General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper builds

Sniper builds in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Sniper's one of my favorite heroes and 7.07 introduced some wicked new talents which are really confusing me on how to play him.

    I've only played turbo mode but we'll discuss in context to regular ranked play, but first I cannot find any possible way to fit aghs into a build. It makes you itemize for pure dmg which doesn't fit sniper well and by time you get aghs game is decided, plus you almost never get a clump of enemies to ult. Aghs is fun but quite gimmicky.

    So what to build? Well I think normal opener is the same, you need treads/phase, aquila, lance. Then is the decision on whether to rush pike or dmg/farm item first.

    I think going attack speed is still key so maelstrom, finish pike, mjollnir. From there idk, depends on if you need hp then I'd go skadi or bkb if you need a bkb, then mkb cus the proc is so much dmg on sniper.

    I haven't messed around with any other new items but I'm thinking nullifier is terrible so probably just go regular daedulus next. Deso is still a great sniper item for hitting towers and heroes though, and butterfly is good. I've never been a huge silver edge fan, especially with pike mobility.

    So I guess that's my build, treads, pike, mjollnir, mkb, daedulus, butterfly.

    For talents I think the push back one is extremely overrated. The cast time reduction on ult makes it almost a regular spell just with a long cast point and backswing. It's really good. Issue is just mana to spam it which you could go skadi to fix. Shrapnel charges seems amazing but 3 is usually enough for most fights so ranged is probably better and then no one can touch you.

    Riguma Borusu

      nothing has really changed

      if you have strong frontliners and the enemy has no way to jump you you build straight up DPS items

      if you do not have strong frontliners or the enemy can jump you no matter what you get items that would enable you to manfight or escape though you still probably lost in a lot of cases

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      one syllable anglo-saxon

        i dont think anyhing changed, u still go phase/treads mom/mael pike and then whatever u need
        if ure owning mom is super good because if u get it early can just throw shrapnel and BrokeBack rightclick people to death in 3 seconds
        if ure against lots of heroes that jump u u can either go straight pike but then ur gpm will be mega low, ring of health + mael into force into pike is decent if u just camp ur jungle and push out lanes with shrapnel

        aghs is megabad imo, new mkb is mediocre, shadowblade is good especially vs right heroes and when nobody can jump and dust u, skadi is eh unless ure vs storm bara or similar shit that jumps u and wants to kill u asap, u pair it with linkens/bkb and are no longer a good target to jump

        dagon vs spectre is good i think, ive never had a game vs spectre that went late enough for it to be an option though

        Dire Wolf

          you think the new mkb is mediocre? It's 60 speed which sniper loves to begin with with headshot, 36 average dmg per hit on headshot so 60 speed increases that by 60% or 21.6, plus the 45 pure dmg per hit. It seems like a really great item especially combined with mjollnir for more procs.

          I think the 20 dmg and 40 attack speed are no brainer talents. If the 20 shrapnel dmg came at level 10 maybe it's good but 20 dps on a spell you can walk out of isn't that good.

          Riguma Borusu

            new MKB is awesome, combined with high attack speed sniper naturally builds it destroys high armor/high magic resist enemies

            one-man bukakke

              now you can go dual wraith bands bcs now it builds into aquila and pyke.

              consider ac against blademails axe/lc it can give you the edge you need to pyke out of the fight.

              also you never have enought movility as sniper so sb/silver is strongly recomended most of the games even tho i dont like to build it.

              also mom is pgood

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                its mediocre on sniper imo, on most other heroes it is way better than the old one

                not sure about lv10 talent, i really loved the 25% cdr on lv20 sniper, it was very tasty, it cut ur tp cooldown, pike cooldown, shadow blade, and shrapnel, 12% is just half of that but its on lv10 where shrapnel cd is way more important, it also affects ur mom cd and is relevant through the entire game. its not as much direct payoff as 20 dmg but i think its a good alternative and will pay off better in the long run. maybe im mega wrong though, its rly hard to compare cdr to damage

                +6 shrapnel charges is also better than range in most cases i think, it is extremely useful both when defending(esp when ure stuck in base with no vision) and taking hg since u can shrapnel the tower and hit it from 1k range and theres nothing they can do


                  i dont even go maelstrom, but u can
                  i go phase/treads MoM every game, then lance/maelstrom/sb
                  later u want mkb and/or mjollnir and crits


                    Still the same shit going on- buy the offensive items you like and the defensive items you need.

                    Lets say enemy carry ist dusa and cm keeps blinking in you with W - Manta diffusual it is.

                    Bkb vs Tinker
                    Shadowblade vs am, Pa and other threads who dont have space for dust later on
                    Linkens vs bara
                    Forcestaff is basic now, thanks to hurricane pike

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      manta is a terrible sniper item only buy it if you absolutely have to, his illusions dont do shit, and manta+diffusal on ranged heroes has been nerfed 34534535 times
                      diffusal is great vs dusa

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                        manta is ok sometimes, yasha is a nice buildup, and i think illusions also proc headshot so with the knockback talent u cud probably do some dumb shit
                        maybe against silencer or smth, but usually not needed

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          manta is terrible

                          Riguma Borusu

                            illusions do not get headshot, if they did it would be pretty dumb but hey it is 7.07

                            SnY is a better item than manta unless you need dispel at all costs


                              aquil > treads >mael >force >shadowblade


                                I've been tricked
                                Why wudnt illusions get headshot if they get passives

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  illusions dont get many passives actually

                                  most passives that illusions get were either coded in via the wc3 engine or hardcoded to be granted to illusions

                                  like, in wc3, icefrog did not exactly decide what illusions get, they got what they could according to wc3 engine, illusions cannot get +damage in wc3, they couldn't get the effect of most armor auras, they couldn't have lifesteal, etc

                                  they could have passive immolation (radiance burn) and mana break (feedback) and counter helix was a coded-in ability so they were able to make it work

                                  also illusions granted most auras in wc3, heartstopper aura was coded in and it was decided not to be granted to illusions by coders

                                  TL;DR: As a legacy measure, illusions got some and didn't get other passives, now it is all down to balance in DOTA 2.

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                                  casual gamer

                                    MOM PIKE MKB EVERY GAME

                                    casual gamer

                                      USUALLY DMG/AS/ULT TALENT

                                      Player 153433446

                                        MoM and hurricane a must, rest depends on the draft