General Discussion

General DiscussionDark Willow vs Puck

Dark Willow vs Puck in General Discussion

    An interesting matchup in my opinion. These are the various ways either hero counters the other:

    Dark Willow:
    1. Can root with Bramble Maze, which is one of the ways to lock Puck down.
    2. Can dodge most of Puck's mid to late game offensive items like Dragon and Hex with Shadow Realm by becoming untargettable.
    3. Can disupt enemy teamfights started by Puck's Dream Coil with Terrorize and make enough time for the team to escape.

    1. Early damage spells like Orb and Waning Rift are not single target hence don't care about Shadow Realm.
    2. Can dodge Cursed Crown and Bedlam with Phase Shift or Eul's which is a common item.
    3. Has better flash farming capabilities, damage potential and super late game talents.

    Several other debatable points regarding the positions the heroes are played in and what they contribute to lineups.

    Also, I think they make a good pair on the same team as well, with synergy between their ultimates.

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        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Puck wins via unanimous decision.

          Dark Willow is soft as fuck.
          Puck is also soft elusive as fuck.
          Puck 1-0

          Burst damage of Willow is fucking amazing especially to lone hero.
          Burst damage of Puck is weaker but more flexible: longer range, aoe, silence, and stun.
          Puck 2-0

          Willow disable is great but can be dodge easily. Cursed Crown is unreliable, but can turn the table when timed right. Bramble Maze synergy with Terrorize is fucking good when you hit multiple target.
          Puck disable is only silence. Useful but not as great as stun. Dream Coil can be fucking useless if you use it incorrectly.
          Puck 2-1

          Willow cant farm neuts effectively. He needs kills to snowball.
          Puck can farm very well. He can also snipe some supports for ez cash.
          Puck 3-1

          Willow is easier to play. Just learn to use this and that and your good.
          Puck on the other hand, is slightly hard.
          Puck 3-2

          Puck win in a close decision.



            i have 5 reports to use

              willow wins imo the hero is just broken


                unanimous decision.




                I disagree but I don't have the brains or vocabulary to put forward an opposing viewpoint or argument for debate, so I mock the OP with emoticons.


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                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  puck can dodge every single spell of dark willow and has a bunch of aoe damage so i dont see how it's an "interesting matchup"


                    ^ It's not puck vs wikllow in 1v1. More like which is better hero to play in pubs. Willow is too strong and easy to execute. Puck is better in only few cases against certain heros. My 2 Indian rupees. #curry.

                    Friendly player

                      If you can say puck vs willow is an interesting match up, then i can say juggernaut vs earthshaker is an interesting match up.


                        It is abt the matchup @ashesdota2 please read

                        Puck outright shits on the lane, because willow can't abuse shadow real harass and puck has the aoe dmg and ulti to catch her
                        Puck basically evades most of willows lockdown so I don't think it's that close.


                          This is not about a 1 on 1 lane matchup. It's about what both heroes provide the team in terms of teamfights and functionality. If teams were drafted based on 1 v 1 hero counters then teamfights and compositions wouldn't matter.


                            It's more interesting to have them on the same team. Coil & Terrorize is no joke.