General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I play against Sky mid?

How do I play against Sky mid? in General Discussion

    Apart from buying wand and raindrops what else do i do? I find it really hard when I play lesh or arc.


      Ask for gank


        dont pick lesh or arc ?

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          The fact that you are playing Lesh and Arc mid is concerning me.

          Lruce Bee

            Survive early game and then win when you have bkb

            chicken spook,,,,

              don't pick them x)

              chicken spook,,,,

                pretty sure most conventional support being played as core would basically destroy their lane unless it's specific matchup but doesn't really do well in the midgame unless they're snowballing


                  Whip him into shape


                    Sky is super weak to mid ta, also can't handle physical dmg
                    Super weak to a roamer like bh or sb

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      viper is good. silencer is good. lina is okay. clinkz is fine (i guess, not too sure). viper is the best though.


                        Ask team for gank and go ganking?
                        Stay near tower and take last hits only when possible, I think its better to have low gpm and xpm than dying to them.
                        I saw ur team didnt had heroes with much impact in early game when compared to enemies, a great drawback.
                        (sry to have a lower medal than u )


                          idk buy some healing slaves and deny creeps maybe he'll run out of mana eventually and stop picking leshrac or arc mid!
                          leshrac is just weak and arc is very situational u might as well play invoker instead of arc!


                            ^because invoker is a pretty damn good hero rn


                              ^ Well mastering invoker is a both easier and more rewarding than arc and btw invoker is great against sky cause the huge regen ques gives him


                                Playing against Sky is like playing against MK when you're a melee hero. pure cancer. Add a Drow ranger to his team and you can't even get decent CS.