General Discussion

General DiscussionYour daily dose of entertaintment

Your daily dose of entertaintment in General Discussion

    HǣL: so watch a replay and tell me what im doing wrong

    Zenoth: why not your current game
    Zenoth: first mistake - no animation cancelling
    Zenoth: mised first blood on invoker
    Zenoth: because you didnt cancel between attacks
    Zenoth: you could have landed two more hits
    Zenoth: by moving and cancelling your backswing
    Zenoth: you just stood and attacked

    HǣL: you are telling me stuff people dont do in the actual game

    Zenoth: ???
    Zenoth: people dont do in the actual game?

    HǣL: only stuff people say when spectating

    Zenoth: i do that
    Zenoth: everyone i play against do that
    Zenoth: its a basic skill at my level
    Zenoth: i get phase boots over treads on TA because raw damage goes better with animation cancelling than raw attack speed
    Zenoth: since i will be chasing more than hitting a static target
    Zenoth: if you're going to say that the points i point out are "stuff only spectators will say" then you're simply not going to improve
    Zenoth: also you shouldnt be pulling against invoker when you have spectre as the lane carry
    Zenoth: its a 2v1 lane and you can zone invoker and keep him at level 1
    Zenoth: isntead of pulling and let spectre get zoned out
    Zenoth: now he's forced to hide in the trees and stay behind the wave
    Zenoth: now you're too underlevelled to trade hits with invoker

    HǣL: you think i dont know this?

    Zenoth: well you're not doing it
    Zenoth: your death was avoidable
    Zenoth: you could have zapped him
    Zenoth: and he would have less damage

    HǣL: because no one is following up or showing that i can trust them

    Zenoth: for that four hits on you

    HǣL: yes i know

    Zenoth: and you didnt do it

    HǣL: because this game is over
    HǣL: and im talking to you

    Zenoth: the blame game so easy to play
    Zenoth: you can just read my comments when the game is over
    Zenoth: you stacked disable with sand king's stun on legion
    Zenoth: wasted about 1 second of his stun

    HǣL: yes i know

    Zenoth: the difference literally costed that engage
    Zenoth: fed legion one duel win
    Zenoth: instead of an easy gank

    HǣL: or cause Axe missed ult

    Zenoth: yes
    Zenoth: but you also stacked stun
    Zenoth: and if you didnt?

    HǣL: doesnt matter

    Zenoth: it would have had been a succesful gank
    Zenoth: so now your teammates are like
    Zenoth: "this rubick is shit he stacks stun"
    Zenoth: i cant trust him
    Zenoth: and you're like "oh its axe's fault"
    Zenoth: and its not going to go anywhere

    HǣL: yes but i know they're bad

    Zenoth: and they know you're bad too

    HǣL: thats why i refuse to try as much

    Zenoth: HAHA

    HǣL: good
    HǣL: thats why we lose

    Zenoth: you refuse to try as much
    Zenoth: then you are dragging down the team
    Zenoth: you are the scum that you so despise

    HǣL: after i see them make misplays

    Zenoth: after they see you make misplays?
    Zenoth: how is the same excuse not applicable to them?
    Zenoth: people make one small msitake and they must be terrible?
    Zenoth: god forbid i miss a single last hit in lane and my support says "fuck off you cant farm for shit let me take the farm"
    Zenoth: this is the kind of attitude that loses games

    HǣL: i watch you and make a shitton of mistakes too

    Zenoth: right so tell me about them
    Zenoth: if its true its something i want to work on
    Zenoth: not find excuses for

    HǣL: like i saw you playing terrorblade and you tried to do the small camp
    HǣL: and you wasted 5-7 seconds trying to fit your illusion
    HǣL: in the small camp
    HǣL: rather than cutting another tree
    HǣL: with blade

    Zenoth: which small camp
    Zenoth: radiant bottom?

    HǣL: yes

    Zenoth: i was probably farming the lane was my hero and the jungle with my illusion

    HǣL: Excuses

    Zenoth: i need to look at it to see if it would have been more efficient

    HǣL: youre just like me

    Zenoth: right
    Zenoth: look at what i just said
    Zenoth: i need to look at it to see if it woul dhave been more efficient
    Zenoth: not "i purposely play badly because my teammates are shit"

    HǣL: 16:33
    HǣL: sand king
    HǣL: thats why i dont try

    Zenoth: and they're like
    Zenoth: 8:30
    Zenoth: rubick
    Zenoth: thats why i dont try
    Zenoth: and its goes on and on

    HǣL: and we lose
    HǣL: gg
    HǣL: thats fine by me
    HǣL: and thats why matchmaking is bad

    Zenoth: no
    Zenoth: you're just
    Zenoth: toxic
    Zenoth: you're why its bad

    HǣL: no sir

    Zenoth: matchmaking should stop people with attitiudes like yours
    Zenoth: from playing
    Zenoth: because they drag down the morale
    Zenoth: of the team

    HǣL: then they would listen to me

    Zenoth: but matchmaking has no way of knowing
    Zenoth: you have a shitty attitude
    Zenoth: so you simply end up with a lower mmr
    Zenoth: which reflects
    Zenoth: your attitude

    HǣL: you really have a piss poor attitude about this. and you are only saying this cause im playing sub par while having a convo with your dumbass
    HǣL: you expect me to play correctly while you are blasting my steam?

    Zenoth: i already said you didnt need to reply until your game was over

    HǣL: i dont do that

    Zenoth: i help plenty of people analyze their games live

    HǣL: then coach

    Zenoth: they dont reply during the game and say shit like

    HǣL: now you ruined my ranked game

    Zenoth: oh fuck you were talking to me
    Zenoth: i was coaching
    Zenoth: but you're like
    Zenoth: oh no its not my mistake i simply cant trust the team
    Zenoth: well of course if you think that way you're never going to make a so called mistake
    Zenoth: everything is your team's fault
    Zenoth: "this fucking chink"
    Zenoth: alrighty
    Zenoth: to the dotabuff forums

    HǣL: What is?

