General Discussion

General Discussionstronk roamers

stronk roamers in General Discussion

    i wanna improve my roamers pool

    currently spamming shaker, sometimes bara
    slardar very situationally

    i'd like to add 1-2 ranged roamers, thinking about rubick. i used to play lion but hes better as 5 rn imo
    lmk some suggestions please, with pros and cons maybe if you feel like it

    gankl  der hochstapler

      bounty riki pudge clock can all be decent


        "i'd like to add 1-2 ranged roamers"

        gankl  der hochstapler

          oh fc sry.
          Sky mage for example then and Willow (certain scenarios would fit mirana or even weaver)


            only really good i can think of is sky

            weaver can work if you have stuns on your team and the enemy team lacks

            maybe venge?


              ranged is for softlings, use your muscles

              Cancer Malaria

                SHADOW SHAMAN, gank and shakle mid ggwp

                Potato Marshal

                  Spirit Breaker has always been good, but the new night vision talent and super urn really make him even better.


                    If you add Witch Doc stun/maledict damage to another lane, it is almost guaranteed to get a kill. The hero has decent range and has higher movement speed than the standard 300. And don't even talk about it after lvl 6. You get the jump on someone with stun + maledict + ult, there is no one walking away from that.

                    I haven't really played a roaming WD, but with lvl 2 or 3 you can already do heavy damage. I have ganked as the slot 5 support with great results in my games. Not your standard roamer, I know, but I can see it working, just based on the good kill potential as a slot 5 support...


                      thats very helpful mr potato :)

                      ty daibzer. imo sky is much better as core tho
                      i might try willow

                      venge has too low range for initiation before level 12 imo :/


                        Mirana, CM and VS might be heroes you looking for.

                        Mirana is one of the best pos.4 because her arrow is stupidly good even in late game and with good midas timimg from gank she could change into semi-carry late game which is not less powerful as cores.

                        CM is a target for nerfing many patchs because her skill are too powerful for gankng early (so Icefrog cut her leg twice and now she is crawling on the floor to frost someone)

                        VS magic missile never old and new wave of terror is so good in teamfight as free desolator buff with a lot of dmg. also her swaping is stupidly powerful as support which you could trade your life for enemy's core.

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          thx for the input
                          i play mirana as a core, just like skywrath. not a good sup imo.
                          cm is just too slow imo. your rotations would be like between your and the enemy bounty and then you can repeat because it took 2 minutes :/
                          i'd agree on venge if her Q had just 50 more cast range

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            surprised no one mentioned enchantress. That horselady is the stuff of nightmares to mid players. I loved to see Artstyle do this back in his NaVi days. Try it!



                              Fee Too Pee

                                i am really surpised NO ONE MENTIONED literally picked every game as roamer in pro games

                                Night Stalker




                                    Stack while going from lane to lane


                                      Anything but Monkey king.

                                      I've lost too many games with that garbage roamer on my team doing nothing.


                                        well, he asked for ranged heroes so i won't recommend the best hero "Earth Spirit" OSfrog




                                            Ranged roamers r like ench and Chen
                                            People r mentioning supports that can gank, but that doesn't make them dedicated roamers.


                                              People keep mentioning melee heroes when the op asked for ranged roamers haha. Try playing chen.



                                                Roaming qop guide
                                                This shit is fun. And no pressure to die cause youre roaming. Basically less farm, different yet significant impact

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  And shea ranged:D


                                                    Ss ia the most effective i think