General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    welcome all my subjects to page 1867

    Аня Тейлор-Джой

      Glad to be here sir!


        Аня Тейлор-Джой

          Nice drawing <3


            as a virgin fapping on off days feels so good





                Аня Тейлор-Джой


                  smurfs = no balls

                    Ayy lmao

                    smurfs = no balls

                      Im really bored

                      standin. Maxshiner

                        Ayy lmao... I first saw this post back in 2016, such were the times. Surprised this post is not dead yet kekw





                              the russian video with the old dota clips hit hard, reminded me of this

                              Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                Ayy lmao

                                Dust 2 Survivor

                                  AYYYYYY LMAO


                                    but then 7.00 was dogshit and game never recovered



                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        was 7.00 even bad? i only remember that it was a dw & pango patch and they added a bunch of items, but nothing else

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          nevermind i mixed it all up that was 7.07 or something

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            actually just wanna dump an essay here apropos of nothing, 2017 style (even though i should probably go to sleep). theres like 3.5 people that still read this thread but whatever

                                            i always was extremely skeptical when people said "such and such was the best version of dota, then it all went to shit" because when they say it they almost always mean "i enjoyed dota most when it was such and such, after that point my enjoyment faded" - and personal enjoyment is compounded of so much subjective shit (your life situation, amount of friends playing with you, your current mmr/bracket, how new you are to dota etc.) that even if the objectively best version of dota does exist, its impact on your enjoyment is lost in the noise and there's no point in talking about "best dota" on these terms

                                            i also was mostly positive about any new changes up to the time i quit - partly because i liked being a stinky contrarian who doesn't whine about every new feature but also because the game can only survive if it constantly evolves, it generally gets better with time and your fav version of dota probably wouldn't even exist without such changes (even if you think that the best dota was in 2008, that's nonetheless 4+ years worth of devs throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks).

                                            i was very positive about changes that made support less of a 30 min brownboots-forcestaff meme and more of an actual interesing pos to play (ghost scepter not interrupting tp, cheaper consumables, glimmer etc.). i was positive about rubberband mechanics (initial values were legitimately insane, but after tweaks it was great) punishing both pub and pro players for hubris. i was positive about backpack even though i kinda liked the inventory puzzle aspect because it put a limit on how realistically strong your hero was going to get and made item-based power spikes more meaningful. i liked the concept of talents even though their execution was always very flawed and uneven. i wasn't a fan of shrines but i never thought they were terrible. there were global trends i wasn't happy about (mainly the ever-increasing insanity of cosmetics and battle passes and the slow powercreep across the board) but in general if i toss away my personal feelings i think the game was only ever betting better from 2014 to 2018, and i only quit because i was bored and didn't have time to play anyway.

                                            but i think i finally understood all the naysayers when i heard they added neutral items to the game. i never played a game of dota with neutral items, i never even watched a full game of dota with neutral items so i have no idea if it actually makes the game better (it probably doesn't). but the very concept of neutral items is so alien to me, i wouldn't want them even i somebody showed me decisive evidence that it was the best feature ever. dota with neutral items is somebody else's dota, in my ape brain it just doesn't compute. there's no way i'm coming back to a version of dota with netural items in it, though i probably wouldn't pick up the game again even if they were never introduced (if you play dota and have a fulltime job then you either do only those 2 things or you turn into a 3k soyjak dad who plays on weekends and posts on r/dota2, and neither looks appealing to me)

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              is that a pasta?


                                                idk there is just too much shit in the game now.


                                                  neutral items is just like the most meaningless change, i dont think it achieves anything.

                                                  i hated shrines but at least it felt like there was some intent to it. neutral items just feel boring and useless.

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    idk there is just too much shit in the game now.

                                                    are you sure you're not just getting old? when we started playing, the gmae already had 100+ heroes and comparable amount of items. i think that "too much shit" threshold has been crossed long ago. piling up shit is one of the only ways for a game like dota to remain playable for years on end imo


                                                      It has nothing to do with adding heroes, there is no issue adding heroes ever. It's about giving every hero 2 extra spells and putting so many items in the game while also giving supports more gold. Ontop of that talents also change ur abilities even further, which in my opinion its retarded if u play vs a hero that stuns u and u used to counter that by buying bkb and then he reaches a certain lvl and the stun just goes through magic immunity cause of a talent or aghs shard or some dumb shit.

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        i can't speak for the last 3 years and idk about extra spells but the general trend with supports having more shit is great. when i started playing the game was still in the state where supports were sort of adjunct to pos1/2 and i can't think of a good reason to prefer that to what we got several years down the line, supports just played a shittier version of dota back then

                                                        shit going through spell immunity isn't a problem either imo, sure from a soloq dead inside 1v9 perspective being able to just press a button and not give a shit was great and now you have to rely on your teammates much more, but dota shouldn't necessarily cater to that kind of player. "press X to get a big dick" is a dumb concept, and the game is overall better off without it. like, there's this misconception that dota is better the more your personal skill affects the game outcome and if you're good you should win 60%+ or else game's bad. it's complete bullshit, if somebody wants to have high win% off of their enormous skill they should go play chess or some shit


                                                          low elo opinion

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            cope harder


                                                              i feel like they reduced the amt of random shit that went through spell immunity now honestly. talents on release were really dumb and a lot of different talents were abused like the xp and gold ones or the death timer ones, but honestly i like the current meta a lot, with just a few exceptions like tiny and maybe et and weaver or smth. feels very balanced.

                                                              feels like some of u just havent actually played the game since shrines were in and dont actually know anything abt the current state.


                                                                yes, and?


                                                                  Dotes is a good game which is spoiled by those human dregs which play outside of their MMR (both above and below)


                                                                    best version was when neutral creeps spawned only every 2 minutes


                                                                      I played Dota and randomed pugna and nuked ppl. Teamfight poggers


                                                                        i mean idc, play or dont play

                                                                        just saying i think ur takes are a bit outdated by like 2 years


                                                                          my takes are extremely high elo you should all sit down quietly and listen

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            7k in 2019 = 4k in 2021, youre not that high elo


                                                                              Alenari has invited you to a 1v1: Accept [x] Decline []


                                                                                we all have 7k friends bro


                                                                         look at me guys poggggggggers

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    is that bulgarian?


                                                                                      its russian :clueless:


                                                                                        Who is next?)

                                                                                        Chairman Mao is Dearest

                                                                                          cyrillic = russian


                                                                                            cyrillic = russian

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              this isnt cyrillic its bulgarian :facepalm:

                                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!