General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill bracket help

Skill bracket help in General Discussion

    Hi guys :) Can someone tell me why I'm stuck on normal skill? This is a new account, I'm a support buying wards, smokes and all teams need, what I've to do to get at least high skill? I know that depends on mmr, but are mine kda, win rate, and other things so bad? Ok i fucked up a couple of matches, especially the first one, is it for that?

    AT&T Samsung Galaxy

      if u want to become better play on ur normal account and climb


        you will get high skill if you play like it but you dont so go back to your main acc


          You can't climb from 3k. I made a new account just to test that out, I have a feeder every single game. 100% chance I have someone running mid rofl
          Idk how to attach a screenshot, but I lost 9 games with the same guy, and he says in all chat, "I trolled and lost past 25 games, reports don't do anything, don't bother :)"
          This game is a joke lul


            But how I can climb? Is the same climbing from this or from the old... u say play as high skill but how? It depends on kda or there is something that I don't know? I mean there are players reaching vhs on 2nd match and with my kda I can't even reach high skill? Im sorry for your shifty games man... that's why I want to get out from this hidden mmr... however ty for the answers

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              stomp first few games and jump in vhs then play support if u like.


                So it's impossibile to reach high skill as support?? Is it too late now to stomp?


                  no it's not impossible, you just need to win a bunch of games in a row, which you can do playing support or carry (but at lower mmr it's easier to carry).


                    opendota estimates your current mmr is 1536. High Skill starts at about 3.2k. Whats the mmr on your main account?


                      Omg 1.5k, why am I so low? my main was 2.5k


                        What option (never played a moba before, played another moba, played dota before, ...) did you choose on the new account? This influences the hidden mmr you start with. Also you have only played 17 games so far, so the estimation could be just wrong.


                          I chose the last one, already played dota before...

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                            In general your account is calibrated based on the certainty of your mmr. That certainty is determined by your performance. If you do exceptionally well in your first couple of games, your skill level to the system is at a high uncertainty, hence it wants to put you in higher average games until you start performing normally.

                            ie: Your first game you 1-7-10 with a sub 300 gpm, the system knows that if you are performing like that on your first game, which is started at a low average, there is less uncertainty hence the system will have less work to do in order to figure out where you're at.

                            To throw another example, here was the first game on an account I made
                            I was the lone druid. Clearly the system realizes that going 16-0-4 with 758 gpm is not a "normal performance", hence my account was marked with high uncertainty and soon after the averages of my games started to vary a lot until I accidentally ended up with an "estimated mmr" of like 5.0k ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ˢᵘᶜᵏᵉᵈ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᵐʸ ᵍᵃᵐᵉˢ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵃˢ ᵉᵃˢʸ ᵃᶰʸᵐᵒʳᵉ.

                            In general your unranked skill level is determined from the first 1-20 games. Note that once your uncertainty is low, the mmr change will be come significantly smaller, to the point where you end up only with the same mmr changes as you would winning/losing ranked changes.

                            This is the reason why smurf detection is a bit difficult, because a player will throw their first couple of games until the system reduces the skill uncertainty, and then once the uncertainty is low, the smurf can now start stomping games with very little change in mmr thus lettting the smurf stay in the bracket for significantly longer than they would if they started performing in their first games.

                            At least this is what I have figured through my experience and observations.

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                              Ty dogmaster for your complete explanation