General Discussion

General DiscussionFlexible pick

Flexible pick in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    Hey guys,

    I was discussing about NS carry for a reason, I am still pretty new to the game and I want to maximize my efficiency by having a small heroe pool to climb mmr and learn them pretty good until I can broaden it.

    My favorites positions are offlane and roamer (I play and have good win rates with Clock, Undy and ET).

    So what can be good heroes to play that can be flexible enough to carry, offlane and roam?
    Tiny? Others suggestions?



      Abbadon, venge, visage?

      Don't take my suggestion too seriously though


        You can go NS mid then gank and crush all lanes early. Tho you may have problems with hg push xD

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          Well there arent any heroes that really fit into all 3 positions well enough to be played in a serious game but since you're playing in crusader you can try a bunch of different heroes im sure anything can work there. You should try wraith king or mirana

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            enchantress is always the answer,trust me


              Pretty sure safelane ns can work really well in your bracket but i think lc is really good too if you can lead your team

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                A few patches ago, Veno and Mirana were those things you mentioned. Now it's just Veno and Venge.

                Schrödinger no Kaeru

                  I'd love to play serious game so it might be better if I don't learn bad things now !

                  Wraith King can roam and carry, but not solo offlane

                  Venge can solo offlane decently?

                  Yeah I thought about veno, is it good right now?
                  Otherwise Monkey king can be decent right?

                  I try to narrow my heroe pool to 5 at first and I play clock/undy/ET/timber so far


                    Puck can go mid off or even safelane imo

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                      Wraith King. Nokappa

                      chicken spook,,,,



                          Enchantress is good if you know how to play chen since enchantress requires you to micro 2-3 creeps at once


                            Spectre. Good offlaner bcs of dispersion, so support damage himself. Great mid bcs after ur kill all melee desolate is almost guaranteed range creep cs. Insane as a roamer, bcs of 40% uptime slow and nuke. Can be played as carry too if necessary, but he shines as a jungle/support hybrid bcs he can angle his spectral dagger off of the large camp so that he farms creeps and slows/nukes the offlaner at the same time, which can be game winning.

                            Schrödinger no Kaeru

                              What About Pugna also?

                              Seen him safelane watching pros, looks like a Venomancer, what your call on this?

                              Solo Leveling

                                If you want to roam, carry, and have fun all at once play Riki

                                Your welcome

                                Solo Leveling

                                  firstpick shaman pos5 Im worried that you actually believe what you said and It makes me sad that people that play this game can be so wrong


                                    ^he is memeing u

                                    Solo Leveling

                                      i got memed then Lul