General Discussion

General Discussionnerf unli mana storm please

nerf unli mana storm please in General Discussion

    I rarely use storm too but his being unli mana with kaya, orchid & 20+ bloodstone charges is just sick the new formula for mana benefits him the most



      Riguma Borusu



          I agree. There’s no hero who is anti fun like a fed storm. You cannot show your face on a lane without dying, even if you are the most fed core. No counterplay, no way to ward for warning etc.

          I remember one game as a bloodseeker pushing out a lane right under our tier 3 tower as the most fed hero in the team. Storm zips in from halfway through the fire jungle. Takes out half my hp in the first zip and would have killed me after orchid +3 second stun if I hadn’t been able to shadow blade away. That was as most fed hero on our team with shadow blade. Anyone else would have just been destroyed.

          When a hero is able to solo pick off people with no way to counter play it’s just shifty and the hero should be removed.


            ur actually retarded
            ever heard of EULS
            he is dick in lane, just shit on him then, get silence early and hard disable late
            ideally not projectiles


              Storm cant do shit against meteor hammer,it will stun him for 2scd

              If every single one of ur team buy meteor hammer, u can stunlock him for 10scd..damn what?!


                Nub buy 5 bloodtorn and you will silence him for infinite amount of time


                  ^u know u cud say the same thing abt hex


                    I don't know how storm is actually shit on lane when I usually play him I owned mid but hex and silences countered him boom valve have a magic immune item which is bkb or a fcking linkin which is a part of core item of storm all i know the best counter of storm would be lion or shaman if you can rape him for at least 10 minutes and win the game withing 20 minutes


                      uh yeah let's buy something like 2k+ gold just to counter storm like a glimmer which would be countered by a 180 gold or a euls which you'd still end up dying after the cyclone (also you're a squishy ass support who's being blamed for not warding while feeding the boltlightningacrossthemap hero)


                        Oh right I remembered a hero which has an aoe ground target silence/slow who's also invis and an oov would benefit him too; oh, right that was Riki? well, he's playing dual safe lane with my core
                        but what about mid games?
                        uh yeah he got plenty of kills due to arriving late at team fight and using blink to ks now he thinks he's good and we're deadweight on him sounds logical he got 20 kills we got like 10 death each??


                          Pretty much weakest laning mid hero. Needs like 20 min to come online propeely. Just a mere silence bricks him.


                            Funny you should say that, considering I'm playing Silencer and we have another source of silence on the team. He buys Euls first and then Kaya. No bloodstone till 36 minutes because he doesn't need that much mana pool to jump in, kill a hero and jump out.


                            The bounty hunter obviously doesn't roam, doesn't gank Storm before level 6 and leeches the offlaner's XP, but that of course is another problem. I guess it's just one of those heroes that snowballs and stomps games like Underlord, Omniknight and Spirit Breaker in my bracket.

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                            casual gamer

                              bloodseeker dying quickly despite having a ton of items??? say it's not so

                              Chao Vritra

                                yes storm is insane now I got on my girlfriends 1k mmr account (i am 3k) and played storm and this happened


                                and i dont even really play storm I just know some basics. If I actually played the hero I could have gotten over 50 kills easily. I had like 80 mana regen at one point was sick


                                  storm deso
                                  you diserve no respect at all

                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Can't speak on his balance in 7.07, but a fed storm spirit is definitely the worst hero in the game to fight. It feels like once he gets a bloodstone + Orchid (even before Kaya was introduced) it essentially takes zeros skill at that point. You basically can't GO ANYWHERE without being gone on by him from a mile away, especially if you have no buy back. I'd take a 6 slot storm over any hero anyday.

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                                      I'd honestly prefer to have a six-slot, level 25 storm on my team than any other hero in the game. Not ck, not spectre, not terrorblade, not faceless void, nothing. The hero is ridiculous this patch. (And fighting him in turbo mode is the worst gaming experience of my life).

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