General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
3striker (brb eat yogurt ...

    g: good guy mod unlocked best thread
    b: beastmaster picker >:(

    Little Crow

      All round consistent player with strong stats,

      No idea what that profile pic is tho


        Pleb destroyer , 62% winrate .
        Smurf :(


          G Picked meta heroes on this patch
          B Still lose

          '96 Neve Campbell

            G Win rate, general stats
            B Gross beastmaster smurf


              Losing streaks are always followed by wining ones, good luck young one ;)


                G: 16 winstreak Pog
                B: fuck ton of abandons

                3striker (brb eat yogurt ...

                  g: very big mid hero pool and 1% supporting on qop :thinking:
                  b: tinker picker


                    g: techies player

                    b: techies player


                      Wp on that OD. You really carried your team there.



                        g: Nice tinker and Invoker picker, Winrate 70% / 69.77% on Invoker & Tinker, even better than my 1st Dota Account. (I having 50%/ 44% in my 1st account Tinker / Invoker games.)

                        b: Feel bad for your 4 loses, after 11 winning streak, Legend 1 life must be tough.~

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          G: Visage Spammer
                          B: Visage Spammer


                            G: Plays support heroes
                            B: Should play more all random

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              + nice ranked win rate

                              - meepo lul

                              Disturbed Jawker

                                G: Extremely high skill blue star dota professional
                                B: low hero pool lol


                                  G: High Win Rate
                                  B: I feel that at your current MMR level you should decide what role to play most of the time, it seems weird to have almost 50/50 support and core at that level of play.

                                  haru yo koi

                                    G: Good mix of support/cores.
                                    B: Spamming Lifestealer

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                      G: Support player
                                      B: Most of your signature heroes is melee :D


                                        G: Versatile playstyle ranging from pubstomp lane winners to i farm and carry also versatile lane choosing .
                                        B: Broodmama .


                                          G: Very nice time play, just look at your activity of Dota2.
                                          B: AM, Invoker.


                                            + High skilled players, seems really know how to microing.

                                            - Barely playing ranked recently (not sure if this a bad thing lol)



                                              G: Nice Profile Pic and nice win streak recently.

                                              B: You play so many games almost every days? WOAHHH must be a student.~

                                              papito bravo


                                                G: Not an anime fangay
                                                B: Not a panda fanboi

                                                Ебучий колхозник

                                                  G: Panda fanboi
                                                  B: New acc


                                                    G: Windranger seems pretty nice for u

                                                    B: Not a Sonninmullikka fanboi


                                                      G : good treant player
                                                      B: Dirty hero spammer


                                                        G: likes playing support (especially cm)
                                                        B: tryhard rubick player

                                                          Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                          1 2 3 4

                                                            G: Very good win-rate on select support heroes (you'll like the new CM buff!)
                                                            B: Esports profile gives away that you're tryhard


                                                              fuck oyu


                                                                G: 4k
                                                                B: 4k
                                                                Pepegas in chat please

                                                                boring personality

                                                                  G: You seem like a versatile player
                                                                  B: Seem to not be playing core recently


                                                                    Versatile player luuuul nice one Anker

                                                                    Shure SM57

                                                                      GOOD : decent winrate on his most played heroes
                                                                      BAD : used name like "anime girl #254507"

                                                                      Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                                        G: decent arc
                                                                        B: Sub 50 wr in archon 3


                                                                          G: better than me
                                                                          B: Im a crusader scrub what do i know

                                                                          Disturbed Jawker

                                                                            G: You are able to win games with terrorblade
                                                                            B: Sub 50 wr in crusader

                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              G: Decent winrate and versatile
                                                                              B: Claims to be the king of the 3ks despite having more than 3k mmr :/


                                                                                g: higher mmr than me
                                                                                b: female
                                                                                b: had that long ass thread where people flame


                                                                                  G : Versatile Core
                                                                                  B : Low MMR :(


                                                                                    G: chad techies player dicks out
                                                                                    B: where's ur main bruv


                                                                                      G: not a spammer like me :D ( but i dont realy call it spamming i call it become a master :$ )
                                                                                      B: not a single real game with clinkz ! :|

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                        G: has a tonnnn of clinkz games, more than me! Clinkz carries his teams it seems!

                                                                                        B: Has probably never played a support hero in his life, means he could be greedy?


                                                                                          G: succeeding in playing skelly Archer in offlane
                                                                                          B: DAT winrate and troll jungle

                                                                                          Muhammad Sumbul

                                                                                            Wasn't this thread dead already wtf?
                                                                                            G:Support player
                                                                                            B: PLayed tech recently


                                                                                              G: SEA pog carry high winrate on most of his heroes
                                                                                              B: actually pepega sniper player


                                                                                                g: winstreak using treant cm and jakiro which is an achievement on it's own also 54% winrate at high mmr and a cool hero pool
                                                                                                b: hasn't touched his main heroes in 20 years, steam names include i hate untermenschen and he has a techies achievement


                                                                                                  ^treant right now is sleeper op IMO,he can punish certain lineup really hard and his ult is valuable against these magic immune core
                                                                                                  G: fellow Chad support player
                                                                                                  B:60% winrate but still normal/high skill only


                                                                                                    G: playing supp mostly recently
                                                                                                    B: more than 2400 matches and very high skill and yet crusader VII? wtf dotabuff? and not playing ranked that much.


                                                                                                      G: main clinkz
                                                                                                      B: main clinkz

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!