General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: Very good mid lane stats.

    Bad: Still the occasional normal skill game, but you should be able to get out of there soon.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Good: successful support player, imba Warlock

      Bad: play more ranked!

      NextStep ®

        G: TA and ranked winrate

        B: CM mode abuser? :D

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          G: amazing Zombie and very good win rate
          B: TA and too much normal

          How is playing cm abusing? I played cm from 3k till now (5.2). I earned my points fair!

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            G: please teach me how to mid D:
            B: 0% winrate on Russia servers


              G: great mid, nice KDAs, epic ember
              B: never played medusa!


                Good carry player. Nice Medusa, Void, Pa, Riki, KDA on heroes and winrate!

                Bad: Maybe that DP(or you might be unlucky aswell), low amount of games on top heroes, so I can't be sure if you can handle at least 70% of your current winrate on a long run. Maybe smurf aswell?


                  G: 1000+ games; 35% of them are shadow fiend picks.
                  B: 35% picks are shadow fiend, somewhat low KDA for mainly carry picker.


                    good: a support player
                    bad: fan of s4 =(


                      G: Plays various heroes and roles, some with decent winrate
                      B: Low KDA; too many deaths

                      P.S. I'm not s4 fan

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                        G: winrate on top heroes.
                        B: Low amount on games on top heroes, bad KDA overall by few exeptions. Normal Skill bracket..


                          G: dedicated sf picker
                          B: kunkka

                          @below mmr is bad

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                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            G: Awesome win rate, esp in ranked; all top heroes have good stats

                            B: Sentinel side win rate in this month; Sven; Slark.


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                            Three Leaves in Jerusalem

                              G: Better than me; great winrate; very good KDAs; plays captain's mode

                              B: Limited variety of heroes

                              I suck


                                Good: Your shadow shaman > Mine
                                Bad: Smurfing.. You need to believe man. Stick to your main, your mmr isn't inflated nor deflated. You're where you belong.

                                Three Leaves

                                  G: Very high skill level matches; very large variety of heroes; great winrate

                                  B: Average KDA


                                    G: Not bad winrate in premade.

                                    B: 49% wr while playing in Normal skill bracket etc, etc, etc.


                                      G: Consistently picks some heroes, above average winrate on them.
                                      B: Consistently picks some heroes, somewhat average kda, though it's rising in the past 3 months.

                                      Rektdalf the White

                                        G: overal nice winrate, rather large hero pool, your spectre and phoenix scores <3
                                        B : large disparity in your dire/radian winrate - 8%, you seem to die alot on most of your heroes that equals lowish KDAs,


                                          G: Plays various heroes and roles. Somewhat high winrate and kda, keep it up. Nice winstreak!
                                          B: Low lasthits count, dedicated support player? :o

                                          Banho dos Campeões

                                            G: Pretty good ES and Spectre win rate
                                            B: Win rate overal


                                              G: teach me how to win so many unranked. i tend to be around 60-65% with a 2 stack and in a 5 stack the winrate sucks
                                              B: nothing major.

                                              haru yo koi

                                                G: Winrates and very high bracket.
                                                B: Can't really see anything bad :D


                                                  G: Hero pool, many different heroes in the first page
                                                  B: High Skill / KDA kinda low

                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                      G: Pro support
                                                      B: omni KDA is meh

                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                        G: SF lover, great Ember

                                                        B: Sentinel winrate, dies a lot

                                                          Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            Hey, you skipped me

                                                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                G: Seems to be a very expierienced mid player - nice ranked Winrate
                                                                B: 30% invoker Winrate :V

                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore


                                                                    G: Very good support player - nice winrate in top heros

                                                                    B: longer lose streak than win streak :V


                                                                      Oh, my bad then. Sorry! Here's something else: 27% io winrate

                                                                      G: Nice winstreak.
                                                                      B: Spams one hero too often (but I guess you just wanted to raise the mmr easily to match your hidden rank)


                                                                        Good - teach me how to play ember
                                                                        Bad - most kill storm (46) and most assist venge (46) but still lost


                                                                          I guess u are about 2k-3k based on ur dotabuff

                                                                          Good things : Positive winrate, U seem to win a lot games lately, good winrates on most played heroes, dat last hit record ;D
                                                                          bad stuff: fairly low skill level account, keep playing bro, and u still have many heroes u have never played / won with

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                                                                            Good: good on abaddon
                                                                            Bad: winless on earth spirit.


                                                                              g: high mmr, high winrate, variety on roles. most bought item blink dagger

                                                                              b: idk, seems pretty balanced. lost ur longest match Q.Q


                                                                                @janppa yep i just 3.4 rmm

                                                                                Good - es makes me orgasm
                                                                                Bad - pudge picker


                                                                                  G- Rank mmr 56%/ ur top hero is really good...
                                                                                  B- nyx

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                      @rundll32 that storm game was 2v5, and I had to abandon that venge game ~.~


                                                                                      G: Successful techies player
                                                                                      B: Why did you queue in SE Asia? D:


                                                                                        G- Good rubick win rate compare to mine =D
                                                                                        B- your puck


                                                                                          g: good at using many different heros
                                                                                          b: kda isn‘t well enough


                                                                                            G: versatile hero pool.
                                                                                            B:fluctuating skill bracket(?)

                                                                                            Meepo Lord

                                                                                              G: wow wever pro, wow kda pro, wow eow eow propropro

                                                                                              B: what? Normal skill? Wtf? Looking pro in normal skill? Raping the 2k and 3k for fun? Stak abuse?

                                                                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                G: SF lover, great Geo win rate

                                                                                                B: thinks he belongs in better mmr, enjoy dropping back where you belong trash

                                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                  G: SF lover, great Geo win rate

                                                                                                  B: thinks he belongs in better mmr, enjoy dropping back where you belong trash


                                                                                                    Good: Captain's mode and Single draft winrates.

                                                                                                    Bad: Double post. Too short longest winning streak for the skill you show.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!