General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker

Invoker in General Discussion

    Guys can you help me become better invoker player.
    I'm player with 4.9k solo mmr and 4.5k party mmr and its my smurf account that i plays with my m8s.
    I usually playes offlane/midlane role and i does really well with every offlane/carry/mid hero expect invoker. When i watch good players play invoker they farms really fast and snowball quite hard. But thats not case for me . I usually gets midas+aquaela+brown boots in 6-8 minutes and still cant find enough farm/exp to snowball/carry my team. Any suggestions??


      Git gut


        My invo is shit so I dont know how effective my tips will be, but after watching RTZ's invo I thought that I dont have to be that great of an invo spell caster like w33 and Miracle. I can play invo like some sort of splitpushing, fast farming hero and 20 ~ 25 mins into the game if Im usually higher in terms of networth than the enemy, my high networth can cover up for my fails in landing/ fast casting spells. (Not saying that RTZ cant cast spells or land them, I meant that his fast farm inspired this way to me). TLDR: If yoy cant play this hero well learn to fast farm with this hero first.


          checkout my last game.

          [GD]S373N D4YS👀👀

            4 game invoker in this acc? y mad bro?


              Stack camps, meatball camps, bath in gold.


                So can you give me replay for you last invoker game l. Maybe that will help

                [GD]S373N D4YS👀👀

                  First pick invoker or 2 pick voke ~40-55% win rate bec enemy pick hero "DOOM, VOID, Disraptor" and more focus hero against you.
                  If you pick voker last pick y have ~70-90% chanse to win. my experience for 2500games this hero) "top 50voker"

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    About RTZ when I watch RTZ invoker games usually he's teammates greates lot of space for him to free farm




                        Thank you for advice BTW can you tell me what is worst hero to play against as an invoker

                        [GD]S373N D4YS👀👀

                          Sir 560games KDA 3.3 really small =\


                            And I forget to ask something. What do think invoker's main goal in early/mid game?? Trying to snowball hard or focus more on flash farming. And what do think about quas/wex invoker . Some people told me its good against hero like medusa anti mage but for me it feels like quas/exort is better for even anti mage and medusa cuz i think high burst damage is better than mana burn and disable


                              ^No way, Ive played a decent amouny of dusa games and tornado emp invo is a nightmare while meteor blast invo is a mere cat.


                                I though that in late game invoker will have emp tornado meteor db combo ready so it doesnt really matter if its quas/wex and quas/exort and in early game medusa is not that tanky so with forge spirit meteor cold snap you can still kill medusa. Am I right or not? I don't know


                                  i have 3000+ invoker games. this is smurf bra ;) also Kda dosnt matter.


                                    oh nice 1700 gmaes!!! <3 invoker

                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                      Quas exort Focus on farming and get a few pick off, if you go as quas wex just gank as much as you can.


                                        Get more than 200cs
                                        Use choas metor db combo
                                        U can cyclone and sunstrike then do the rest of the combo


                                          use icewall and alacrity alot!

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!