any good, I rarely flame, mostly when I suggest an item and somebody gets offended by it and starts flaming, triggers me


                                                  you're definitely thinking about it too much


                                                    Im thinking because I don't know what im doing wrong.


                                                      I've only play for a very short period of time and i haven't played ranked but i had fun so far.
                                                      Maybe you value mmr too much, give ranked a break for a bit and try to get back to just having fun.
                                                      I have found that alot of player's care so much about mmr they forgot that it's ment to be fun and a learning experience.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                      lone dog

                                                        All I see is feeding on your recent matches.


                                                          Drops like that are completely your fault. Take a long break till you feel like you might enjoy dota again.


                                                            same same man, although My peak was 3600 i went down to 3150 because being matched with retarded players, check my recent matches. Dota became cancer lately

                                                            Mode : TOPSON

                                                              if u play unfair bots can u stomp with every hero?

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                bots are stupid as fuck, when you play against bots you learn to abuse bots, not players, and to grind MMR you need to abuse players


                                                                  classic dumpster trash who too stupid to realize how bad they are.

                                                                  10/10 thread

                                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                      you are really bad bro, for example last game with riki.
                                                                      Aquila + treads both on 11 minute, which is quite ok, usually you get these items in 8-13 minute, so your start was fine, but then second item you received at minute 26, what you have been doing in whole 15 minutes?
                                                                      Most of the times, when i get 11 minute treads+aquila, at minute 20 i have yasha + diffusal, and yet you only received first item 6 minutes after, i am not watching replay, what you have done in these 16 minutes, but it must have been similar to complete nothing, even feeding time to time, to loose gold.

                                                                      Mlada i Luda

                                                                        holy shit that loosing streak , jessus fucking christ, take a chill pill kid you gonna have a heart attack lul

                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                          @Renmanace community its fine , not perfect but fine, jsut like every other comunity in this world , its a small part which include a bunch or retard lifeles kids which usually have a blue star as thery pride , to fulfill theyr empty life , they need to use that toxicity in a palce where they feel "superior" , the only way they life have sense and they feel that theyr hard (useles) work is getting payed somehow.



                                                                            A. Account buyer
                                                                            B. Tilted
                                                                            C. Hidden pool for being an ahole
                                                                            D. You suck! Blamer

                                                                            Pick one 😊


                                                                              Fight less, focus on objetives.
                                                                              Play agressive is not look for kills every time you get out the base.
                                                                              Play agressive is cut down enemy options and punish greedy choices.


                                                                                Stop playing LC jungle and Pudge mid btw

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                  u play at Europe server and can't even get past 3k?


                                                                                    solo ranked isn't fun because you have to grind through a lot of losses along the way even as you're improving and getting better as a player.

                                                                                    party games are more enjoyable, but no one cares about party mmr.


                                                                                      Since everybody is dropping stuff nobody cares about I will add my shit on the pile too.
                                                                                      Dota is a competitive game in the first place but you have players who don't play it competitive because they are morons. Thats right, they are complete morons, I stand by what I wrote.
                                                                                      The idiot who starts talking about "its just a game" will most likely either lose you the game or he is not meaning what he says.

                                                                                      Let me explain my point here. If I were for example playing a really fun game where I have to collect a certain amount of x and will be getting better at the game when I collect more, I would understand the aspect of "I only play for fun". You do your best and enjoy a game, point made, 100% ok with that.
                                                                                      Well, dota isn't such a game, there are 2 states at the end of the game that you are aiming for: loss and win. If you are aiming for the loss, you are in the wrong game and shouldn't be playing dota.

                                                                                      TBF, I do understand the people playing normal games and just want to have fun while exploring heroes and what they can do, I have no hard feelings. But the second someone in a ranked game tells me something about "just having fun" and similar bullshit I am instantly at 200.
                                                                                      You are basicly wasting cca 40 mins of yours + the lives of 4 other players who are probably trying to get their minds of their job/school/whatever and focus on getting a good result in the game they like playing.

                                                                                      I am not even saying that losing is a bad thing in dota, I don't mind losing, literally I don't care about the loss in like 99% of the games as long as I and my team perform as I/the team should, but when someone joins a fucking ranked game and starts maledicting creeps or buying radience on a zeus I just want the world to be bombed to ashes to delete the mistake humanity was.


                                                                                      I have a positive advice tho, you and probably noone here will like it because it is counter intuitive to the whole point of the game but I will share it anyway:
                                                                                      mute all incoming chat
                                                                                      lets give you theway you can do it:
                                                                                      1) enter dota
                                                                                      2) click on settings
                                                                                      3) go to the options tab
                                                                                      4) top right part of the window mark the 2 points on the bottom

                                                                                      There is one catch to this tho, you will have to use your chat wheel to communicate and you won't get any information from your team, so you will have to concentrate on the game even more.
                                                                                      Personally I think its less stressfull than listening to failed abortuses whose only point of being in the game is to get attention by talking bad about other players which is like 80% of the community, situationally probably even more.
                                                                                      The actuall way to get better in the game would be something like meditation and muting a person in the right time, implying you already know everything about the game and/or the roles you play in the game.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        You randomed in 5 of your last 6 games. That right there means you're fucking around and don't care about wins and losses or you're tilted. Randoming is asking to lose period. I don't care if you random a good hero, it's probably not one you play often or it messes up lanes cus when you random a mid and someone else wants to play mid it enrages them.

