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General Discussion5 Hero DotA 2 So Imba After Patch 7.07

5 Hero DotA 2 So Imba After Patch 7.07 in General Discussion

    5 Hero DotA 2 So Imba After Patch 7.07 - Hello noob pro player, Patch 7.07 DOTA 2 bring lots of new things into the game ranging from new heroes, new items, new mechanics, etc. Apart from these new content, Valve also brings a lot of changes to the ones already in the game. Some heroes and items get reworked that can change the meta now. This change also indirectly makes some old heroes become much more imba than before. This time we will mention a few heroes who really imba after the 7.07 patch released yesterday and the reason why the hero is considered an IMBA.

    Honorable mention:
    Elder Titan

    1. Mirana

    Talent Tree:

    Level 10: +200 Health OR +20 Damage
    Level 15: -5s Sacred Arrow Cooldown OR +100 Leap Attack Speed
    Level 20: +12% Spell Amp OR +25 Mana Break
    Level 25: +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows OR -70 Moonlight Shadow Cooldown
    Why Imba?

    Leap now has a charge like the Sniper's Shrapnel or Fire Remnant's Ember Spirit, which means Mirana can leap to the enemy to attack and leap away to escape. With 3 charge he has, now he can also jump 3 times at once to escape from the enemy that gank him. Bonus after leap ranging from attack speed and movement speed is still obtained by Mirana although now specifically for him alone.

    -70 Moonlight Shadow cooldown makes ganking or retreat much more often done by Mirana. Although it takes a long time to get this cooldown reduction that is required to level 25, great influence can be generated in the late game with this much reduced cooldown time.

    2. Dragon Knight

    Talent Tree:

    Level 10: +2 Mana Regen OR +30 Attack Speed
    Level 15: +300 Health OR +40% XP Gain
    Level 20: 2x Dragon Blood HP Regen/Armor OR +150 Gold/Min
    Level 25: +40 Strength OR +1.75s Dragon Tail Stun Duration
    Why Imba?

    From the bonus talent tree, if you take +300 health, 2x Dragon Blood HP regen / armor and +40 strength, Dragon Knight will become very thick and hard to kill. Without any items and capitalize talent tree he has 3160 HP and 36 armor. Coupled with late game items like Heart of Tarass, Satanic, Assault Cuirass, etc., Dragon Knight will be a challenge to be killed.

    3. Lion

    Talent tree:

    Level 10: +75 Cast Range OR +75 Damage
    Level 15: +200 Finger of Death Damage OR +90 Gold/Min
    Level 20: +500 Health OR +2 Mana Drain Multi Target
    Level 25: +1000 Earth Spike Range OR +325 AoE Hex
    Why Imba?

    Icefrog, what have you done? This support hero too over buff. All Lion's talent tree is very nice and can be tailored to the conditions of the team. But the craziest is the bonus damage on the finger of death and talent tree level 25. Bonus damage on the finger of death may not be as big as before, but now can be obtained more quickly. The level 25 talent tree of the hero is too much of an impulse, between you can do Earth Spike as far as Sand King stun with Aghanim, or juggle all enemies within a 325 radius into a frog for 4 seconds. It may be difficult for a Lion to get level 25, but if he reaches this maximum level in the late game, the enemy without BKB will bite the finger in team fight.

    4. Undying

    Talent tree:

    Level 10: +100 Cast Range OR +8 Health Regen
    Level 15: Tombstone On Death OR +20 Decay Duration
    Level 20: +30 Tombstone Zombie Damage OR +3 Tombstone Attacks
    Level 25: Gains Reincarnation 200 CD OR -2s Decay Cooldown
    Why Imba?

    At level 15, whenever Undying dies, he can issue 2 tombstones, one is issued alone and the other automatically appears when he dies. With the buff bundle given to the tombstone via the same patch, the existence of 2 tombstones simultaneously in a good position in team fight will make the enemy hassle.
    At level 25 Undying get aegis every 200 seconds, this not only means he can help his team longer, but also he can spend 3 or even 4 tombstone simultaneously. It has not been tested whether this reincarnation can be refreshed with Refresher Orb, but if so, it means Undying can remove 5 tombstones if it continues to die. The downside is you give free gold to the enemy, but if the tombstone is in such a good position that the enemy is hard to destroy it, tombstone will be so imba.

    5. Riki

    Talent Tree:

    Level 10: +5 Health Regen OR +8 Agility
    Level 15: -4s Smokescreen Cooldown OR 20% 1.5x Crit
    Level 20: +900 Blink Strike Cast Range OR +0.2 Backstab Multiplier
    Level 25: +400 Tricks of the Trade AoE OR Cloak and Dagger Doesn’t Reveal
    Why Imba?

    Smoke screen now makes the enemies in it "blind" in the intention of the enemy can not see what happens outside of the smoke screen.
    Riki now has a critical bonus on the talent tree level 15, and this critical stack with backstab damage.
    At level 20, he can blur more effectively with bonus ranges from Blink Strike, but +0.2 The backstab multiplier at the same level is also basically good.
    At level 25, he can either make his ultimate radius much wider or keep himself invisible despite attacking the enemy. Both talents are very good, but in the late game sometimes enemies have a gem or put a lot of blue ward, then take the right choice for you.

    Source: 10 Hero DotA 2 So Imba After Patch 7.07


      i've never seen such an innacurate post in my whole life


        I've never seen a more correct comment in my whole life. So true

        Riguma Borusu

          I hear euthanasia is getting legalized in more and more countries around the world.


            Well DK might be a real problem soon. As an offlaner. With solar crest.


              when was the last time i saw something this dumb

              casual gamer


                casual gamer

                  Dragon Knight will become very thick and hard to kill

                  T H I C C


                    7.07 is trash, quit dota. save time.


                      The real problem about riki is agility stat increase ms for agi hero. Last game I'm not managed to chase riki after using dust.


                        "undying can remove 5 tombstones if it continues to die"



                          Im new to dota 2 I dnt really understand the fact hero ability..I played almost 2 weeks. And learn the concept of the game. All i knew is skill and abilities will not compliment unless and however the player collaborate or react to game phase, team work to run the game perfectly as well the item choice. Should I say bring your "A Game" for the best and unfortunate result u wouldnt want to. Im justbsaying Im a Mobile Legend Player so far I have understand the game yet in slow phase. Thanx Peace!

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Still not so sure though CC wont scale well in the late game anymore since the str perk was added. Hard carries have a spike in winrate due to better talent tree, creep meet nearer to safelane tower and no additional creep in mid lane make the game slower.


                              kys jk no really