General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed to know why I'm loosing

Need to know why I'm loosing in General Discussion

    This game, I fully farmed and tried my best to get good item timings and I did get them quite fine I guess. But the game dragged to 70 minutes and then we lost. Okay Meepo is a bad late-gamer BUT what could I've done this game to end it earlier after having a farm and level advantage? Match ID: 3457653190


      i told you last time and i'll tell you again: your farm is dogshit.

      meepo needs a lot of items really fast, then he uses those items to kill people, get rosh and get towers

      then he uses that to farm a lot more items.

      then take the next rosh, kill more people and take HG.

      if you have 600 gpm on a meepo and game drags on for anything above 35 mintues, you're bad at meepo so learn to fix your farm and push.

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        Alright, I'll try my level best to do it. Thanks Cookie!


          cookie slaping your face with his dick, "Thanks Cookie !"
          What's the point in making a thread one hour after the other one you made when cookie already answered you back
          also, this quote "P.S: Except Cookie, Anyone who says try destroying enemy ancient can go fuck himself" just resumes perfectly what i wrote up there, stop sucking balls man

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            @random Chinese name, Cookie's my friend and thats just his way of explaining. From his reply, I got a hint of what I should be doing; taking highground AFTER roshan. That helped me a lot. Secondly, that quote about the ancient destroying actually belongs to Cookie and every thread people just spam it. Thats why I said so. Thirdly, if you don't have anything helpful to say, you should not reply^^