General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth spamming one or two heroes?

Is it worth spamming one or two heroes? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    I easily win with sf/qop mid and sometimes with nature's prophet offlane. I can simply spam these heroes all the time but ill have no fun. So is it worth spamming 3 heroes or nah?

    BTW at what mmr you usually start getting less idiots in your games/people start using their logic and not diving into 4 enemies?

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    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

      pretty much never, there's always something wrong with people in all mmr's.

      Friendly player

        Then from what mmr people start using logic? 4k? 3k?


          people still play for fun here in flat 3k

          Friendly player

            kk then back to the question, should i spam and is it worth it?


              I've seen less retards since I made it to 4k, or at least in high 4k avg games where I got matched with 4.8k-5.3k players.
              Spamming just a bunch of heroes has its pros imo, you'll be matched with people who overall know what the fuck they're doing, will discover this amazing thing called cooperation that in 2k-3k is pretty much unkown and can even learn new things from them. I climbed by spamming Axe, then Undying, then NS mid and Alche safelane and from mid 3k up I actually learnt how to ward decently and support better just by observing my own supports for example, or how to farm more efficiently by watching midders and carries patterns. In fact the downside of spamming a couple of heroes, especially if they cover the same role, is that you'll be kinda one dimentional as a player. You'll be good at that specific role or hero but your skills regarding the rest of the game won't improve and it will take a lot of effort and analysis to get good at those other things. Now if your only purpose is to gain mmr forget about everything I wrote and just spam your heroes.


                Spamming is not good, because there is so much value in counterpicking. Learn to play like 10-20 heroes well (all roles included, so you can prevent terrible lineups) and learn what their good and bad matchups are.

                For example, it really pays off to know how to play Pugna, because you can punish greedy lineups.
                Or riki/bounty against LC jungle.

                The more free wins you can get this way, the faster you will achieve your goal.


                  Spamming is the answer to all your problems. Just make sure to instapick so your team can pick around you! Spam enough and you learn to play around all your counters so the counterpicks aren't a problem.


                    I think you should learn at least 2 heroes per role. For your main role, I think around 5. That's enough. Less retards? Tough question. Even in 7k avg games, u will see a lot of retarded play. Around 4k, games start to look like Dota. That's where people start to care about lane equilibrium, rosh etc.


                      Also at your MMR u should never care about counter picking. You can win every game, even if they counter pick you heavily. Dragonfist/Badman once had top1 mmr in the world, insta picking TA/Spectre, so if they could have achieved it by insta picking, why should u care about counters at your mmr? It's even better if you insta pick, because u will learn how to deal with counters & what counters you. For example - Ursa is great vs Monkey King, but if you get evasion talent & halberd, you can deal with him. Or you go Meepo, enemy gets Sven. You build hex & in every fight initiate on him with hex etc.


                        Always focus on the WIN CONDITION. Under what CONDITIONS, will you WIN??

                        It's less about what heroes, and more about your decision making


                          389 mmr hHHahaha


                            ^Not everyone is great at this game, why laugh? I also laugh at ur mmr, in my eyes there is not much difference between 3k & 300 mmr. Focus on your own mmr, because it's also far from decent.


                              ^ AJ HEV BIN A 4600 MMR PLEJER FOR 8 MONTHS STF.U DOG GO FACK JUR MADR

                              389 SOLO MMR HAHAHAHAHH


                                If you prioritize mmr over fun, you should continue to play them

                                I don't understand why this is even a question


                                  Make 2 account, Main for grinding and smurf for fun!


                                    Well at 3 digit mmr I think you should focus on learning every hero by making all hero challenge first, in normal matchmaking. After that pick 3 heros you are confortable with and spam only them.


                                      Op i can trade 4k account for ur 400 mmr account

                                      Friendly Gaming Community <3

                                        Boi you talking about 3k and 4k.
                                        How about you reach 1k First and then the next Step. Rofl

                                        Friendly Gaming Community <3

                                          Why do people want those super low mmr Accounts? Just to shit on Noobs?


                                            3 butterfly alchemist> take showers in the enemy fountain



                                              if you play for fun
                                              sure why not

                                              Friendly player

                                                あなたにファック I'm actually 1k right now. So what is the "next step"?

                                                Friendly player

                                                  qweqew Can you please stop ruining games for your team? Just stop. GET SOME HELP.

