General Discussion

General DiscussionA question to 6k

A question to 6k in General Discussion
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    Why is NP Midas considered not viable/not needed?


      Pretty sure you don't need to be 6k to know it. I bet even many 3ks know it.

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        You bring enough utility with just Phase, after which you can go Midas and build whatever the fuck you want, no?


          i think getting a few stats or a dmg item or even just a medallion will increase you gank/push/farm efficience by so much that it increases your gpm much more than midas


            hero doesnt scale quite well and has most impact early and mid game
            farming speed is not an issue as well as exp gain, u dont need to invest into boosting those
            and u rly need some cheap stats early on, like drums, cz u r squishy af

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              It's weird, because I like the hero conceptually, but he feels so easy to fuck up, so fucking squishy and out of place.
              Maybe I shouldn't play him at all.

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                imo he doesnt really fit into classic position 3.
                offlaners start to fight early, being frontliners with some utility or auras

                np is a very situational pick. he likes to splitpush solo while the team fights. in many games your carry will want to do that. he deals single target dmg but doesnt tank alot. global ganks and pickoffs early on, good pushing with just levels but no reliable disable. his lategame relies on getting alot of farm.

                hes as situational as offlane wr, legion, enigma while classic offlane tanks like axe centaur underlord work with almost every lineup imo

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  His talents are not very useful for what he does, so he doesnt get much from levels. But its a fine purchase regardless, just dont rush it, its fine to buy it even after drums. Furion normally doesnt contribute much to teamfights so that 2k gold you spend on midas wont suddenly make you a teamfight god anyway so its an okay investment. You can get it unless you need a very fast orchid/shadow blade.


                    As Furion it's important to win lanes & get early towers. Midas pretty much kills your early game. He is great in early game & you should abuse it. In the current meta you need to have impact as offlaner, you can't just afk farm. Midas is fine if u secured early game for your team & feel like it will secure you late game. Just don't rush it.