                                                                                        You randomed doom in one game. Doom is horrible. That's just asking to lose.

                                                                                        0-7-1 jungle doom. Every lane got shit kicked out of them but a reason for that is cus you jungled so your lanes are weak.

                                                                                        6-12 on mid viper. 88 cs in a 32 min game, just flat out unacceptable farm for any mid or carry. Huskar fed like crazy but you died 3 times in 12 mins.

                                                                                        4 cs a min on a safe lane hero. 24 min shadow blade is weak, this means no you aren't getting enough out of your lane or a competent mechanical player as you claim to be.

                                                                                        Again random a carry forcing wk into jungle, AND allowing them to counter pick you with TWO heroes. 5 deaths in 15 mins. You just keep dying a lot in lane.

                                                                                        Dying a lot in lane, no farm on any carries in laning stage, I would go work on your mechanics.

                                                                                        Until you address these issues it doesn't matter if teammates are toxic or not cus you won't win either way.



                                                                                          Does muting teammates really help a lot? Ive been in the same situation like the OP. 2.9k to 4.3k dropped to 3.6k now. before dropping i had really nice teammates, willing to communicate, and after that i got really toxic ones, even before a game ill be asking to go mid and damn, flames everywhere. smack talk that they have higher gpm and whatever they spew. When i pick mid, sometimes over the course of the game i can get along with them resulting to a win, but most other games, they just trashtalk you to death(tilt) . now im trying to climb again. Maybe ill mute when team is trashtalkin. I'll try if this would help


                                                                                            So as the smartass I am I will try to elaborate this.
                                                                                            MMR should detect your ability to win games, so that means that certain things will raise or lower your mmr.
                                                                                            Some examples:
                                                                                            raise: play your signature hero, communicate nicely with your team, buy right items and so on
                                                                                            lower: play heroes you are not familiar with, flame your team, avoid joining team fights and so on

                                                                                            Muting your teammates will lower your mmr for sure and when I talk about MMR I mean your MMR for that match, as in your Performance MMR, not the number that is standing there right now.
                                                                                            For example, my lich games are mainly far above 4k MMR perfomances, and my Lone Druid is maybe 2k at most. If you have 5 teammates performing as 2kers and an opponent team that performes as 5 3kers, the 3kers will win.

                                                                                            Now lets just focus on the muting and the pros and the cons:
                                                                                            -you won't have to face an toxic player, the only way to notice him is that he is afk or intentionally feeding and since you can't communicate you just avoid him
                                                                                            i would give that a 200MMR perfomance increase
                                                                                            -there is nothing that can destract you from doing what you will and concentrating on the game what lowers your stress levels imensely
                                                                                            i would give that another 200MMR performance increase
                                                                                            -you won't know when your team is trying to initiate or won't be able to initiate and let them know it
                                                                                            I would rate this a 400MMR performance loss except if you have a solo hero like a split pushing furion or AM

                                                                                            my math here is completely arbitrary and other people would highly disagree, expecially people like slacks who raise their MMR by boosting the moral of their team and lowering the moral of the opponents team, he even made a tutorial

                                                                                            the thing is, people like slacks would just annoy me and lower my performance so this works better for me


                                                                                              first pick or second pick pos 5. be selfless.


                                                                                                How many accounts do you have ZDonFrank, all 5.8K+ and all Riki heavy, damn bro
                                                                                                ^Also, if you were ever in the 3K trench, you'd know it's hard to instantly trust your teammates to be good cores. That's why all-carry games are still a thing. I've seen AMs get 20 mins battle fury "rush", no boots. And the 2 supports that game, me and one more, did everything to secure him freefarm already. So yeah. I mean, if I'm 3k through and through, that means I'm a 3k as a core, 3k as a support, it's not like I'm gonna play a 6K level support to just completely set the stage for the carry, or even transition to dominance myself, not frequently at least.


                                                                                                  have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                                                                                    The problem that 90% of Dota players have is that they care more about MMR then how good they actually are or how much they're improving. If you lose a game but learn something you have improved as a player and you should be satisfied with that, but most people just focus on -25.
                                                                                                    MMR is not important. I'm not saying that it doesn't accurately measure your skill or that 2k=5k or some nonsense like that. I mean that you should care about improving as a player and having fun. Focus on actually getting better and your MMR will increase on its own.


                                                                                                      garbage farm and push


                                                                                                        I feel you man. After my AM games, I got low behavior score & games are so toxic & basicly unwinnable. I even stopped trying to win. Every game there is a ruiner/intentional feeder in team. This game is no longer about how good u are, but what's ur behavior score.