                                                  *20% winrate meepo* look at this dude ;D


                                                    Well I'd say spam your good heros for a bit to gain atleast 500 mmr then you can take a break n play other heros , you way find other heros you are strong with once ur a bit higher mmr plus it sounds like you would get too bored after 500 mmr or so . If you want to gain mmr faster though just keep spamming but add one hero at a time to your hero pool of heros you know you have a good chance of wining then once you have atleast 4 spamming heros you can pick one of the 4 based off draft . That is just for one role though if you plan on playing multiple roles you'll need more than 4.

                                                    Friendly player

                                                      I play well with SF, QOP, enigma, ursa, slark, AM, kunkka, NP, timbersaw, most orchid carriers, and most pushers. If i had to play other heroes i could do it, not talking about hard heroes like chen, meepo or invoker. So i don't really have a problem with heroes.


                                                        ^You have problem on your playing mechanics, not on your heroes.

                                                        Friendly player

                                                          What kind of mechanics should i work on improving?


                                                            Haha look at this(1 hero spam):


                                                              I wouldn't really advice you to spam a hero but to spam a role, whatever you like. Ideal would be a support role since a lot of players have that mindset of supports being less valueable than other roles in the game and thus not wanting to play them. This is also a reason why TI 7 was so nice to watch with the constant glorification of the pos 4 with gh, lil, kaka, boboka etc.


                                                                Pretty sure you should play for fun since it's a video game. There is no prize for mmr. If you aren't having fun you're just doing work for no pay

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  ^There is fun in competition. For some people, grinding MMR is fun. For me, it is not, which is why I play unranked, where everyone plays way more shitty but also relaxed.

                                                                  Friendly player

                                                                    Well you see i made this thread cause i was confused about what should i be doing next. I was thinking if i can play to improve but play with people who sometimes make my game very unfunny to play and make me rage or either to grind my mmr by spamming few heroes and hope to get to play with people who actually knows what to do. As some people said idiots are everywhere no matter what mmr i have, so i guess i will just play for fun literally. Btw i usually play position 1 and 2 not just those heroes i mentioned. I know how to lane properly, last hit, harass, im still working on my item builds as that is the thing that stops me from being perfect in my lane. Thanks to everyone who helped


                                                                      I used to give 2 shits about gaining mmr and used to take the game very seriously but then I realized that I won't make money off it like the pros so I should enjoy it as much as I can. So play whatever you want, if you start losing mmr play heroes you are good with and gain it back and then you can play random heroew again :")

                                                                      Friendly player

                                                                        Hehe i stay away from the random button right now cause i usually get supports or heroes like meepo :D

                                                                        I dont say supports are bad but here in 1k people think supports should buy wards and that's all they have to do. Then i get reported even though i won the game for them but meh. I mean i would buy wards there's no problem with me but why? No one checks mini map, and eventually im not playing with pros, people literally blame their supports for not buying wards cause they died by diving in and dying or smth lul.

                                                                        This sky was blaming me for the exact same reason it was even 5 party bruh

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                                                                        one-man bukakke

                                                                          If you are 1k now your real mmr must be high 1k or mid/low 2k.

                                                                          wp and keep improving little piece of shit


                                                                            the only heroes worth spamming are the ones with a statistical advantage (i.e. overall higher win rates, like necro, underlord, zeus).

                                                                            But even then everything has a counter.

                                                                            Underlord won't work if your other lanes get shat on and enemies farm silver edge.

                                                                            Zeus doesn't work against viper or AM, and becomes less effective if enemies farm a fast pipe.

                                                                            Necro struggles against AA, silencer, bloodseeker, linkens, etc.

                                                                            It's better to spam from a small pool of heroes 5-10 heroes, rather than relying 1-2 heroes, to allow you to counter pick better.


                                                                              nibba learn how to play dota before u spam
                                                                              u clearly dont even know basics


                                                                                I personally thinks that the reason mmr is there is so you can feel challenged though. I cant possibly play with 1k and feel the same way when u play with 7k right, In terms of skills, mechanics, lineup, showed by the different players. Spamming a certain hero to get to higher mmr was what i did back then when morph was OP. But that was when i was in 2-3k. Now that in at 4...i can easily counter morph and it doesnt seem that op now. So i think if u want a challenged instead of just a 1 sided game. The best way would be to play different heroes with different roles. I mean thats probably the reason why dota has more than 100 heroes right?


                                                                                  Just focus on playing for fun tbh.

                                                                                  Friendly player

                                                                                    feelsbad, fix ur own shit before u talk with me. I know this game better than you. Wanna argue? First explain to me why did you rush blink dagger on ursa and didn't do anything with it? I'm 1k i know more shit than u boy.

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