    Zenoth: "sorry guys i'm arguing with someone" "this fucking chink is bothering me"
    Zenoth: have fun

    HǣL: yes, i didnt pay a single lick of attention
    HǣL: to this game
    HǣL: cause of your messages

    Zenoth: and i told you that you could fucking wait until the game was over to explasin yourself
    Zenoth: BUT NO

    HǣL: you say the dumbest shit sometimes and i have to reply
    HǣL: I said, Watch a REPLAY.
    HǣL: I didnt say watch my game now and spam my messages
    HǣL: which block my shop
    HǣL: btw


    >I immediately regret my decision.

    I tried my best, but "this fucking chink" has reached the limits of his patience with this idiot.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      ^rofl you fucking chink :D :D :D :D: D: D:D :D :


        10/10 would read again, he seems smart


          zenoth he prove his point, you clearly suck hard


            Is he STILL on your friend(lolhehasnone)list?

            Dire Wolf

              Hm I must be noob, you can cancel backswing for more attacks? On all heroes or just ones with big backswing animations? How does it work?



                you can cancel the attack backswing which is reduced by attack speed. in this example, rubick has a backswing of 0.77 seconds which is modified by his near non-existant attack speed, so that gives you about 0.5 seconds to catch up with the enemy between each hit.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  He just got flamed by Arteezy on stream lol

                  bum farto

                    Left main account possibly due to constant mutes or being in LP, or just a bad rating that he refuses to accept, buys fresh account (time of purchase and kills it.


                      OMG I actually read the whole thing.


                        Why u no tell him he is Dendi+Mushi combined and all others must bow before him. Btw wtf is a chink.




                            tldr a guy is a dumbass and zenoth seems none the wiser.

                            "fool me once, shame on you.
                            fool me twice, shame on me."


                              well it's a fine line between being optimistic about people and being foolish

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                but hey
                                he messed up because you were messaging him

                                how could you zenoth


                                  hahahahah. BUT NO HAHAHHAHAHE


                                    Does dota have a Darwin Award or some equivalent we can give this guy?


                                      Just ignore, waste of time.


                                        Zenothhh comment on this game plzzzzzz

                               why game so hard QQ


                                          eblade dagon 5 too stronk


                                            “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

                                            ― Mark Twain

                                            wish you all the best in your real life hael.

                                            Dotabuff prohibits Freedom

                                              what animation cancel? do a gif or video

                                              Dotabuff prohibits Freedom

                                                you mean attacking > moving > attacking to reduce the animation?


                                                  Im pretty sure I read somewhere cancelling animation does not increase your attack speed what so ever. It does in fact allow you to position better before the next attack command is issued.


                                                    it doesnt increase your attack speed but backswing animation is useless.
                                                    you just cancel it to land more hits or position batter.

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      Like animation cancelling sniper can attack you and keep up with you because his animation is almost 100% backswing. You move after you shoot the "bullet" and cancel the useless recoil animation.

                                                      Dotabuff prohibits Freedom

                                                        so its just "moving" to cancel THAT animation? holy fuck people are supposed to know this and hael doesnt LOL

                                                        Dotabuff prohibits Freedom

                                                          i thought there was some bug with animation cancelling that allowed you to do two hits in one or something like that


                                                            lol are you surprised that he doesnt know shit about dota?


                                                              holy shit that Arteezy flame lol

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                can someone link me to the vod of where he get flamed?


                                                                  4:41:40 <<< Don't know how to link a stream to a certain time, but that's when the game starts.

                                                                  HǣL @5:04:20

                                                                  HǣL: I didn't help in lane because that's Rhasta's job
                                                                  Arteezy: ok here's the plan
                                                                  Arteezy: you must not feed
                                                                  Arteezy: and we will win this game
                                                                  HǣL: you just did
                                                                  HǣL: so gg
                                                                  PA: can you fucking shut up treant
                                                                  HǣL: you make me want to feed with that attitude

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    pancakes are so good

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    kanye went to uni


                                                                      Arteezy: "arlight i dont wanna paly bleu [Hael] u r a fucking idiot"
                                                                      Hael: "you guys really have no clue how to play"

                                                                      That actually included Arteezy apparently rofl


                                                                        hael just gave me a free win yesterday so no complaints from me

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          he seems to be getting worse.........


                                                                            dumbass he was on the other team, obviously it's a free win since he's probably something like 3.9k mmr playing in a 4.6k account

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              can u not reply to me with ur iq20 posts thanks


                                                                                if ur talking about hael then i retract my statement

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  I was waiting for you to pick up on that :)

                                                                                  Miku Plays

                                                                                    hes having fun :D

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      It is hilarious watching the vod of hael, he legitimately believes he is a 6k MM player


                                                                                        He must be trolling.

                                                                                        I refuse to belive he is that legit with the delusions.


                                                                                          ZENOTH LOVE ME PLS

                                                                                          Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                            congrats for putting up with it for so long zenoth, sometime, would you be able to coach me in game do you think, i can offer items or $

                                                                                            bum farto

                                                                                              Hael was probably around 3600+/- on his old accout. For him to deem a 4.6K account worth it he had to have been well below the 4k's to make it worth his while cause no dumbass would pay for an account about 500MMR higher......unless you're maybe hael.


                                                                                                haffoc butger

                                                                                                bum farto



                                                                                                    I just saw the VOD. He pitches negativity early on, and for the smallest of things. The score was 6-5 in favor of his team and RTZ had like 3k in the bank and this guy keeps calling gg.


                                                                                                      looooooooooooooool ggwp