General Discussion

General DiscussionHow good is PA mid?

How good is PA mid? in General Discussion

    PA is pretty popular this patch. Is PA mid solid?
    Give me the pros and cons


      In my experience she kind of shits on invoker.
      + She will always get farm with dagger
      + Good harass with dagger
      - Not very good farmer without battlefury
      - Most of the time needs a BKB to avoid getting kited or dmg

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        Tried it 1 game vs an Invoker, had a pretty good Performance (18/5/14) altough we still lost. Went for Phase Aquilla Vanguard Deso BKB Abyssal. Only way I can see it working if you got a pure utility offlaners (but not Void) and more lockdown on your supports. Also you gotta line-up vs a mid which can only harass with right clicks (which Exort Invoker is early, QW can be a Problem), aswell as generally squishy opponents. Highly situational, but can work.

        stupid fuck 2000

          I think she kinda gets rekt by most popular mids, Alch, Tinker and Timber come to mind. She's fine against invoker though, that's true. However, if I wanted to counter invoker in lane I would just pick phantom lancer who is much more reliable and an all around better hero.

          Dire Wolf

            If you want to mid a melee hero go jug. Impossible to gank or for a nuker to kill with spin and can heal up with bottle and healing ward


              ^^ jugg loses a lot of mid match ups........

              and since his spells cost alot of mana.. the spells are not reliable if he used them once already to avoid a spell or to heal himself.. his farm is not reliable in mid lane vs a hero like Alch, invoker, puck, tinker, not at all..

              PA atleast can sit in the back and farm with her dagger.. and if ur not against a heavy magic dmg nuker, she doesn't need too much regen, she can harrass with a ring of basilus, and she can even gank at lvl 6 or earlier with the ri ght rune..

              once lvl 5/6 comes along, she can actually threaten to kill enemy by spaming Q at lvl 5 and finishing the job at lvl 6..

              PA is much scarier than jugg, do not listen to this 3k dire wolf..

              if enemy is pudge mid, or a weak laner, sure jugg is ok. .but not reliable.

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              Johnny Rico

                I hate people that go pa mid, its useless most of the times, pick a mid hero like shadow friend or qop of pain.


                  I love it my mmr(~2.7k). I still like going HOTD>battlefury practically always because if I can't finish off early, atleast I can still farm and stay in the game. Get PMS + tangoes + 2 pooled tangoes. U need that much regen to survive lane. Goal is to get qb, boots, and basi up asap so you can continue dagger harass. Start harassing with dagger lvl 2 till then use for CS. Finish up treads, aquila and gank whenever you get good rune/see out of position enemies. Ask support to rotate mid for ganks. Finish hotd, then work on bfury then whatever. I've had great success with it for the past few games.

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    qop of pain rofl


                      I think you should go cm mid :D


                        blademail is nice on pa!


                          blademail is better against pa


                            i would only pick pa mid against invoker


                              I think wolf is right that jig is a better mid then pa , there's a reason you'll see pros go mid jugger but not mid pa.


                                ive seen only qo and s4 go jug mid
                                qo and rtz on pa
                                but ye i think jug is viable in more cases

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Meracle does mid jug often and actaully does it in current meta as in esl one and Manila major have they mid pa in a big tournament this meta ?

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    I'm sure if pa was played as much as jugg was professionally you'd eventually see her mid. But there's a reason you don't see pros play pa.


                                      That maybe true bear . As a jug player ever time I tried him mid it was a cake walk I don't think I could do the same with pa but It's prob cuz I am not as good at pa.


                                        Went PA mid against Invoker, phase aquila bf bkb abyssal ac mkb. Got fine farm 47 by 10 minutes (enemy invoker only got 32). Didn't get ganked so that's the enemies support's fault. You have to buy your own sentries so he can't just ghost walk away though because your supports certainly won't buy them.


                                          Why are people repeatedly mentioning invoker? What is so special about that match up?

                                          Final Boss

                                            cs meteor deafening blast when she jumps you=dead pa


                                              When they go Jugg mid they have a support who is either roaming around the lane or keeping a close eye for all possible ganks and responds super quick to ganks................

                                              making any hero viable in that mid position..

                                              pro dota is not solo que .


                                                Jugg and pa mid are pretty viable in solo q

                                                My 6.8k friend picks jugg mid to fight invoker all the time

                                                sin blyadi

                                                  as bad as pa carry


                                                    not bad.................


                                                      If I see someone going PA mid I will just go Omniknight Mid and wreck the PA.

                                                      Legend 4/5 forever

                                                        Holy Shit omni mid rofl


                                                          Waste to get bottle on mid PA?


                                                            bottle is good on mid pa and pa mid rapes invoker


                                                              pa mid is pretty good against most squishy heroes that dont have good sustain in lane


                                                                I tried mid PA last game and imo bottle would be a waste. I had enough mana with just raindrops.

                                                                Pablo Picasso

                                                                  Ahh PA, some really smart ones went rat strategy with this one due to her 3rd-skill; which put her off the "radar" unless you "eyeball it"

                                                                  sumail fan

                                                                    PA mid does not necessarily rape invoker. Instead of Forge Spirits+Snap build, one should go Meteor+Snap and queue a Deafening Blast afterwards. Don't forget Invoker is also one of the best nukers in the game. A squishball like PA would be obliterated if she tanks one of that. And quite frankly, with a well placed combo what choice does she have?


                                                                      @Sunabonzu you sound like an adult trying to sound cool by using words he hears his kids say.
                                                                      But yes pa best fits as a mid game fighter to transition into a split pusher.


                                                                        jugg or PA mid can work against a mid hero that doesn't have alot of ways to harass
                                                                        playing them mid against tinker,qop,etc is pretty dumb


                                                                          jugg is better against those though because he can spin and those heroes will have trouble finishing the kill, but yeah thats not a good lane for either of them.

                                                                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                            poor mans shield + 1 lvl blur and you ll be fine + you dont need to hug the wave cuz u can lasthit with dagger, idk she is not bad just dont rush brown boots bf and remember that you are not safelane.


                                                                              Like everything in this game, it's situational.